John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
*Kalvan Kingmaker
by John F. Carr
This picture was taken from John F. Carr's website Hostigos, illustrated by Alan Gutierrez. |
* Part of the Friedsam Library Collection
Kalvan Kingmaker [hardcover book]
461 pages
Physical Description:
This is a First edition copy of the novel, which was limited to 1,000 copies. Pequod Press published this novel in 2000. The artist for the dust jacket artwork is Alan Gutierrez. No visible damage or markings to the pages or dust jacket. This novel was added to the Carr Collection by the Friedsam Memorial Library.
Siege of Tarr-Hostigos and Kalvan Kingmaker [dust jackets]
2 dust jackets
-Kalvan Kingmaker: Call
# PS3553.A7632 K35 2000
-Siege of Tarr-Hostigos: Call #: PS3553.A7632 S43 2003
Kalvan Kingmaker / Gunpowder God manuscript [typescript]
360 pages
Physical Description:
The contents of a file folder labeled, “K.K. First Draft.” The outside of the folder is signed and labeled, “Original first half of Gunpowder God original MS…” On page 1 of the document, a label written in blue ink reads, “Kalvan Kingmaker p-1 to 360, Gunpowder God p-361-627.” A label signed in black ink by John F. Carr and dated 4/26/08 reads: “Wow! I found part of it. The typescript of the first half of the original Gunpowder God written between 1986 & 1988… All corrections and notes are in my hand.”
Kalvan Kingmaker: working first draft [typescript]
Physical Description:
A set of paper-clipped loose sheets titled “Kalvan Kingmaker.” A note written and signed by John F. Carr in red pen comments, “This is the working complete (first) draft of Kalvan Kingmaker, with my corrections and additions as of September 3rd, 2000.” Below this note, in black, he adds, “and additions of Sept 21, 2000-Oct-Jan 1.” Another note signed and dated 9/26/08 in black pen reads, “I found this with Gunpowder God original MS.” The draft does not seem to be complete, for it is missing pages 40-100. Extensive additions and corrections are made to this draft in red pen.
Kalvan Kingmaker altered page proofs [fax]
6 leaves
Physical Description:
A fax from David Prentice to John F. Carr dated 1/9/01. On the cover sheet, Carr has signed and dated a note that reads: “5/4/08. First Kalvan Kingmaker page proofs with transmittal concerning last minute changes.” The note on the cover sheet from Prentice to Carr reads: “Following are the 5 page alts you had us make. If they are ok we can proceed. Please fax back ok. Thank you.” The following fax is 5 copied page proofs from the novel Kalvan Kingmaker. The first page is marked “OK” in pen, presumably by Carr.
Kalvan Kingmaker design order forms [typescript & printouts]
12 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of 3 order forms for the design of John F. Carr’s novel, Kalvan Kingmaker, with samples of the potential designs included. The forms are from a company called Desktop Miracles, and they outline 3 possible designs for the appearance of the novel. There is one form for the cover design, and two forms for the interior design. Following the forms are samples of the potential designs, one of which is marked “A.” On one of the interior design order forms, design A is underlined in red pen, possibly indicating that this is the design that Carr chose for the appearance of his novel.
Kalvan Kingmaker page proofs [typescript]
460 leaves
Physical Description:
Jim Landau-Kalvan Kingmaker corrections [typescript]
Approx. 25 leaves
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written to John Carr by his friend, Jim Landau, regarding Carr’s novel, Kalvan Kingmaker. The letters are written in the year 2000, and they are signed and dated 09/05/08 by Carr. The letters point out various pages numbers in Carr’s manuscript of Kalvan Kingmaker where Landau believes improvements need to be made. According to Carr’s annotation, the red inks marks on the letters indicate where Carr used Landau’s input.
Kalvan Kingmaker: Copy-edited Manuscript [typescript]
560 leaves
Physical Description:
A manuscript of Carr’s novel, Kalvan Kingmaker, used for copy-editing. The manuscript is signed by Carr and dated 04/08/08. As Carr notes in his annotation of the document, the corrections made to the manuscript in black ink are by Carr’s wife, Victoria Alexander-Carr. Some pages in the manuscript are marked with red Post-It flags.
Kalvan Kingmaker: Submission to Desktop Miracles [typescript]
560 leaves
Physical Description:
A copy of the manuscript of Kalvan Kingmaker submitted to the printing design company, Desktop Miracles. Included is the cover letter sent to Desktop Miracles with the manuscript, discussing the layout of the book. The manuscript is signed and annotated by Carr.
Kalvan Kingmaker: page proof order forms [miscellaneous typescript]
Approx. 15 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of documents sent to John Carr by the company Desktop Miracles. Three leaves are forms from Desktop Miracles detailing options for the printing layout and design of Kalvan Kingmaker, as well as the price of the layouts. The other leaves are the page proofs. One set of proofs is labeled “B,” and the other set is labeled “C.” Presumably this refers to design B and design C, for the different designs in the forms are assigned letters.
Kalvan Kingmaker: page proofs [typescript]
461 leaves
Physical Description:
A complete set of page proofs for John Carr’s novel, Kalvan Kingmaker. The proofs are signed, annotated, and dated 06/05/08 by Carr. In the annotation, Carr notes that he corrections made to the manuscript in red ink were done by his wife, Victoria Alexander-Carr.
Kalvan Kingmaker, 2nd ed. [Typescript]
Approx. 461 leaves
Physical Description:
A copy of the page proofs of Kalvan Kingmaker. The proofs are packaged in a box labeled, “2nd ed., 1st pages,” and they are edited in red and purple ink.
Kalvan Kingmaker, Final Proofs [Typescript]
Approx. 460 leaves
Physical Description:
A copy of the page proofs of Kalvan Kingmaker. The proofs are signed and annotated by Carr with the date 2/13/2010. The annotation reads: “Approved final proofs for Kalvan Kingmaker sent by Desktop Miracles.”
Kalvan Kingmaker, Oakley corrections [Typescript]
Physical Description:
A typed document labeled “Kalvan Kingmaker.” The document is signed by Carr with the annotation “Richard Oakley’s corrections.” The document lists proposed corrections to Kalvan Kingmaker, and it bears editing marks in red ink reflecting whether Carr made the suggested changes or not.
Landau—Kalvan Kingmaker comments/critique [Typescript]
Physical Description:
The contents of a file folder labeled “Landau—Kalvan Kingmaker comments/critique.” The file contains letters and photocopies of sources concerning Landau’s critique of Kalvan Kingmaker. The letters range in date from approximately 1997 to 2004.
Kalvan Kingmaker Master Plotline [typescript]
Physical Description:
A typed document dated 10/5/2000 and titled “Master Plotline.” The document details Carr’s plans for the rewrite of Kalvan Kingmaker.
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Page created by Kyle Wimann Spring 2008.
Updated by Ellen Winger Fall 2008.
Last updated: 04/29/2013