Campaign of 1992 ~Walsh vs. Jezer, 1st contest Walsh received 56%; Jezer 44% In the folder containing the material from his campaign of 1992 found multiple surveys and summary results. These were from the previous year and contributed to his success in the campaign.
American Viewpoint Survey Executive Results of Onondaga County. Prepared for Congressman James Walsh in 1991 Survey of 300 Registered voters in the New York 25th Congressional District which was conducted over a two day period from August 11-13, 1991. This contains the script of the survey and the answers to every question in a index breakdown. Their is an envelope which contains the following: A Pamphlet- Congress in the '90's- Ten Steps to Congressional Reform. ~Eliminate money as the main factor in campaigns ~Eliminate all congressional "perks" ~Eliminate the exemption congress has given itself/ laws. ~Abolish unlimited mailing ~Limit terms for a particular committee ~Streamline the legislative process ~Require a balanced budget every year ~Establish line-item veto power for the president ~Retain the ban on Honoraria ~Restrict Junkets
Things within the folder: Fax from Rhea Jezer his opponent about reimbursements 2 pages of notes on an audio program or radio November 1991- National Care Proposal 2 pages WCNY debate statements NY State Board of Elections- enrollment- District of Onondaga Public Opinion Strategies letter from Neil Newhouse about the ten trends shaping the world politics. July 9,1991 National Survey Highlights packet- American Viewpoint Spring '92. 1992 Exit Poll Site View Letter with notes about his next campaign Letter from Stonecash in the Political Science Department of Syracuse University Broome County general election political breakdown from November 3, 1992 Zone coordinators lists Memorandum from JTW to Kevin Gilligan about the campaign A copied letter from Gerri Farrell to Marge Pelton about the Christmas Card list January 4 1993 Cookfair Media November 23, 1992- The '94 cycle Record of Meeting held on November 11,1992 at the Representatives Headquarters- They discussed the congressional campaign. Notes typed up from Bob Waters on official office, issues, self- promotion, "jobs"/ economy, election results, new district, political leadership, campaign office, congressional club, and fund raising. November 20, 1992- communication plans that are 8 pages long 1993 Year of the Man calendar 1993 House calendar National Journal November 7, 1992 Letter received from Jeff Stonecash on Checks, Banking and Politics to Walsh waters and Jim O'Conner. April 20, 1992. 3 small notepad size pages on percents opponents and approval ratings In The US Congress Folder Left pocket contains ~ List of rotaries in the district ~ Rotary club listings Service Clubs Phone numbers of GOP Chairmen in the District Finger lakes elected officials names and districts along with telephone numbers Cortland county elected officials in the 25th district Cayuga county elected officials in the 25th district Broome County officials in the 25ht district A list of zip codes in the 25th district Tioga county elected officials in the 25th district
The Right Pocket Holds Cayuga county representatives committee February 4, 1992 Map of the counties 25th Congressional district 1990 population summary geographic, census summaries of the 25th district Cortland, Tioga, Cayuga and Broome counties summaries
Cayuga county - committee, map, elected officials Public Opinion Strategies NY state wide survey key point in May of '92 Public opinion Strategies National Survey summary on July 24-26 '91 Fax from Bob Waters about a survey draft it is the 3rd draft. Fax from the Public Opinion Strategies with the Sixth and final draft comprised of 14 pages Correspondence with the Cayuga County Officials and a quick reminder of a lesson that we can learn from the past actions Copies of letters to Ann Bunker, The Mayor of Aurburn, James Hutchinson, Mark Fandrich, and Michael J. Cuddy, Jr. on July 24 Bicentennial Celebration ceremony lists of activities Copy of a letter to Lynn M. Martin Secretary Of the US Department of Labor- honored guest at a fundraiser Walsh reform booklet draft 1992 Letter to Guy and Sid asking for financial assistance from the NRCC and the reply back Washington Post article about the Capitol's Capital Scandal. Letter to Carla A Hills of the US Trade Representative to be a guest and another to William K. Reilly the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Another copied letter to Guy asking for financial support for the campaign Federal Election Commission Copied letter to Dan Quayle the Vice President of the United States to be a quest at an event. Copied letter to Secretary Mosbacher to attend an event and be the keynote speaker. Copied letter about the death of the representative from Arizona Moudall on September 13, 1991 Copy of a letter sent to the President about the campaign support. Copy of a letter from Guy VAnder Jagt, MC Chairman- response about the financial support News Release from the NRCC about Cole becoming the executive director Biographical sketches of the '92 site selection committee from the democratic national committee Legislative Directory A Packet on how to plan for campaigns financially from Lisa B. Friel and Associates on November 28 1994 A copy of a letter that was sent to Newt Gingrich about political support. Official statements and canvass of votes cast at general election held on Nov. 3, at the primary September. 15 and at the federal primary on April 7 county of Onondaga Board of elections.