Month |
Overview |
Radford reports on local and regional criminal activty.
- January 3: Serial killer in Rochester, 13 victims identified.
- January 5: Kathy Wilson murder case update (actualy murder occured over a year earlier)
Much of February is spent discussing the eocnomy and economic srtuggles. However, Radford also focus on local school news schools regarding the school board and angered students regarding an "unjust" suspension.
WBKW-TV reports disucss Niagra Falls and the local debate there to go English only. Radford, as a Canadian born citizen, reports on the implications of this. He states since the Falls are so close to Canada and many tourists come over, and in Cananda many citizens speak French. |
N/A - no information found |
Radford focuses on international affairs such as the octane problem and a local preventative crime measures.
- Series: "What If" series is hosted by Radford in conjunction with Buffalo Police. The series is devoted to educating the general public on various possible crime scenarios and how to avoid/deal with them.
- May 22-24: Great Gas Test series. The purpose of doing this series was to see if customers are getting what they pay for at the pump. The series gave a report anlysis on what type of gas one should use, why it "costs so much," and the Octane problem.
Radford centers his reports this month on local economic news. He uses the example of Western New York's involvement in the Stealth Bomber. A controversial project, but regardless it provided the area and people with jobs. |
Radford focuses on various aviation activity and news ranging from airports, to airlines, to planes, to helicopters. The focus on airports is important because Buffalo's airport is important for the local economy.
- Segment: Radford hosts a segment on Helicopter Expedition
Radford reports on international affairs with a focus on the middle east and oil. Radford discusses how oil prices increased. He again reports on criminal actity, specifically the FBI report comes out and Amherst is has the lowest crime rate when comparing it other major cities such as Atlanta and Miami Beach. This is important because Buffalo news is constantly reporting on criminal activity, this helps locals realize the area is not as dangerous as it seems.
- August 2: US enters the Persian Gulf
Radford mostly a relays local news, specifcally regarding local clubs and resturants and their importance to Buffalo's economy.
- September 12: Radford hosts a special segment on airforce veteran Lt. General Anthony Burshnick to speak to the airforce assosiaction.
Continuation of Radford reporting on the airforce. However, he also focuses on national events such as the Gulf War.
- Segement: "Hello from Home" letters sent from students to members in the military going to the Gulf
- October 10: Radford is in a plane (in the cockpit) and talks to members of the airforce in Western New York
Radford discusses political news as midterm elections occur. Radford discusses the canidates and election results.
- Novemeber 19-22: History of Buffalo news
- Segment: I-Paperown is a paper to offer locals to add variety and other points of view to locals news.
As the Persian Gulf conflict rises so does the airforce involvement. Radford updates viewers on what is occuring and why.
