Month |
Overview |
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Radford reports on local sports teams as he gives updates on them and how their games and performance impacts the local economy.
- Segment: Radford interview Tom Golisano who has bought the Sabres, not because he is a hockey fan, but because he believs it is important for Western New York and its economy. Buffalo news interviews Golisano, who is the entrepenuer and buisness owner of the Rochester company Paychex. Radford and Golisano discuss what he thinks of the team and Buffalo area (Golisano reports that he finds Buffalo a friendly area) as well as his political and economic goals/opinions. Golisano's states his opinion on the economy is that he believes small buisnesses and entrepenuers are the key to improving it. Shifting the discussion Radford speaks with Golisano on how he has ran for govenor of NY three times and why he recently switched to the Republican party.
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In May Radford focuses his reports on aerospace news. He goes back a few months and explains how in February the Kennedy Space Center celebrates its 25 year anniversry. Radford states this event was overlooked by many, but the construction of the space center would not have been posisble without some "dedicated Western New Yorkers." Radford explains to viewers the MOOG Headquarters which is tucked away in East Aurora was a crucial manufacturer for the parts necessary for the aerospace crafts and space shuttles at the Kennedy center.

The annoucemnet that Channel 7 will poool its news resources with other media groups is annouced. It is explained to viewers this is being done to increase the accuracy of news reports as well as create a larger database for stories in both Erie and Niagara Counties. |
Radford's reports this month focus on political news as midterm elections are to occur later in the year as well as govenor elections.
- July 17-19: Radford discusses the canidates for govenor. Eliot Spitzer recently won the backing of the Democratic Party following the Democratic convention. Tom Suozzi will also be running despite not gaining the support at the Democratic Convnetion. When asked about this by Buffalo News he states he is not running against the Democrats, rather he is running against both parties as they have both failed to solve the states problems.
This month Radford's reports center around local criminal activity.
- August 3: Radford reports on five muggers that attacked a disabled veteran at his home in Elma.
Continuing from the theme of August, reports focus on local criminal activity. For example, Radford discusses Phillips, a criminal that escaped from authorities several months previously, is the prime suspect in the ambush style shooting of two NYS trooper.
- September 11: The five year anniversry of 9/11. Buffalo news interviews the Castrianno family in Williamsville again. They recount the incident as they lost both a son and brother. They discuss how they are feeling and coping to this day.
The broad topics for Radford's reports this month concentrate on economic and labor news. Specifically, Radford reports on the Good Year Company and how 13,000 workers are taking a stand against the company for better wages. The Good Year Company has struggled to meet its workers while also maintaining a profit and competitive prices, which Radford explains, is because outsourcing labor to countries like India, Mexico, and China is cheaper. |
Relating to the economy and previous aired reports, Radford holds a segment on the Ontario Casino and how it has impacted travel between the States and Cananda and the reuslting impact on the economy in Niagara Falls as tourism increases.
- Series: On Veterans Day Buffalo News holds multiple segments that honor veterans and reflect on their expereinces. Radford explains to viewers that each generation (what war they served in) of veterans is unique. He explains a World War II veteran is different than a Vietnam War veteran in reagrds to what they did, why they served, and how they,ve been treated since returning home.
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