The Symbols of St. Bonaventure University

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Other Symbols of St. Bonaventure

    Above is a statue of St. Bonaventure himself, for whom this school is named. The Statue stands proudly in front of Devereux Hall, near the entrance of the school property. 
Saint Bonaventure University was founded by Nicholas Devereux, of Utica, NY, and Bishop Timon, of Buffalo NY. 

Just like any University rich in religious heritage, St. Bonaventure is a place full of symbolic statues, buildings and pictures. This part of the site takes a look into the class ring and the habits that the friars wear. Day to day we walk around the University and hardly take time to feel the tradition and heritage that St. Bonaventure holds. Many students truly do not see the stage which a St. Bonaventure education is held upon.  When others see a student's class ring or find out that he or she is from Bonaventure they most likely think of the school's tradition and heritage. These pages are dedicated to some of the most important and interesting parts of that heritage. 

Academic Regalia

The Class Ring

The  Brown and White of Bonaventure and the Friars

Some of the Shrines and Statues on campus are described in the pages linked to below:
Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Joseph's Oratory
St. Therese of Lisieux Shrine
Statue of Virgin Mary outside of Hickey Dining Hall

Page created by David Patt; St. Bonaventure University, for History 419 (Computer and Archival Skills for Historians),

Shrine links added by Dennis Frank 12/15/03
Last updated:  10/06/04
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