Avoiding the Draft
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Find this drawing by Bill Sanders @: http://www.wku.edu

      In the Spring of 1970 the draft changed to a lottery leaving any healthy man as fair game.  This especially hit students hard.  Beforehand the draft allowed a good deal of flexibility with deferments.  Full time students before 1970 were given a 2S deferment which at least delayed them from the war.  When the lottery went into effect, it was simply a lottery number based on your birthday from 1-365.  Students could do nothing but sit and wait for their number to be picked and they felt completely helpless.  Organizations such as CALCAV (Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam) tried to start programs in Olean based on draft and lottery counseling.  They wanted to help students become aware of their rights and responsibilities when it came to the lottery.  They published numerous articles in the Bona Venture to keep this program on its feet but most attempts failed. 

Last updated:  03/19/04

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