Series 1 - Box # 2 1984-1988 This series covers the second half of Congressman Walsh's political career as a councilor and president of the Syracuse Common Council. Significant events that occurred in the Common Council between 1984-1988 include the election of a new mayor, Thomas G. Young, in 1986 followed by a subsequent election of James T. Walsh as Common Council president, Walsh continuing to improve the environment and civil works of Syracuse and Walsh taking major steps to help the city of Syracuse on a national scale after being elected into Congress in 1988.
Box # 2, book # 1 - The Syracuse Common Council for the fiscal year 1984 Councilor James T. Walsh of the third district. Index page 1061. Member of the following standing committees- Charter, Rules and Procedures, Downtown, Housing and Real Estate, Metropolitan planning, Parks, Recreation and Environment and Public Safety. Tuesday, May 29, 1984- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh motions a resolution of memorializing the New York State Assembly to enact Senate Bill # 7565B "An Act to Amend Chapter 513 of the Laws of 1962" relating to the Establishment of the City Court of Syracuse (Housing). Monday, November 26, 1984- A regularly scheduled meeting. Communication to President Magnarelli requesting to conduct an investigation of the Division of Buildings and Property rehabilitation and its employees. Thursday, December 27, 1984- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh proposes a resolution urging the Members of the Common Council, Employees of the City of Syracuse, and All Residents of Syracuse and Central New York, to provide aid and comfort to the suffering people of Ethiopia. Voted no on the 1985 budget vote. Box # 2, book # 2 - The Syracuse Common Council for the fiscal year 1985 Councilor James T. Walsh of the third district. Index page 1163. Member of the following standing committees- Charter, Rules and Procedures, Downtown, Housing and Real Estate, Metropolitan planning, Parks, Recreation and Environment and Public Safety. Monday, June 10, 1985- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh authorizes the Commissioner of Finance to create a "Tax Stabilization Fund" and to deposit within said account the amount of $12,000,000. Voted yes on the 1986 budget vote. Box # 2, book # 3 - The Syracuse Common Council for the fiscal year 1986 Election of Hon. Mayor Thomas G. Young. Hon. James T. Walsh, President. Index page 1102. Member of the following standing committees- Economic Development & Downtown. Tuesday, January 21, 1986- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh amends the resolution to create a task force committee to design a new ground transportation service at the airport. He also amends to allow the chairman of committee to add 3 additional community leaders. Box # 2, book # 4 - The Syracuse Common Council for the fiscal year 1987 Hon. James T. Walsh, President. Index page 1140. Member of the following standing committees- Economic Development & Downtown. Tuesday, January 20, 1987- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh proposed a resolution urging President Ronald Reagan to sign and support the Pure Water Act of 1987 on behalf of the residents of the city of Syracuse and county of Onondaga. Box # 2, book # 5 - The Syracuse Common Council for the fiscal year 1988 Hon. James T. Walsh, President. Index page 1353. Member of the following standing committees- Chairman of Economic Development & Downtown Tuesday, December 27, 1988- A regularly scheduled meeting. Walsh permitted to resign from the presidency of the Syracuse Common Council effective 12/31/1988 at 12:00 midnight due to recent election to the United States Congress. Created by Danielle Butler for History 419, Spring 2009. |