2010 Overview:

From the information available, reoccurent report topics throughout the year are aviation updates in regards to Flight 3407 and politics.

After 50 died in Clarence, Flight 3407 families made flying safer. Airlines  are still pushing back

Flight 3407 victims. Photo from The Radford Files collection


Month Overview


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Radford provides updates on Colgan Flight 3407 throughout the months February, March, April, and May.

  • February 2: Board Meeting for Aircraft Accident Report in regards to Flight 3407 as the anniversary nears
  • February 12: One year since Flight 3407 crashed. Buffalo News sits down with victims families again to discuss how they are coping. Local papers write on the victims and the transition from grieft to remembrance.
  • March: Buffalo News continues to discuss what happened and what caused the Flight 3407 to crash. Radford tells viewers there is no way to say for sure a crash like this will not happen again, but the victims families are continuing to advocate and lobby for aviation safety measures to be updates. One recent success Radford reports on regards piolet training which has been upped from 250 hours of trianing to 800 hours in a variety of weather ocnditions. Radford assures viewers this will help piolets be more prepared and confiedent.

I'd Rather Drive A Toyota Than Fly The Skies Of America | Niagara At Large


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Continuing from Febrauary and March Radford updates viewers on Flight 3407 families continuing to lobby in congress. They are adament and deterimened to push their cause. The rate of chnage has been slow over the past 14 months.


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Radford reports on various political new stories.

  • Segment: Updates regarding the continuation of lobbying from Flight 3407 families
  • Segment: Presdient Obama vistis Buffalo
  • Segment: Jason Dunham, the marine who sacrificed his life to safe two other marines, will be honored by the US Navy who have named a ship after him: USS Jason Dunham. Radford had reported on his family recieving an honor of medal on his behalf in January 2007.


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