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The Bona Fanatic

The Bona Fanatic was one of the most interesting looking mascots that St. Bonaventure has ever had. Most would agree that it was a hasty, poorly planned move away from the Brown Indian which had been receiving political heat.  Still, the Bona Fanatic made its first appearance on Dec. 3, 1996, and precipitated a list of complaints. The people inside of this costume were subjected to assault by Bonaventure's own fans and suffered from its construction.

While researching the Bonafanatic, I realized that people were so excited to get rid of it that no one seemed to have kept any pictures. Officials in the Sports Communications office cannot locate any pictures of this creature. However, a few negatives did turn up in the files of the Public Relations Office.

Bona Venture articles dating back to the Fanatic's time are also less than encouraging about it. In an article dated January 31, 1997 reports of the mascot getting hurt are included. Two freshman shared rally duties in the suit. Taylor Nicklaus and Lori Magenis were recipients of cracked ribs, bruises, abrasions, and a dislocated knee. Nicklaus is quoted as saying "The crowd rushed onto the court at the University of Buffalo game and started roughing me up. I had a cracked rib, a cut nose and bruises on my  arms and legs." Nicklaus also states "There have been home games were fans attempted to push me down the stairs." Magenis includes tales in which she said it was hard to work in the costume and after tripping because of poor visibility she dislocated her knee. Even the suit itself was not conducive to the needs of a school mascot. Nicklaus states; "...the inside part of the legs and boots give me rug burns, ...and the shoes are at least four sizes too big."

In an attempt to help the students inside of the suit, the Athletic Director bought an ice pack system to help keep the suit cool. In response to student harassment the mascot also received an escort to all the games. Still, no one seemed to be very pleased with the university's attempt at a new mascot and in 1998 a committee was formed to talk over the possibility of a new mascot, something that alumni could relate to and that the student body would like. Knowing that the current mascot would not survive another season the committee quickly chose a symbol that all could warm up too, The Bona- Wolf.


The Brown Indian

The Bona-Wolf

Brown and White


Page created by David Patt; St. Bonaventure University, for History 419 (Computer and Archival Skills for Historians),

Last updated:  03/23/05
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