Freshman Rules: The 1930's

The Archives only holds one edition of the Rules and Regulation of the college for the 1930's.  These do not include any rules specific to Freshmen.  However, the Oct. 3, 1930 edition of the St. Bona Venture does list them.  Alumni accounts from later in the 1930's and their continuing existence in the 1940's also confirm their continuity.

The St. Bona Venture, Oct. 3, 1930, p. 5


1.  Every student of the freshman class who is a new man this year must wear at all times a regulation green cap with a brown button, which shall in no way be mutilated or destroyed.  This cap must be worn at all times, to all social dances and entertainments on the campus or off, with the exception of the Junior Prom.
2.  No student shall wear athletic, class, or society insignia from preparatory or normal schools.
3.  Freshmen shall attend all class meetings, pep meetings, athletic contests, mass meetings and they shall not leave same until closed by proper authorities.
4.  Freshmen must speak to all other Freshmen.
5.  Freshmen shall not speak to upper classmen unless spoken to first or shall not speak back to upper-classmen when being instructed by them.
6.  Every Freshmen shall wear a tag on which his name is legibly printed:  the letters to be one inch, the tag on which his name is placed must be four inches square.  This tag must be worn at all times except at religious exercises until further notice.
7.  Freshmen shall not call upon or accompany any lady except when entertaining visitors, or at such social functions as the Student Senate shall designate.
8.  All class rushes are under the supervision of the Senate.
9.  All Freshmen are required to memorize college songs and yells.
10.  Under-classmen shall not be permitted to adorn their faces with any growths of hair.
11.  New men shall not take a seat in any bus until all old men are seated.
12.  New men shall remain on the west side of the three front posts on the west side of the gym, until all old men have entered the gym for their meals, or until 12:15, or 6:45.
13.  Freshmen shall back and subscribe all college publications.
14.  The order of leaving the chapel is according to class seniority.
15.  Freshmen shall carry matches at all time for the convenience of the upper-classmen.
16.  Freshmen shall always be at the service of Athletic  Manager.
17.  Freshmen shall keep their hands out of their pockets at all times.
18.  Beware of walking on the grass, the sidewalks were made to use.
19.  Freshmen must not use the middle staircase, and must enter or leave the college building by the southern basement door.  Freshmen living in Deveraux [sic] shall use only the entrance near the chapel on entering or leaving the building.
20.  Permission to tread on the walk leading from the central door of the college to the gymnasium is forbidden.  This does not only apply to new men but to all underclassmen; that path is for the exclusive use of Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores.
21.  Freshmen must enter and leave the grounds by either walk.
22.  Freshmen must not occupy the first ten rows in the theatres.
23.  A three game series shall be played during the second week of May.  If the Frosh are victorious they shall discard the green caps; if not, they shall be worn till the end of the school year.
24.  The privilege of accepting rides is forbidden to all freshmen until after the first semester.
25.  All college men who have not been under Freshmen rules for a whole year are subject to these rules and regulations.
26.  All Freshmen must pay an initiation fee of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50).
27.  All Freshmen must wear a solid black, bow or long tie, to be tied at all times around the neckband of a presentable shirt.
28.  All day students must observe these rules while on the campus.
[The bold face type appears to indicate changes from the previous version of the rules.]

Page 1 of the same issue notes that officers for the Student Senate were elected.  It also relates the primary powers of the Senate as:  "To represent under graduates in all dealings as a group with the faculty, to supervise the enforcement of the freshman rules, and in general to over see all student activities. (emphasis added)

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Page added 21 March 2005 by D. Frank
Last updated: 02 March 2006
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