Photo by Charles Wainwright

James T. Walsh


Day in a Life
Hancock Field
Irish Affairs
Onondaga Lake
SBU Archives


Series 12-- Material Added in 2021

    Series 12 contains materials that were added to the collection in 2021. It also includes material added at later dates. Publications which include research based on the collection are in Box 2.


Series 12, Box 1


bullet Third District Councilor Campaign Material
bullet Third District Councilor Candidate News Releases/Correspondence
bullet 1977 Common Council Election Scrapbook
bullet 1979 Common Council Scrapbook
bullet Common Council: 1977-1985
bullet Street Reconstruction Program
bullet Syracuse City Council Airport Committee Minutes - May 6, 1982
bullet Prevention of Significant Air Quality Deterioration Permit, Onondaga County, 1985-1986
bullet Property Assessment 1985
bullet Taxes 1985
bullet Housing Proposal 1985
bullet Early Retirement Bill 1985
bullet Eastwood Noise Problem 1985
bullet Correspondence, 1985 Campaign for Common Council President
bullet Campaign Marketing/Communication Outline, 1985 Campaign
bullet Creative/Media Presentation, 1985 Campaign
bullet Publicity, 1985 Campaign
bullet Weekly Schedule, 1985 Campaign
bullet Photos, 1985 Campaign
bullet Senior Citizens Action Plan, 1985 Campaign
bullet President of Common Council, Charter of the City of Syracuse 1985
bullet Voting Results, 1985 Campaign
bullet Victory Correspondence, 1985 Campaign
bullet 1985 Mayoral Campaign 12/7/1984 - 7/31/1985- Candidates, Issues, General Coverage I
bullet 1985 Mayoral Campaign 8/1/1985-11/5/1985 - Candidates, Issues, General Coverage II
bullet Jim Walsh Common Council Presidence Race III - 11/9/1984 - 11/6/1985
bullet 1985 Mayoral Race - Interviews and Profiles
bullet General Crushed Stone Company Sale - 1986
bullet Onondaga Park Ice Skating 1986
bullet 1986 Correspondence
bullet Photographs, 1986
bullet Speeches, 1986-1987
bullet Onondaga Lake, 1987
bullet Resume, 1987
bullet 1987 County Executive Campaign, Organizational Paper (July)
bullet Notes for Jim Walsh Meeting, 1987 Campaign
bullet Jim Walsh Campaign, Executive Committee, 1987
bullet Weekly Schedules, 1987 County Executive Campaign
bullet Publicity, 1987 County Executive Campaign
bullet Correspondence, 1987 County Executive Campaign
bullet Campaign Notes and Speeches, 1987 County Executive Campaign
bullet Summary Report: Poll for James Walsh - March 23-27, 1987
bullet Summary Report: Poll for James Walsh Conducted July 13-16, 1987
bullet Phone Bank Survey - July 21 - August 26, 1987
bullet Summary Report: Poll for James Walsh - September 3-9, 1987
bullet Survey Report, September 7, 1987
bullet Republican Committee Sheets - 1986-1987
bullet Schoonmaker vs. Romeo et al. 1987
bullet Newsclippings: August - September 1987
bullet SUNY College of Technology Correspondence 1985-1986
bullet SUNY College of Technology - Telecommunication News 1985-1987
bullet William F. Walsh


Series 12, Box 2


bullet Newsclippings, Congressional Campaign 1988
bullet 1990 Campaign Folder
bullet 32nd Canada - United States Interparliamentary Conference: May 23-27, 1991
bullet Newsclippings, 1995 Washington, D.C. Financial Crisis
bullet White House Correspondence 1996
bullet Super Irish: Shining Stars of the Irish Diaspora 1998
bullet Conference Report - 106th Congress, October 18, 2000
bullet Congressional Delegation Itineraries, 2000, 2004
bullet Congressional Records - 2000, 2008
bullet Newsclippings, September 11, 2001
bullet Newsclippings, Election Results for 2002, 2006
bullet Campaign Material, 2006
bullet Key Issue Report on Jim Walsh, 2006-2007
bullet Key Issue Report (Iraq War), 2006-2007
bullet Correspondence, Taoiseach Brian Cowen, September 2008
bullet Voting Records, 110th Congress, 2nd Session - 2008
bullet Records Management, 2008
bullet Newsclippings, Final Days in Office
bullet Highlights of Accomplishments and Results: The Administration of George W. Bush, 2001-2009
bullet Walsh Christmas Card
bullet White House Christmas Cards
bullet White House Invitations
bullet Holiday Cards
bullet Newsclippings
bullet Congressional Photographs
bullet White House Photographs
bullet St. Bonaventure Commencement 2011
bullet Added 2025. Meinke, Scott. "Messaging both sides : Party leadership support for conflicting positions in the US House." Party Politics. 2024, Vol. 0(0) 1-7.
bullet Set of Congressional trading cards, 1993
bullet Audiocassette, Campaign material
bullet VHS, 1989 Congressional Baseball Game
bullet VHS, Livermore Farm, 1990
bullet Audiocassette, Radio spot for Congressional Campaign, 1994
bullet VHS, 8th Gallaudet University Congressional Baseball Classic, 1997
bullet DVD, Ireland with President Clinton in July 1998 & Allied Chemical Tour in August 1998
bullet VHS, 2000 Congressional Baseball Game
bullet DVD, Russia, August 2000
bullet CD, November 4, 2002 - #2 Random Mix
bullet CD, Northern Europe, February 2004, CODEL Goodlaite
bullet DVD, CODEL Walsh- Ireland 2004
bullet DVD, Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission - November 9, 2004
bullet CD, William Walsh Building Dedication at St. Bonaventure University, 5/5/2006
bullet CD, Walsh for Congress TV spot - 06/06
bullet DVD, Congressman Walsh Tours Syracuse VA Medical Center/Press Conference, March 12, 2007
bullet CD, Congressman Walsh, 5/22/2007
bullet CD, Walsh, 06/04/2007
bullet DVD, Central Issues July 2007
bullet DVD, Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative, May 2008
bullet DVD, Syracuse Neighborhood Initiative - May 2008 - Messages to the Congressman
bullet CD, Rep. Walsh Web Site Files Archives December 8, 2008
bullet DVD, Transition Services for Departing Members and Staff
bullet DVD, SBU Commencement 2011
bullet CD, JTW Award Photos


Series 12, Box 3


bullet The Sights and Secrets of the National Capital: A Work Descriptive of Washington City by Dr. John B. Ellis
bullet Origins and Development of the Second Amendment by David T. Hardy
bullet "The Boys from Syracuse" Desert Shield/Desert Storm
bullet Pandaemonium: Ethnicity in International Politics by Daniel Patrick Moynihan
bullet A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World by Benjamin Netanyahu
bullet The Struggle for Russia by Boris Yeltsin
bullet Power, Pasta, and Politics: The World According to Senator Al D'Amato by Al, D'Amato
bullet Legislating the Revolution: The Contract with America in its First 100 Days by James G. Gimpel
bullet Liberty!: The American Revolution by Thomas Fleming
bullet The Erie Canal by Debbie Daino Stack, Captain Ronald S. Marquisee
bullet Thirty-Fourth Republican National Convention, New Orleans, 1988
bullet Inaugural Address of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to George Bush 1989
bullet Thirty-Fifth Republican National Convention, Houston, 1992
bullet Silvio O. Conte Memorial Tributes and Services
bullet History of the United States House of Representatives, 1789-1994
bullet Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, Jr. - Memorial Addresses and Tributes in the Congress of the United States
bullet Thirty-Eighth Republican National Convention, New York City, 2004
bullet Gerald R. Ford - Memorial Tributes Delivered in Congress
bullet House Rules and Manual - 110th Congress
bullet Dictionary, Thesaurus, U.S. & World Atlas set


Series 12, Box 4


bullet White House Christmas Party Photograph
bullet Nelson Mandela Address to the Joint Session Photograph, 1994
bullet Republican Freshmen Class, 101st Congress Photograph, 1994
bullet 1988 Campaign Photograph
bullet Congressional Baseball Team Photograph, 1989
bullet CIA Director Porter Goss with Jim Walsh Photograph
bullet President George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush with Jim and DeDe Walsh Photograph
bullet New Majority Dinner Gavel, 1995
bullet Pen, President Bill Clinton
bullet Cuff Link and Tie Clip Set, Democratic Unionists
bullet Cuff Links, Department of Veterans' Affairs
bullet Cuff Links, J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker
bullet Cuff Links and Pin, United States Special Operations Command
bullet Cuff Links, Women's Roosevelt Memorial Association-Service
bullet Cuff Links and Wallet - from Mary McAleese, President of Ireland
bullet Award Plaque - The American Ireland Fund Distinguished Service Award, 2001
bullet Award Plaque - To Jim Walsh, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Military Quality of Life and Veteran's Affairs from Brigadier General John F. Kelly, 2005
bullet License Plate, U.S. Congressman James T. Walsh
bullet Award - To Congressman James T. Walsh-in recognition of your dedication and loyalty to peace with justice in Ireland-from the Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1998
bullet Plaque with Proclamation of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic to the People of Ireland
bullet Plaque - The Board of Directors for the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery Proudly presents the John Philip Sousa Distinguished Service Award to Congressman James T. Walsh, November 6, 2007

Series 12, Box 5

bullet Congressional Campaign Button for Jim Walsh
bullet 15 Challenge Coins
bullet 4 Commemorative Medals
bullet Marble Paperweight - created from the steps of the House of Representatives
bullet Brick from the foundation of the capitols steps
bullet Police - Service - Northern Ireland Award
bullet Peace Corps Paperweight
bullet Congress ID badges - 101st Congress - 110th Congress
bullet Congressman James T. Walsh business cards
bullet President of the Syracuse Common Council business cards
bullet Congressional trading card, 1989
bullet Baseball Card for Jim Walsh, 1991
bullet Baseball Card for Jonathan D. Salant, 1994
bullet Baseball Card for Jonathan and Joan Salant, 1996
bullet Baseball Card for Jim Walsh, 2001
bullet Baseball Card for Jim Walsh, 2002
bullet Baseball Card for Bill Shuster, 2002
bullet Baseball Card for Mike McIntyre, 2002
bullet Baseball Card for Business Software Alliance Member Companies, 2002
bullet Baseball Card for Jim Walsh, 2003
bullet Green Teller Vote Card, Aye
bullet House of Representatives Member's Pass for adminittance to visitor's galley - February 20, 1926

Hallway nameplate for Congressman James T. Walsh

Large Items

bullet Large framed memento from President Bill Clinton for the Irish Political Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998 that was signed into law October 30, 1998.
bullet Large framed memento from President Bill Clinton for the Department of Veterans' Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Act, 2000, signed into law October 20, 1999
bullet 2008 Guinness Syracuse Irish Festival drum