The Bona Venture, The Laurel, and
the Bonadieu have been used for background material in addition to the
specific references noted below.
St. Bonaventure University Seal:
The Seal of St. Bonaventure University (N.d.). Symbols Folder, University
St. Bonaventure Class Ring:
Description of the Symbolism on the St. Bonaventure University Class Ring (N.d.).
Symbols Folder, University
St. Bonaventure University Motto:
Plassmann, Thomas, O.F.M., (President of Saint Bonaventure, 1920-1949). The
Motto of St. Bonaventure University (N.d.). : Symbols Folder, University Archives.
The Bona Fanatic:
Tascione, Elizabeth and Rob Tyrrell. "Costume yields jeers,
injuries." The Bona Venture (31 January 1997): 1.
The Brown Indian:
Greg Johnson. " 'Brown Indian' Name 'Always Respectful'." The Bona Venture (17
March 1972):1.
"St. Bona U. makes its 'Brown Indian' logo more accurate." Evening
Observer (24 Sept. 1991): N.p.
The Franciscan Friars and University Colors:
Duns Scotus Debating Society. Minutes. Vol. 1 (29 April 1888): 373-374.
Interview with Brother David Haack, conducted September 24, 2003, by David Patt.
The Bona Wolf:
Inside Bona's (3 September 1998).
St. Bonaventure Seal:
Slides Binder, Adam, Doyle Chapel Page.
Birch Lane Entrance:
Friedsam Memorial Library
Folder, University Archives.
Brown Indian Black and White Photo:
1969 Bonadieu,
University Archives.
Bona Fanatic Photo:
University Archives, negatives
Statue of St. Bonaventure Photo:
Slides Binder
Brown Indian logo:
University Archives, Special
Collections, box 7, sport artifacts.
Bibliography Page:
SBU Logo, University page:
Home Page:
Collage of photos made from Images
used all though out web site.
Friars and Brown and White Page:
Color Photo and
Black and White photo from University Archives, Friars, Seminarians and Friar
Group Photos Box, photographer unknown.
Last updated: 03/23/05
Please direct comments to the Archives