Month |
Overview |
Buffalo Bills updates specifically on tightend Kevin Everett who was injured five months earlier. Radford interviews Everett regarding the book he wrote titled "Standing Tall" which gives an inside look on his injury, recovery, and overall health. This is the first time he is speaking pubixlly on what happened. |
Radford reports on medical and economic news relating to the 25 year anniversary of ago first Mercy Flight occured over New York. Now there are five helicopters, a landing pad in Buffalo, and many individuals being helped. |
Throughout March and April Radford and Buffalo News spend much their time reporting on political news regarding the relationship between local governments and the state government and the impact on the economy.
- March: Buffalo News recieves a confidential copy of the New York State Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness Report.
- April: Radford reveals there may be a possible tax break according to the copy of the NYS Commission Report. (The Commison was established in April 2007.) The report outlines how this would be done and Radford relays some of this to viewers. The report illsutrates the state's plan to cut the size and cost of local governemnts by one half. This would lessen the financial aid from the state governemtn to local governments allowing for tax breaks to ease the financial situation in New York (high property taxes). This would be a historic chnage for local governments.
- April: Radford recives a letter and is asked to do a follow up report by the Town of Olean's Councilman Bill McCarthy regarding local municipalities merging. McCarthy feels Radford did not repersent the impact on smaller communities like Olean.
Continuing from the previous two months, Radford discusses how locals about how they feel regarding NYS taxes; many of whom are fed up with the high cost. Individuals feel they are not seeing the supposed benefitial impact of high taxes; instead the only impact they are seeing is on their wallets.
May 16: Report NYS Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness Report is reviewed.
Radford's reports concetrate on local buisnesses and in relation economic news.
- Segment: Radford reveals in an airing the plans to reimagine Broadway Market which is struggling financially but the common council President David Franczyk is working to save the area. Franczyk's plans include bringing more tennents to the area and bring in better managment; he believes Broadway Market is struggling due to poor managment.
There is growing concern regarding the housing market, increase in layoffs, and gas prices. Buffalo News reports on all three of those topics and their economic impact on indivduals and Buffalo itself. Radford discusses how airlines have been hit especially hard because people cannot afford lesiurely travel anymore. Despite the economic hardship, Buffalo Aitport has been doing well because the flight prices are cheaper. |
Throughout the remainder of the year, reports, segments, and seires heavily focus on the economy and economic struggles many locals are feeling. The stock market crashed followed the housing market crash. Many indivduals were laid off (across the nation, this was not exclusive to Buffalo or New York) and thefirst of numerous foreclosures began
- Late August to Mid-September: Housing Market crash
- September 29: Stock market crashes as the stock market fell 777.68 points in intraday trading.
- November: Barack Obama, Democrat, wins the election
- November: Many individuals are in crisis mode following the economic crash and recession. Radford hosts a series focused on guiding individuals on how to find a job and states there is hope. The segments give individuals an inside look on how to interview on how the job market has changed and what companies/interviewers are looking for these days because it is more than just skill, it is personlaity Radford informs viewers. Radford also discusses how many companiesare hiring temps in place of permanent hirees to cut down on costs.
