John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
War World: Takeover*
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Cover art by Alan Gutierrez. |
About the Book: War World: Takeover is the second volume
in a grand reissue of War World that will present Haven's
history in a chronological fashion for the very first time.
Takeover is a trade hardcover volume and includes eight new
stories as well as two previously published yarns. |
* Part of the Friedsam Library Collection
Archival Holdings:
War World: Takeover Emails, Agreements, Letters [typescript]
Physical Description:
Some of John's emails and letters regarding the book War World Takeover are present. Also included are agreements to reprint stories and the legal paperwork associated with it. People involved include; Susan Shwartz, John Dalmas, Larry King, William F. Wu and Al Brown.
War World: Takeover : Draft Advertising and Acknowledgements [typescript]
Physical Description:
Contained are two copies of the acknowledgement drafts and a draft for the book advertising. Also included are John Carr's emails about finals changes to the galley.
War World: Takeover Continuity [typescript]
Physical Description:
Included in this folder are emails about continuity in War World Takeover that Larry King sent to John Carr. Furthermore John Carr's edits and corrections to "Enough Rope" and "March into Poland" are included. Finally Victoria Carr's corrections to additional connecting pieces are included.
War World: Takeover Suggested Corrections[typescript]
Physical Description:
Included are a couple proofing suggested corrections to War World: Takeover.
War World: Takeover McEwain Comments and "Church of New Universal Harmony" [typescript]
Physical Description:
Included are two sets of comments by Doug McElwain regarding various errors found through the novel. Also included is a story entitled, "Church of New Universal Harmony" which was labeled cut from War World: Takeover.
War World: Takeover Late Edition [typescript]
481 Leaves
Physical Description:
A very late edition of War World: Takeover. Some red corrections and comments along with black checkmarks can be seen in the document.
War World: Takeover Final Draft [typescript]
431 Leaves
Physical Description:
Final draft of War World: Takeover with only a few corrections made in red on the document.
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Page created by Ellen Winger, Spring 2012
Last update: 29 April 2013