John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
Gunpowder God*
by John F. Carr
Cover art for 2012 edition of Gunpowder God, by John F. Carr. |
The title Gunpowder God can refer to one of three different books associated with the story of Lord Kalvan:
Gunpowder God was the title used in the 1978 UK release of H. Beam Piper's Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen.
Gunpowder God was the title of a proposed novel by John F. Carr and Roland Green. The novel was meant to be a second sequel to Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, the first sequel being Carr and Green's Great King's War. While this novel was never published as Gunpowder God, components of its storyline became part of Carr's subsequent Lord Kalvan sequels, Kalvan Kingmaker and Siege of Tarr-Hostigos, which were published in limited editions by Pequod Press.
Gunpowder God is the title of Carr's latest Lord Kalvan novel, which is due to be released in 2012.
* Part of the Friedsam Library Collection
Gunpowder God [typescript]
92 leaves
Physical Description:
This is a 24,000 word novel proposal for Gunpowder God by Roland J. Green and John F. Carr. The file contains an eight-page outline for the novel and then an eighty three-page sample of the novel.
Gunpowder God [typescript]
4 leaves
Physical Description:
This file contains four pages of chapter from the Gunpowder God novel. Editor marks are made by black ink. Written in blue ink at the top of the first page has several notes, include “CUT” that has been circled. There are brown stains on the top left corner of each page from a paper clip.
Gunpowder God [envelope + typescript]
76 leaves
Physical Description:
The pages came in yellow priority mail envelope sent to John F. Carr from Roland J. Green, dated September 9, 1989. Contained a two-page letter written by Roland J. Green addressed to Eleanor, explaining this is the Gunpowder God proposal. Followed by the letter is the outline for the novel, and then a sample selection.
Kalvan Kingmaker / Gunpowder God manuscript [typescript]
360 pages
Physical Description:
The contents of a file folder labeled, “K.K. First Draft.” The outside of the folder is signed and labeled, “Original first half of Gunpowder God original MS…” On page 1 of the document, a label written in blue ink reads, “Kalvan Kingmaker p-1 to 360, Gunpowder God p-361-627.” A label signed in black ink by John F. Carr and dated 4/26/08 reads: “Wow! I found part of it. The typescript of the first half of the original Gunpowder God written between 1986 & 1988… All corrections and notes are in my hand.”
Gunpowder God, Continuity Notes [typescript]
Physical Description:
This document includes continuity notes of the typescript Gunpowder God.
Gunpowder God, Final Chapter [Typescript]
Physical Description:
The final chapter of Gunpowder God. Signed by Carr on 6/29/09, with the annotation “Final Chapter of Gunpowder God (original—1986-87), which later appeared in Siege of Tarr-Hostigos. Corrections: Jim Landau.”
Gunpowder God: Styphon’s House [Typescript]
Physical Description:
The contents of a folder labeled “Styphon’s House.” The file contains a typed document describing details about Styphon’s House, an enemy of Lord Kalvan. The heading on the document indicates that these notes were part of the original iteration of Carr’s Gunpowder God. The document bears fire damage and brittle edges due to Carr’s California office fire.
Gunpowder God: Galley Corrections [typescript]
Physical Description:
A typed list of corrections to one of Carr’s novels. In a signed note, Carr notes that the corrections are for the galleys of Gunpowder God, and that they were suggested by Larry Hopkins.
Gunpowder God: 2nd Galley Overruns [typescript]
Physical Description:
A partial set of galleys for Carr’s novel Gunpowder God. In a signed note dated 12/13/2011, Carr writes, “Overruns from 2nd galleys after font change.”
Gunpowder God: Galley Corrections #4 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A partial set of galleys for Gunpowder God, beginning on page 42. In a signed note dated 12/29/2011, Carr writes, “Corrections to Galley #4. All marks by JFC.”
Gunpowder God: Galley Corrections #3 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A partial set of galleys for Gunpowder God. In a signed note dated 12/23/2011, Carr writes, “Corrections to galleys version #3. All marks, black and red, by JFC. Black marks and writing refer to corrections. Red [checks] mean okay. Xs mean correction not done.”
Gunpowder God: Galleys #2 [typescript]
Approx. 521 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of galleys for Carr’s novel, Gunpowder God. In a signed note dated 12/12/2011, Carr writes, “Galleys #2. Master Copy. All red corrections by Victoria, blue corrections by JFC—most taken from other corrected proofs.” In a second noted dated 12/23/2011, Carr writes, “Checks mean corrections entered as marked. X means not done correctly.” The manuscript bears many editing marks in red, black, and blue ink.
Gunpowder God: Decker Copyedit [typescript]
Approx. 538 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of galleys for Gunpowder God. The document bears multiple editing marks in red, blue, and black ink. In a signed note dated 12/6/2011, Carr writes, “Dwight Decker’s copyedited Galleys.”
Gunpowder God: Victoria Copyedit [typescript]
Approx. 597 leaves
Physical Description:
A typed manuscript of Carr’s Gunpowder God. In a signed note dated 11/21/2011, Carr writes, “Copyedited final MS for Gunpowder God. Red corrections by Victoria Carr & blue by John F. Carr.”
Gunpowder God [typescript]
Physical Description:
A typed manuscript of John F. Carr’s novel, Gunpowder God. The manuscript is either part of an intended second sequel to Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, by John F. Carr and Roland Green, which was never published as such, or part of the manuscript for Carr’s 2012 novel, titled Gunpowder God. Due to the fact that the manuscript was typed on an older machine, the first scenario seems more likely.
Gunpowder God—2007 [typescript]
Physical Description:
An early manuscript of Carr’s novel, Gunpowder God, typed before the publication of The Fireseed Wars. This manuscript is dated 2007
Gunpowder God: Jaru Pricing [typescript]
Physical Description:
Several different versions of advertising for Gunpowder God. The advertising contained is in black and white along with color. Also included is a basic pricing guide from Jaru Copy Services.
Gunpowder God: Editor comments [typescript]
Physical Description:
Included in this folder are several different comment and editorial pages relating to Gunpowder God. These corrections include spelling, grammar, continuity and flow. Several different editors comments are contained in this folder.
Gunpowder God: Oakley Comments [typescript]
Physical Description:
Richard Oakley's comments on Gunpowder God and suggestions for changes to make to the novel.
Gunpowder God : Page Corrections[typescript]
Physical Description:
Dust jacket copy and both Wolfgang Diehr's and John Carr's page numbered corrections to Gunpowder God.
Gunpowder God: Second Half Galley [typescript]
302 leaves
Physical Description:
The second half of a galley for Gunpowder God starting on page 258 and ending on page 538. Corrections are made in blue.
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