1994 Overview:

From the information available, reoccurent report topics throughout the year are O.J. Simpson case, the auto industry, and aviation news.

Photo from Buffalo News Online Article


Month Overview


Radford talks about local news. The two main topics discussed are criminal activity and the weather as freezing temperatures occur throughout the region.


Radford talks about the economy. Connecting back to a couple of reports he did last year regarding the auto industry Radford updates viewers.

  • February 22-25: series on small buisnesses. Radford discusses the importance of small, private buisnesses. He explains how they are the backbone of the economy and are a major employer across the US. He further describes how these buisnesses start, the cost, and the people behind them.


Economic and political debate surronding gambling. Therefore, throughout March and April Radford reports on the ongoing debate of if gambling should be legal. Additoinally, throughout April and May. Radford and his co-host spend several days discussing what goes into being a newscaster. They describe what it is like being on TV as well as how they decide what to speak on, and what point of view they present.


Throughout June and July Radford reports on the O.J. Simpson. He provides viewers with updates regarding his. The case is signifigant for Buffalo as Simpson is a Buffolnain and Bills legend; as a result he has local support from Buffalonians. Regardless of viewers stance on simpson, Radford explains, as objectively as possible, how the defense and prosecution are going about gathering their evidence and presenting their cases. In July he reports OJ's defense maintianing O.J.'s innocence and is offering a large cash reward to those who find the "real killer."


Continuing to focus on criminal activity, Radford focuses on local criminal activty as well as what forensic evidence is being used now in days.

  • Special: Tony Bennet visits WNY


Radford focuses his reports on foreign affairs regarding US military and governmental involvement in multiple countries including Haiti, Iraq, and Poland.

  • Haiti Segment: Specifically Radford reports a reflection on the 194 airforce unit which has taken part in virtually every US conflict in the past 50 years. However, they are assisting the invasion of Haiti. Americans forces are being sent to keep the peace, and they are unsure how long they will be there.
  • Poland Segment: Radford updates viewers on Poland and updates on Lech Walesa. Walesa was the first Polish president elected by popular vote in 1990.


Radford reports on the midterm election which is held November 8. In December, continuing his interest of aviation, Radford discusses how the National Transportation Safety Board assesses if temperatures are too low for flying.

  • Mini Series: "Are Prisons the Answer to Crime?" discusses local and national criminal activity and how it is being delt with.


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