| Official Statement and Canvass of Votes Cast November 5, 1996, September
10, 1996 and March 7, 1996 |
 | Syracuse University Survey Draft
 | Comparing your Vote to Republican presidential candidates
 | Percentage
 | envelope- Financial Issues to talk about from the paper; Promises Made
to America Contract; Encouragement Letter from Michael G. Oxley; news
articles from Washington Post; more random news articles; Crossroads; Marty
Mack information; Tioga County Official Tabulation November 5,1996; Cayuga
County Canvass, District 33 Reps., NRCC Political Report November 21, 1996;
important names and phone numbers; Cortland County Official Tabulation
November 7, 1996; Cortland County in November 1987; Cortland and Cayuga
County important names and numbers; election results in Onondaga County,
Congressional Race of 1996 - charts and summaries; campaign polls as of
10/27/96; award; evaluations at the polls 10/17/96; evaluations as of 10/10/96;
congratulations on winning the Representatives seat in
Congress Dec. 9, 1996; breakdown of congressional votes across
the districts November 5, 1996; Jim Walsh Poll 25th Congressional District
11-13, 1996; Report of Receipts and Disbursements October 30 ,1996;
Democratic Committeeperson Letter March 3, 1996; Commercial Times
October 30, 1996; GOTV; and Campaign Strategy Suggestions. |
 | Notes from a meeting in July
 | Trend Data May 8, 1996
 | Initial Survey Data July 17, 1996
 | Public Opinion Strategies
 | Interview Schedule
 | Get Out There and Vote 11/2
 | Onondaga County Enrollment, Voting 1990-1996
 | Friday, November 1, 1996- Itinerary |
 | News Article
 | Marty Mack 's Spending 16 pages
 | Letter from Dick Armey, M.C.- Majority Leader |
 | News Releases in September and Oct.3 of them
 | The Radical Roster #6 Sept. 24 1996
 | Letter from Dan Glickman Secretary of the Department of Agriculture |
 | Letter to Mr. Burch on national Vietnam veterans coalition endorsement
 | September 25, 1996 Myth of exploding TV
 | NRCC incumbent request |
 | Draft of palm card
 | September 19,1996 Poll Results
 | Veterans Party Endorsement September 17, 1996
 | Letter to Amo Houghton member of congress September 17, 1996 |
 | Tomato fest and other events September 16, 1996
 | Planned Parenthood guide to elected Representatives
 | Mack's Attempt to buy a seat
 | Incumbent Retentions Committee September 17, 1996 |
 | Federal Voting Assistance Program September 10, 1996 |
 | Letter of thanks to Maria Cino executive director of national committee
 | Colleague solicitation September 9, 1996 |
 | Department of Defense Voting Information Center Sept, 5, 1996
 | Taxpayer Protection Pledge
 | Upstate NY Coalition of Federal Workers Aug. 30 1996
 | Public Opinion Strategies September 4, 1996 7 pages |
 | Uniformed Services Journal Publication
 | Forgeries in Mack's Independent petitions
 | Receptions cards
 | Endorsement of the National Education Association of New York 4 pages
 | Fact Sheet - update on the bills of the contract with America 9 pages
 | National Response list Marketing INC.
 | New York City Fund-raiser and address request
 | Facsimile Cover Letter to the Federal Election Commission
 | NRCC Fax- 10 pages |
 | Wall Street Journal July, 31, 1996
 | Union Attack Plan
 | Jim Walsh records- draft
 | CookFair Media- 8 pages |
 | Letter to public deterring the vote for Mack and pointing out his negatives
 | Citizen Action July 22, 1996
 | Campaign contributions
 | Independence Party Petitions
 | Concern letter July 22, 1996
 | Another Palm Card- info about Jim Walsh
 | Expenses of Marty Mack 9/11/96, 10/5/96, 08/29/96
 | Blue Pocket Folder with descriptions of votes in the US House of Reps; important numbers; a list of what makes up the 25th district of NY; 1996
RE Election Campaign with a breakdown of everyone's positions and what
each position entails. |
 | Second Blue Folder Address to Robert Keane with the second heading being
'96 Campaign notes from the campaign manager. It holds a week by week breakdown of events and jobs and products that should be occurring.
 | Folder labeled "to do"- A letter from Bob Keane to Jim Walsh on a strategy
to win over voters and the seat. |
 | Folder labeled "Medicare Task Force" - agendas and a list of important
people, Points for Jim to talk about, written report to citizens advisory
committee to save Medicare from Walsh's staff. |
 | Last folder is labeled "Bob Keane"- encloses names and numbers of
people on the campaign team, notes and payment amounts attached is two
business cards, Letter to Donald R. Keough thanks him for their meeting and
encouraging his financial support, Two Resumes- Martin E. Voss, Timothy M.
Hunter, Attorney list 6 pages. |
 | New York 25th CD Survey- Walsh for senate- September 14-16 1996 binder
 | Poll Results in September 19, 1996
 | notes on yellow lined paper
 | Public Opinion Strategies- schedule, and percentages
 | Public Opinion Strategies table of contents
 | I. Interview Schedule
 | II. Verbatim Responses
 | III. Summary of Key Data
 | IV. Cross tabulations |