1960s: Coming Into It's Own


The 1960s may very well be the coming of age for the Journalism Department at St. Bonaventure. By then, the Department was known nationwide, and prestigious figures in the world of mass communications were present for Press Day, including Walter Cronkite, Pierre Salinger and other noteworthy experts in the field, including the communication advisors to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Nixon. Additional instructors were brought on, and the number of students majoring in journalism began to explode. The Russell J. Jandoli Alumi Scholarship was established in the late 1960s by graduates who named the award after being able to see and appreciate the vision and leadership of the man who started it all. The Department gave more aid to it's students than any other at the University. A third full-time instructor was added around the same time.

The Department was always very diligent in alumni services; in 1962, the first journalism "department only" alumni reunion was held at the behest of Dr. Jandoli. Concerted attempts were made to keep in contact with alumni, and the pages of the alumni magazines were filled with information on past graduates and exhortations to inform the Department of news on the personal happenings of it's graduates. By 1968, 150 of the more than 200 total journalism graduates at that point were still in communication with the Department.

Dr. Jandoi was never one for complacency however. Ever searching for new ways to grow and improve, though emerging from a decade that found the Department firmly established in the college and national community, the Journalism Department headed into a decade that would bring a lot of change.

The following a brochure advertising the Department














The following is a program issued by the Department

