| |
Series 7--Issues Files
This series contains the issues that Congressman
Walsh dealt with in his work. The issues are grouped into four subgroups. Subset
A deals with the infant hearing screening bill, subset B contains the clean-up
of Onondaga Lake, subset C is the Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative and subset D
includes all the other issues Walsh encountered.
Subset A--Hearing Bill
Subset B--Onondaga Lake
Series 7,
Box 4 (History, Background, Summary)
 | Onondaga Lake Clean-up History &
Summary Materials
 | Onon. Lake Constituents
Concerns/Inquires |
 | DEC - Onon. Lake & Related Sites
Fact Sheets |
 | Onondaga Lake Media Clippings (1 of
 | Onondaga Lake Media Clippings (2 of
 | Onondaga Lake A
 | Onondaga Lake B
 | An Onondaga Lake Scrapbook
 | Michael Douglas Alexander -
Undergraduate Honors Thesis - 2002
 | Case History - Westport, Ontario
Series 7, Box 5 (Monthly Reports)
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports '98-'99
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2000 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2001 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2002 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2003 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2004 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2005 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2006 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2007 |
 | Onon. Lake Monthly Reports 2008 |
 | Onon. Lake Technical Advisory Comm.
Ambient Monitoring Program 1999,
2001-2004 |
Series 7, Box 6 (Annual)
 | Onondaga Lake Issues
 | Onon. Lake 1990-1993 |
 | Onon. Lake 1994-1995 A |
 | Onon. Lake 1994-1995 B |
 | Onondaga Lake '96
 | Onondaga Lake '97
 | Onondaga Lake '98
 | Onondaga Lake 2000
 | Onondaga Lake '00-'08
 | Onon. Lake 2000 |
 | Onondaga Lake 2001
 | OLP Annual Progress Meeting |
 | OLP Annual Mtg 9/29/08 |
Series 7, Box 7 (A-C)
 | Allied Honeywell A
 | Allied Honeywell B
 | Ammonia
 | Ammonia - Stage III Ammonia
and State II Phophorus Removal Project
 | Ammonia - Environmental
Information Document State III
Ammonia/Stage II Phosphorus Removal
 | Ammonia/Phosphorus Removal-
Cunningham, Michael EPA\
 | Anonymous Concerns 2003
 | Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project
- Onon. Creek (USACG/OLCC/LDC) |
 | Army Corps - Onondaga Lake
- Army Corps of Engineers
 | Army Corps - Onondaga Lake
- Army Corps of Engineers - Project
Specific Folders
 | Army Corps - OLP Brief - January 16,
2001 |
 | Army Corps - Briefing 2003
 | Army Corps - OLP Progress
Report/Briefing for JTW 12/10/04 |
 | Army Corps - JTW mtg w/Army
Corps (D.C.) 2/28/07 |
 | CSO - Onondaga Lake
Improvement Project - Clinton St. CSO
Abatement Project |
 | CSO - Clinton St. CSO
Abatement Project |
 | CSO - County & ASLF Clinton
CSO mtgs. |
 | CSO Disinfection Workshop |
 | CSO - Harborbrook CSO
Abatement Project |
 | Onondaga Lake Correspondence with
the County
 | Onondaga Lake/Cost Share
 | City/County RFT Agreement 2007
Series 7, Box 8 (D-N)
 | Enviornmental - Onon. Lake
Env. Benefit Project CNY Regional
Planning & Dev. |
 | EPA - Onondaga Lake - EPA
 | EPA 2007 - Sage, Sam - ASLF |
 | Floatables Contral Facility Onon.
Creek |
 | Onondaga Lake Funding
 | Funding - OLP
Funding/Appropriations Updates |
 | Honeywell - LCP Chemical
Site DEC/Honeywell |
 | Honeywell - An Integrated
Program of Monitoring and Modeling of
the Honeywell Site Impacts at Onondaga
Lake, NY
 | Lake Source Cooling - EPA -
Lake Cooling - Onondaga Lake
 | Onondaga Lake - Lake Source Cooling
 | Lake Source Cooling -
Implications of Lake Source Cooling
Discharge in Onondaga Lake
 | Meetings - JTW mtg. w/Ed
Michalenko - OEI 8/3/06 |
 | Meetings - Michalenko, Ed (OEI)
mtg w/JTW 5/31/07 |
 | Meetings - Onon. Lake
Meeting w/JTW, Pirro, Coburn, Cunningham
3/27/02 |
 | Meetings - Onon. Lake
Meeting w/JTW, Pirro, Coburn,
Cunningham, Elander & AAJ 1/22/08
 | Mercury - Stratus Consulting -
Onondaga Lake
 | Midland Ave.
 | Midland Civil Rights Suit
 | Midland RTF 2002
 | OLP Mini Grants |
 | Onondaga Lake - NYS Canal
Corporation |
 | Nine Mile Creek Sub-watershed MAWI
Project (Dr. Barb Kleiss) |
Series 7, Box 9 (O-Z)
 | Onondaga Creek
 | Onon. Creek Conceptual
Revitalization Plan - OLP (OCRP) |
 | Onondaga Creekwalk |
 | Onondaga Creekwalk Approps |
 | OLP Onondaga Lake Day |
 | Onon. Lake Habitat Restoration Plan
- OLP Project |
 | Onondaga Lake Partnership Ceremony
 | Onondaga Land Claim
 | OLP Request for Proposals (OLCC)
 | Onon. Lake Misc. |
 | OLP Misc. |
 | OLP Newsletters |
 | Outreach Coordinate Position
 | Oxygenation - Ferrante |
 | Onondaga Park
 | Partnership for Onondaga Creek
 | Partnership for Onon. Creek |
 | Petitioned Health Consultation
 | OLP Photo, Poster & Essay Contests
 | Onondaga Lake - Scientists
 | Onon. Lake Trail & Habitat Project (OLP)
 | Semet Residue Ponds 2/6/02 |
 | OLP/USACE General Briefing 4/12/06
 | UFI - 3rd Annual Scientific Forum
Onon. Lake 11/16/01 |
 | UFI- Oxygenation Recommendations
 | Onon. Lake "How You Can Help" Video
Taping OLP |
 | OLP "Year in Review" Video Taping
Script 2005 |
 | OLP - Year in Review Video 2006 |
 | Video/Media
 | "The Beauty and the Beast A Tale
of Two Lakes" - DVD/CD
 | "Draft Onondaga Lake 2001 Annual
Report, Revised Tables and Figures
(8/27/02)" - CD
 | "OLP Year in Review 2006" -
Floppy Disc |
 | "LTC DeWillie appearance on
'Upstate Morning' April 2001 -
Onondaga Lake Partnership" - VHS
 | "Onondaga Lake Ambient
Monitoring Program (Syracuse, NY)" -
 | "Onondaga Lake Partnership 'On
our way to a Healthy Onondaga Lake'"
 | OLP 2020 Vision Project |
 | Wastebed Stabilization & Habitat
Enhancement Demo. Project |
 | OLP Water Monitoring Days |
 | WRDA - 2003/Onondaga Lake |
 | Onondaga Lake Watershed Management
 | Whitefish - Onon. Lake |
 | Presentation to Ms. Christie Whitman
Subset C--Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative
Subset D--Other Issues
Series 7,
Box 12 (Aa-Arl)
 | Abend Property 2001 |
 | Adoption
 | Agriculture
 | Agriculture (Brown Folder)
 | Ag Approps - Natl F.A.I.R./Ag
Approps/Holstein |
 | Apples/Appropriations
 | Ag Approps - Pharmaceutical Drugs
 | Ag Appropriations/Sugar
 | Ag Disaster Relief
 | Organic Agriculture Caucus
 | Postition Papers - Ag
Policy (Early 1990s)
 | Ag Research/Cornell/Geneva Ag. Park
 | Ag - USDA Farm BIll
 | Ag - USDA Local Office
Consolid. 2007 |
 | Ag - USDA - Misc.
 | Air Force
 | Air Force F-22
 | Air Innovations
 | Air Standards
 | Airlines/Air Service
 | Aluminum Sulfate (Sodus &
 | AmeriCorps
 | Animal ID - FAIR Act
 | Amos Block
 | Apples Hail Storm Damage 6/08
 | Apple & Onion Disaster Relief
 | Approps Project Press |
 | Old Approprations Request
 | Miscellaneous Approps/Park
St. Bridge
 | Approprations/Rules/104th Congress
 | H. Approprations
Subcommittee on Foreign Operations
 | Approprations - Wish Lists - To-do
 | ARC Parking Lot
 | Argus Avionics |
Series 7, Box 13 (Arm-Cayuga)
 | Army Corps
 | Army Corps Earmarks
 | Army Corps Great Lakes
 | AMSNY (American Medical Schools of
New York) |
 | AT & T
 | Auburn
 | Auburn NY
 | Auburn Housing 2001
 | Auburn Water Filtration Plant
 | Audubon New York
 | Autism - Funding - Background
 | Auto Row
 | Auto Row Bridge Improvements
 | Baltimore Woods
 | BRAC Base Closure |
 | BRAC Base Realignment |
 | Bear Swamp - DEC Proposal
Drilling/Comment 2005
 | Bees - Colony Collaspe |
 | Biofuels
 | Biomass/ESF
 | Biotech Center
 | B-2 Bomber
 | Borg Warner
 | Borodino/Spafford Project |
 | Boys & Girls Club
 | Bridges
 | Bristol-Meyers Squibb
 | Bristol/Meyers - Clay Site USACE
2005 |
 | BITS Proposal
 | Buffalo Bioinformatics
 | Buffalo News Approprations Story
2/02 |
 | BNSF Railway
 | Butlemut Creek Flooding ACE 2003
 | CAFE RPS Legis. Press Event 7/30/07
 | CAFE Standards '07 Energy Bill
 | Calmar - Transportation
 | Calmar Research Corp.
 | Calmar Research Telematics |
 | Camillus Erie Canal Park
 | Camp Haccamp |
 | Campaign Finance Reform
 | Capital Visitor Center
 | Carrier (Greenish Folder)
 | Carrier
 | Carrier/EDA
 | Cayuga County
 | Cayuga Lake Search |
Series 7, Box 14 (Center - Cz)
 | CJS/Center for Court Innovation
 | CEI/Center for Environmental
Information |
 | Center for Environment Info.- Air
Quaility |
 | Center for Env. Information - Roch.
 | Center for Excellence
 | Central Library
 | CNYCS (Central New York Charter
School for Math and Science) |
 | CNY Children's Hospital |
 | Central NY Public Broadcasting
 | CNY Waterways FERC 2005 |
 | CNY Waterways ACE/DEC 2002 |
 | Centro
 | Centro Common Center
 | Cherry Hill/HUD
 | HUD - Cherry Hill -
 | Cicero Can-teen
 | Civic Heritage
 | Civic War Flags
 | Clarkson
 | Clinton Square A
 | Clinton Square B
 | Coal to Methane Plant -
Jamesville/Dewitt 2007
 | Community Court
 | Community General Hospital
 | CLSA Congressional Legislative Staff
Assoc. |
 | Cornell
 | CPB/PBS Islam Documentary |
 | Cortland BDC |
 | Cortland Cable
 | Cortland Dump
 | Cortland Sports Complex
 | Creekwalk
 | Cross Lake/Seneca River A
 | Cross Lake/Seneca River B
 | Cross Lake/Seneca River C
 | Crouse Hospital
 | CXtec |
Series 7, Box 15 (D-Ek)
 | Dairy
 | Dariy Compact |
 | Dairy/105th Congress
 | Dairy Issues - 108th Congress
 | H.R. 1827 Northeast Dairy
 | Daytona Avenue Penfield
 | Delaware River
 | DoD Auth FY 99 Skaneatales Federal
Farm |
 | Desitny - Articles |
 | TEA-21/Destiny
Transportation Projects
 | Destiny
 | Destiny - TEA-21
 | Destiny Earmarks
 | Energy Conference/Demostration Green
Projects - Destiny/Pyramids
 | Disaster
 | D.C. Approps A |
 | D.C. Approps B |
 | Drug Abuse Commission
 | Drug Prescription
 | Army Corps of Engineers/Dry
Creek - Cortland
 | Cortland/Dry Creek/Army
Corp of Enginners |
 | Dunbar
 | Dunbar Center
 | Earmarks
 | Earmark Report
 | East Genesee St. Improvements
 | East Syracuse Pool
 | Economic Development
 | Education |
Series 7, Box 16 (El-Eq)
 | Elbridge Pipeline
 | Electricity Dereg |
 | Eljay - HUD '07-'08 |
 | Eljay Apartments |
 | Elmwood Park
 | Empowerment Zone
 | Empowerment Zones
 | Empowerment Zones/New Mkt Tax
Credits |
 | Emerson Park/Watershed Town w/TR IV
7/6/00 |
 | Enable Expansion
 | Energy
 | Department of Energy
 | Energy Bill
 | Energy Bill (HR 6) Amendment Green
 | Citizens Campaign for the
Environment - Mtgs/Issues |
 | Env. Legislation - JTW Sponsered
Positions, Funding |
 | Enviornmental Finance |
 | Environmental Finance Act of 1993
 | Tom Donigan's - Env. Project
Final Reports for JTW 2004 |
 | EPA
 | EPA Administrator Visit Stephen
Johnson 8/15/07
 | EPA - Chilled Water/Lake Ontario to
Onondaga Lake
 | EPA - Chilled Water Project
Metropolitan Water Diard/SUNY-ESF |
 | EPA EQA 2006 SOS (Save Our Sodus,
Inc.) |
 | EPA EQA 2007 Nominee Bob Ripberger
 | EPA EQA 2008 |
 | EPA - Skaneateles, Owasco-Otisco
Lake Approps |
 | ESF Conference - Sustainability
Energizing NY's Creative Core - JTW
Keynote Speaker 7/18/08 |
Series 7, Box 17 (Er-Ez)
 | Erie Canal A
 | Erie Canal B
 | Erie Canal C
 | Erie Canal D
 | Erie Canal 2003
 | Erie Canal - Cato Lanolslide
(Hopkins, Ann; Anderson, Tom) |
 | Erie Canal Commission 2004/05
 | Erie Canal HR 5375 - Legislation
 | Erie Canal Museum
 | NY State Thruway/Erie Canal
 | Erie Canal TEA-21 Requests
 | Erie Canalway |
 | Erie Canalway - Legislative Changes
- 2007 |
 | Erie Canalway/Heritage Corridor |
 | Erie Canalway National Heritage
Corridor |
 | Erie Canalway National Heritage
Corridor Draft Preservation |
 | Everson Expansion
 | Everson Museum A
 | Everson Museum B |
Series 7, Box 18 (Fa-Fl)
 | Fair Haven EPA $
 | EPA - Fair Haven/Cayuga County
 | EPA Technical Correction/Fair
 | EPA/Wanye County/Fair Haven
 | Fair Haven/Red Creek Water Project
 | Fair Haven Sewer Project
 | Fair Haven Sewers
 | Fair Haven Water Issues
 | Fannie Mae investigation
 | Fayetteville Library
 | FERC Millenium Pipeline |
 | FDA Tobacco
 | FEMA - Ice Storm 2003
 | FEMA Maps/DEC
 | Final Project List
 | Finger Lakes
 | Finger Lakes National Forest -
Management Plan Revision - Oil & Gas
 | Finger Lakes National Forest
Drilling Ban Legislation
 | Finger Lakes Initiative
 | Regional Planning Finger Lakes
 | Finger Lakes Open Lands
 | Finger Lakes Open Space Initiative
 | Finger Lakes Open Space Sprawl
 | UFI - Finger Lakes Study
 | Finger Lakes Institue - Hobart Wine
Makers/Researchers |
 | Finger Lakes Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program Summary
Reports 1997-2001 |
 | Finger Lakes Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program Summary
Reports 2001-2005 |
 | Finger Lakes Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program Summary
Reports 2005-2008 |
 | Financial Rescue 9/08
 | Flooding Issues 2002-08 |
Series 7, Box 19 (Fo-Ham)
 | Focus the Nation 1/31/2008
 | Food Allergies
 | Food Bank
 | Forestry Misc.
 | Free Flow of Info Act HR 2102
 | FSC/ETI - Job Creation Act HR 4520
 | FSC/ETI - Green Bonds |
 | Gage Foundation
 | Garlock Industries - Palmyra |
 | Garlock EDA $ |
 | Gear-up: Kochian |
 | Genesee St. Armory
 | Girls, Inc.
 | Gitmo
 | Global Warming Climate Change
 | Gondola Proposal
 | Graze NY
 | Great Lakes
 | Great Lakes Collaboration Initiative
 | Brookings Instititue Study Restoring
Great Lakes Ecosystem
 | Great Lakes Misc.
 | Green Bonds
 | Green Bonds/FSC-ETI |
 | Groundlevel Ozone Issues - EPA |
 | Guccy Road |
 | Gun Partnership/Juv. Violence
 | H. Con. Res. 80 Made in USA
 | HR 675 Encryption Bill - Goodlatte
 | HR 1074 - Regulation Right to Know
 | HR 1689 Uniform Standards Act
 | Habitat for Humanity
 | Ham Fish Institute |
Series 7, Box 20 (Han-Hot)
 | Hancock 1
 | Hancock 2
 | Hancock 3
 | Hancock 4
 | Hancock part II 1
 | Hancock part II 2
 | Hancock - DHS
 | Proposed Remedial Action Plan for
Hancock Air National Guard Site
 | Hancock Airport
 | Hancock Field
 | Hancock - Jemcoat |
 | Hancock, Stew - Letter Rec. for USNA
Award |
 | Hanford Mtg.
 | Health Care
 | HHS
 | Army Corps of Engineers/Hiawatha
 | High Falls Festival
 | Homeland Security/FEMA $
 | Homeless
 | Homeless $
 | Hospice of the Finger Lakes
 | Hotchkiss Building |
Series 7, Box 21 (Hou-Ins)
 | Housing/HUD
 | HUD A
 | HUD B
 | HUD/Baldwinsville/Buffalo
 | HUD - Central NY - Community
 | HUD - Federalization/Public Housing
 | EPA Dredging/Hudson River/GE
Contaminated Sediments
 | Hunger
 | Hunger/Homelessness
 | Hunger - Ag Research Bill
 | Hunger has a cure
 | Hunger/Nutrition/Block Grants
 | Hunger/Nutrition Safety Net/107th
 | HR 2142/Hunger/Nutrition Assistance
for Working Families
 | Hunger Relief Act (HR 3192) 106th
 | Hunger Relief Act - HR 3192
 | Hunger Relief Act - HR 3192
 | Hunger - World Summit for
Children/105th Congress
 | Hutchings Closure
 | Huntington Family Center
 | Hydropower Licensing
 | Ice Storm 4/03
 | IDEA Labor HHS Ed '07 Amendment |
 | Immigration/Borders '07
 | Immigration - Guatemalan Adoptions
 | INS
 | INS - Thanthima, Prakong Phunta |
 | India
 | Infotonics C of E |
 | IEQ - MDA/SU |
 | Inner Harbor Navigation
 | Institute of Human Pref. |
Series 7, Box 22 (Int-Laj)
 | International Affairs
 | Intl Joint Commission/Lake Ontario
Water Flow
 | Lake Ontario Water Levels/IJC
 | Invasive Species
 | Iran
 | Iraq
 | Iraq 2002-3
 | Ireland Farm 2007
 | Intl Fund for Ireland
 | Irondequoit Bay Bridge/Outlet
 | 590/Irondequoit Monroe Co.
 | Biological Study of Irondequoit Bay
 | Irondequoit Bay Habor Management
Plan |
 | Iron. Bay Dredgeing USACE 2006 |
 | Irondequoit Projects
 | PBS Islam vs
Islamists/Frank Gaffney |
 | PBS Islam v. Islamists
 | Jack's Reef A
 | Jack's Reef B
 | Jamesville Sewer
 | Jamesville Reservoir ACE 2003
 | Jason Foundation
 | Jet Blue
 | Jordan Sewage Plants
 | Miscellaneous Justice/Judiciary
 | Kidney Foundation
 | La Raza |
 | HUD - La Raza - Legal
 | La Raza/Hispanic/Hope Fund |
 | Labor-HHS Program Requests |
 | Labor HHS - Education |
Series 7, Box 23 (Lak-Mel)
 | Lake Cooling
 | Options for Managing Lake
Onterio and St. Lawrence River
Water Levels and Flows Final Report
 | Options for Managing Lake
Onterio and St. Lawrence River
Water Levels and Flows Annexes
 | Lake Ontario - St. Law River
Study/Water Levels - IJC |
 | Landmark Theater
 | Layfayette
 | Lead Paint
 | Lead Paint Program - Lead Pipes
 | LeMoyne College A |
 | LeMoyne College B |
 | Libya
 | LSTAT - Army |
 | Limestone Creek ACE 2004
 | Little Sodus Bay/Army Corps of
Engineers A
 | Little Sodus Bay/Army Corps of
Engineers B
 | Lockheed Martin A
 | Lockheed Martin B
 | Lockheed Martin C
 | Croatia - LM
 | Lockheed MDA NYS |
 | Loretto - Bernardine & Heritage
 | Loretto - PACE |
 | LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy
Assistance Program) |
 | Main St. Partnership
 | Manlius Rec Center |
 | Marsellus Closing 3/03 |
 | Marsellus Water |
 | Matilda Joslyn - Gage Foundation
 | MDA - 2020 Initiative |
 | Media Unit
 | Med Tech
 | Medicare/Medicaid
 | Medicare Forum 6/7/04
 | Medley Center |
Series 7, Box 24 (Mem-Mz)
 | Member Earmark Articles
 | Mercury Bill
 | Mercury - Charlie Driscoll
 | Merry-Go-Round Playhouse
 | Metropolitan Museum of Art
 | (Metropolitan Development
Association) MDA's 2005 Earmark |
 | MDA - Essential NY Initiative |
 | MDA - 2020 Initiative |
 | MDA: Vision 2010 |
 | MDA - Vision 2010 |
 | Milfoil Study
 | Def., Milcon, VA - Approps & Authors
A |
 | Def., Milcon, VA - Approps & Authors
B |
 | MilCon Approps |
 | MilCon Introduction |
 | Military - Guam
 | Military Quality of Life
 | Military Quality of Life/VA -
 | MilQual 3/14 |
 | Millenial Housing Commission A |
 | Millenial Housing Commission B |
 | Millenial Housing Commission C |
 | Minimum Wage
 | Mizpah Tower Building |
 | Monroe County H2O Project
 | Monroe County FY '08
 | Montezuma A
 | Montezuma B
 | Montezuma - Audubon New York
 | Montezuma Natl Wildlife Refugee |
 | Montezuma Refugee
 | Moynihan Institute
 | MOST - Museum |
Series 7, Box 25 (Na-Ne)
 | NAFTA Aftermath Effects
 | NASA - Cayuga Community College
 | NASA - Cayuga Community
College/Central New York
 | NASA/SATOP - Chamber |
 | NASA-SATOP(Space Alliance Technology
& Outreach Program) TRDA |
 | Natl Environment Education &
Training Foundation (NEETF) |
 | National Forests
 | NIH (National Institiute of Health)
- Public Access Policy |
 | Nat'l Kidney Foundation
 | NTIC (National Training &
Information Center) |
 | NTIC Info (SUN) |
 | Navy - Grants/Contracts A
 | Navy - Grants/Contracts B
 | Nazareth College
 | Nedrow Drainage |
 | American-Nepal Friendship Society,
 | Nepal
 | Nepal Resolution
 | Nepal Updates |
Series 7, Box 26 (New-Noq)
 | NY City Disaster Relief/Numbers
 | NY City/World Trade Center Health
 | 9/11
 | NYC Funding (9/11) Fight 11/01
 | New York City 9/11 Recovery/FEMA
 | New York Unfunded World Trade Center
 | Worker Compensation Rescissions
 | 9/11 WTC Workers' Comp
 | World Trade Center -
Recovery/Workers' Comp A
 | World Trade Center -
Recovery/Workers' Comp B
 | WTC Debris Removal/Captive Insurance
 | NYS FY 2000-2001 |
 | NY - 25th District EDI Earmarks
 | NY State Earmarks/Approps |
 | NY State Earmarks
 | NYSERNet A |
 | NYSERNet B |
 | NYS National Guard - Air/Army 174
 | New York Ordnance Works - Formerly
Utilized Defense Site - Lysancter 2006
 | Niagara Mohawk - FEMA/HUD - Electric
 | Niagara Mohawk - Nimo/National Grid
 | Education - No Child Left Behind
 | NCLB Fact Book |
 | Nomination Results - Class 2009
 | Nomination & Appointment Results
(all years)
 | Nomination Results - Class 2010
 | Nomination Results - Class 2011
 | Nomination Results - Class 2012
Series 7, Box 27 (Nor-Ot)
 | North Area Athletic Club
 | North Sacina St. Corridor |
 | Northeast Community Center
 | Northup Carriage House/Wolcott
 | NS Seawolf |
 | NS Nuclear Submarines
 | Olympic Regional Develpment
Authority, New York |
 | OM Edwards A
 | OM Edwards B
 | "On the Canal" 2003
 | Oneida Lake
 | Oneida Lake/Approps |
 | Onieda Lake/Army Corps |
 | Oneida Lake - Corps of Engineers
 | Oneida Lake Cormorants/OLA
Issues/USDA APHIS WS Funding
 | Oneida Lake Misc.
 | Oneida Lake Watershed A
 | Oneida Lake Watershed B
 | Oneida Lake Watershed C
 | Onondaga Community College
 | O.C.C./Onondaga Community College
 | On. County - Pirro |
 | O.C. Sheriff's Office 10/27 |
 | Onon. Cnty. Soil & Water
Conservation District |
 | Onondaga County Soil & Water
Conservation District
 | Onon. Co. TB Grant |
 | Onondaga County Water Quality
 | Onondaga County Water - Mtn. Glen
 | Onondaga Hist. Assn.
 | Ontrack/Rail - Walter Rich/Syracuse
Regional Transportation Center |
 | Open Hand Theater
 | Open House, Inc
 | Orangic Farming Issues |
 | Otisco - EPA |
 | Otisco Lake Watershed |
Series 7, Box 28 (Ou-R)
 | Owasco Flats |
 | Owasco Sea Wall A |
 | Owasco Sea Wall B |
 | Owasco Sea Wall - Update |
 | Owasco Waterfront |
 | Palmyra Community Center
 | Park Street Bridge
 | Partnership for a Drug-Free America
 | Partnership for Drug-Free America
 | Passports
 | Peace Coprs |
 | Peace Corps/Freedom Corps
 | Pavlus, Bill - Old Federal Farm 2006
 | Penfield: Daytona Ave. Project
 | Penfield/Transportation Approps |
 | PEACE, Inc. - O'Hara
 | Photo Gear
 | Pines of Peace
 | Port Bay
 | Port Byron/Erie Canal
 | Ports Transfer/Security
 | Powelson Building |
 | Power Lines
 | Protecting Marriage
 | Puerto Ricans
 | Rabbi Balkani/Children's Center
Brooklyn |
 | RACNE Update |
 | Railroad Field Hearing
 | Railway Safety
 | Redhouse Theater |
 | Refugee Coalition - State-Powell
(Letter Writing Campaign)
 | Refugee Resettlement/Labor-HHS
Report Language |
 | Renaissance Square
 | Rivers - NYS |
 | Robotic Monitoring Buoys
 | Rochester Infotonics Center |
 | Rochester Infotonics |
 | RIT Collegetown USACE (Wilmonte)
2007 |
 | RIT Forest Fires |
 | Rochester Institute of Technonlogy (RIT)
- (NASA) Wildfires/Integrated System
 | EPA/Rochester Clean Air Non
 | Rochester Appropriation Issues
 | Rochester Renaissance Square/Approps
 | Rosamond Gifford Zoo |
Series 7, Box 29 (Sa-So)
 | St. Bonaventure
 | St. Bonaventure/Earmarks
 | St. John Fisher A
 | St. John Fisher B
 | St. John Fisher College
 | St. Joe's Cath Lab |
 | St. Joe's Dial. Center
 | St. Joseph's Hospital/DoD |
 | St. Lawrence Seaway/Corps of
 | St. Lawrence River/Seaway Great
Lakes Navigation System
 | Salina - Landfill Site
 | Town of Salina - EPA
 | Salt City
 | Salt City Center
 | Salvation Army
 | Satellite Issue
 | Schine Theater |
 | Draft - Selective Service
 | Seneca Meadows
 | Sensis/ESF - Water Protection System
 | Sensis Corporation |
 | Sensis Corp. |
 | Sentinel Heights H2O
 | Ross Sheckler - NASA -
 | Skaneateles H2O Line
 | Skan. Aquatics Center |
 | Skaneateles Lake Open Space
 | Skaneateles Lake Watershed A
 | Skaneateles Lake Watershed B
 | Skaneateles Lake Watershed C
 | Small Business A
 | Small Business B
 | HUD Small Cities
 | Small Cities '07
 | Soccer A
 | Soccer B
 | US Soccer Resolution/World Cup
 | US Soccer Foundation/World Cup
 | Social Security
 | Sodus Bay/Wayne Cnty Soil & Water
Funding |
 | Sodus Bay High Water
 | Great Sodus Bay Resource
Preservation & Enhancement Plan WCWQCC/WCSWCD
 | Great Sodus Embayment Resource
Preservation and Watershed Enhancement
 | SOS (Save Our Sodus)
 | S.O.S.
 | Solvay Public Library
 | Solvay Library
 | Source Sentinel
 | Southwest Bus. Center: SBA - Walt
Dixie |
Series 7, Box 30 (Sp-Sx)
 | SATOP/Tech Garden |
 | US Space Command
 | Space Shuttle Columbia 2/03
 | Space Warfare
 | Town of Sporrad - Drainage
Improvements |
 | Sports Hall of Fame
 | Sportsmen Issues/Gun Control
 | Starfinder
 | Stem Cells A
 | Stem Cells B
 | Sterling Festival
 | Nancy Stevens - Deployment (Flag &
Series 7, Box 31 (Sy)
 | City of Syracuse Appropriation
 | Syracuse Choice
 | Syracuse Choice
 | Syracuse - Citizens
Awarness Network - FEMA |
 | SCSD Technology |
 | Syracuse City School District A
 | Syracuse City School District B
 | Syr. City Schools Funding Request
 | Syr. Comm. Health Center
 | Syr. Comm. Health Center
 | Syracuse - Connective Corridor
 | HUD - Eljay Syracuse Foreclosure
Housing |
 | EPA/Syracuse Environmental Systems -
Center of Excellence/NYIEQ |
 | Syracuse Univ/Center of Excellence
Environmental Systems |
 | Greater Syracuse Tenant Network
 | Master Earmark List/Syracuse
 | Syracuse News Clips
 | Syracuse Police Dept.
 | Syracuse Research Corp
 | SRC
 | HUD - Saving America's Cities
 | Syracuse Stage
 | Syracuse Symphony
 | SUN - Mtg. w/JTW, LIHEAP, Energy
Costs, Muncipal Power - 2/18/06 |
 | Syracuse United Neighbors
 | Syracuse Urban Forest Plan - USDA FS
 | Syracuse VAMC |
 | WFW Photo Copies |
Series 7, Box 32 (Sy. U-Uq)
 | Appropriations/Syracuse Univ |
 | Syracuse University/University Hall
 | SU
 | SU "The Decision"
 | TACTAIR/Stryker
 | Tax
 | Tax Cuts
 | TB $ Onon. County |
 | Terry Schiavo Case 3/05 |
 | Tessy Plastics |
 | Three Rivers/Clay
 | Town of Clay/Three Rivers
 | Tiahrt Amendment/CJS Approps
 | Tioughnioga River Trail |
 | Tioughnioga River Front |
 | Together As One (HHQ) |
 | TNT/Mayor Driscoll
 | Towpath Quilt Guild
 | Toy Safety
 | Tunison Labs |
 | Tunison Lab |
 | Tunison Lab - Cortland - USGS |
 | Tunison Lab/Atlantic Salmon |
 | Jim Walsh Proposal to UN -
 | United Nations
 | USFWS Cormorant Management EIS/Depredation
Order |
 | U.S. Service Academics - Press
 | University of Rochester
 | University of Rochester/DOE Laser
Energentics/ICF |
 | Univ. of Rochester/OMEGA/Energy &
 | Upper Delaware River Basin/EPA/Army
Corps of Engineers |
 | Upstate - Fair Project
 | Upstate Med. Children's Hospital
 | Upstate Medical: Center for
Emergency Preparedness |
Series 7, Box 33 (Ur-Was)
 | Urban Delights
 | Urban Village
 | US Aid/Iraq Electricity Output
 | V-22 Osprey
 | Vera House
 | Vera House & Rape Crisis
 | Verizon
 | VA/HUD/Indps. Subcommittee |
 | Canandaigua VA
 | VA/HUD Opening Statement
 | VA Emergency Room/and Addition
 | VA Well Grounded Claims
 | Veterans
 | Veteran Issues
 | Veterans/Labor-HHS Appropriations
 | ViaHealth of Wayne Co. |
 | Victory Water Line
 | Vietnam
 | Walsh Visa
 | The Entrepreneur Center - Utica -
Walsh Visa
 | Walsh Visa/Foreign Operations
 | Walsh Visa - Newsletters
 | Walsh Visa - Participant Profiles/Success
Stories |
 | Walsh Visa - Program Info, Clips,
Meeting Notes
 | Walsh Visa/Reauthorization/CJS
Approps FY 2004 |
 | Walsh Visa Reauthorization
 | Ward Bakery Site |
Series 7, Box 34 (Wat-Z)
 | Milfoil/Water Chestnuts
 | Water Chestnut - CNY/Oneida |
 | Milfoil/Water Chestnut EPA Grant
 | Water Chestnut Final Report
 | Waterbeds/Waterways |
 | Wayne County Fair
 | Wayne County Issues
 | Wayne Co. $$
 | Wayne County Project
 | Wayne County Water Quality
Coordinating Comm. (WQCC) |
 | Wayne Co. Watershed
 | Wayne County's Freshwater
Resources/Watershed Management
 | Wayne Cnty. Watershed - Save Our
Sodus, Inc. |
 | WCNY: Public Telecommunications |
 | WCNY Tower Request |
 | Webster Land
 | Webster Woods/NOAA |
 | Weed & Seed
 | Welch - Allyn |
 | Welfare/Child Nutrition/Immigrants
 | Westcott Reservoir
 | Wetstone
 | Williams Beach - Cicero
 | City Willow - Fueled Power Plant -
Mtg. w/Ted Stetler, Luke Tinan - 2007
 | Wilmorite/Sibley Bldg. |
 | Wolcott Carriage House
 | Wool Growers - Tariff
 | YMCA - North Area
 | YMCA "Tiles"
 | Youth Build A
 | Youth Build B |
Additional material in Series 12. |