Month |
Overview |
Radford dicscuss foreign economic affairs in relation to Japan and their car industry.
- Important Topic: Official timeline of the Gulf War is filed in January
- January 26: Superbowl between Washington Redskins and Buffalo Bills
Continuing from January, Radford reports center around the American car industry and factory production. Radford explains to viewers how the American assembly line, though beloved for decades, is no longer desired nor effective, especailly with rising competition (in Japan).
- February 17: Radford reports the offical verdict for serial killer and cannibal Jeffery Dahmer. Dahmer is found sane and guilty of 15 counts of murder sentenced to a fifteen life terms.
Reports center around analyzing companies that are opening plants abroad because it makes sence economically. In other words it is cheaper in terms of manufacturing and labor. Radford specifically reports on Mexican plants and describes the process of doing so, the benefits, and the impact/consequences on Americans.
- Segement: Focus on Aviation news such as the possibility locating Amelia Earhart's plane

Continuing report trends centered around economics, Radford discusses how labor shortages but also talks about local social unrest relate to anti-abortion protestors versus pro-choice clinic defenders.
Series: Radford hosts a the Help Wanted Campaign Series
This month Radford's reports cover a variety of topics from local news, to the culture of Route 66 and its importance, and as well as the Good Morning America special.
- May 5-14: GMA and Regis special. Here Radford reports continually on Good Morning America and how it came to be the number one watched morning show in America. Radford discusses what the show's history entails, key persons on the show, as well as what it takes to be live on air for two hours.
As the school year winds down Radford discusses local school news. He also shares election news, which will occur later in the year, such as Dennis Gorski becoming the democratic forerunner.
- Radford recieves a folder regarding the air show at Niagara Falls which is held on June 7
Radford also updates viewers on the auto industry and economy in relation. However, he also reports on criminal actvity, specifically the unsolved abductions of a few girls.
- Segement: Seneca Nation stands against state sales tax on their reservations. They argue that the reservation is sovereign land and they are a sovereign nation.
Radford again reports on political news regarding the federal election and how Republicans are trailing. As a result Republicans hold a convention to plan more campaigns and boost their chances of re-election.
- Segment: Trial of Decland rackteering
Radford focuses his reports on the economy. This is unsurprising as the election nears and the economy influences individuals votes. In reagrds to the economy Radford specifically focuses on steel plant production impact.
- Segment: With his interest in aviation Radford does a short segment on how it has been 50 years since the first jet powered plane flew in the United States
The two main topics Radford spends his time reporting on regard local criminal activity and election updates. As the federal election nears the Republicans try to sabotage Democrats by attacking their economic policy. Radford explains how the are doing this and what it means. |
Radford and WBKW-TV cover the 1992 presidential election which occurs on Novemeber 3. Democrat Bill Clinton u;timately wins. |
Radford discusses how troops are being sent to Panama as a part of the new Panama Canal Mission. (These troop members had returned from the Gulf War not that long ago.) This will be both a military and humanitarian mission Radford explains to viewers. |