John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
Rainbow Run
By John F. Carr and Camden Benares
Cover art for Rainbow Run by Alan Gutierrez
Rainbow Run is a novel written by John F. Carr and
his late best friend, fellow author Camden
Benares. Begun by Carr and Benares in the 1970s, the novel
was completed in 1996 by Benares and rewritten by Carr after
Benares' death in 2000.
Carr's publishing company, Pequod Press, is due to publish Rainbow Run in the summer of 2012. For more information on the life and works of Camden Benares, click here. |
Archival Holdings:
Rainbow Run [miscellaneous]
103 leaves
Physical Description:
The contents of a file folder labeled “Rainbow Run.” Includes:
· loose sheets signed and dated 4/29/08 by John F. Carr with a note: “Original chpt. #1 written by JFC with editorial corrections by Camden Benares. Written by alternating chapters from eachother.”
· some diagrams and loose spiral notebook sheets that appear to correspond with chapter 1.
· a green notebook labeled “Affinity Factor” on the cover. Page 1 is signed and dated 4/27/08 by Carr with a note: “Original 1979/80 JFC notes for Rainbow Run, original title The Affinity Factor.”
· paper-clipped loose sheets labeled “Rainbow Run—Terms and concepts in no particular order.” They are signed by Carr and labeled: “Notes taken and written by JFC.”
· a set of 9 loose sheets dated 4/27/08 by Carr with a note: “Original proposal outline of first 4 chapters.”
· a group of loose sheets signed and dated 4/27/08 by Carr with a note: “Photocopy of the first 5 chapters and remaining chapter outline of Rainbow Run finally finished in 1996 by C.B. and rewritten by JFC in 2002. Never sold.”
Rainbow Run draft [typescript]
280 leaves
Physical Description:
A stapled packet and a set of approximately 280 loose sheets. The packet is signed and dated 4/26/08 by John F. Carr with a note: “Camden finished first (third actually) draft of Rainbow Run… which we first outlined and did a proposal for in the late 70s. PS—shorter and significantly (?) different from final.” The packet’s heading reads, “12/3/96 Rainbow Run Report from Camden Benares.” The loose sheets are titled “Rainbow Run: copyright 1996 by John F. Carr and Camden Benares.” They appear to be a draft of the unpublished novel.
Rainbow Run excerpts [typescript]
Physical Description:
A set of loose sheets bearing the heading “CHAPTER NINE” on the first page. John F. Carr has also written and signed a note on the first page that reads: “Rainbow Run excerpts,” referring to a novel written by himself and Camden Benares that was completed but never sold or published. The document begins with chapter nine on what is labeled page 96, and it ends at page 255, but there are many sections of pages out of order, so it is difficult to tell the exact length of the document. No editing marks appear in the draft.
Rainbow Run manuscript [typescript]
Approx. 300 leaves
Physical Description:
A manuscript for the unpublished novel Rainbow Run, by Carr and Benares. Carr has signed the manuscript with the annotation, “Rainbow Run, Cam Benares. St. Bonaventure files for J.F.C. archives.” The document includes chapters 1-13 of the story, as well as an outline for the rest. Also included is a letter of rejection dated 25 August 1994 from a publisher. The document bears some smoke damage due to Carr’s office fire.
Rainbow Run Proposal [typescript]
101 leaves
Physical Description:
A proposal for a novel titled Rainbow Run, by John F. Carr and Camden Benares. In a note dated 5/17/2012, Carr writes, “Proposal. Early version of Rainbow Run. Probably early 80s. Draft by John F. Carr. Corrections JFC.” The document is slightly discolored due to smoke damage from Carr’s office fire.
Rainbow Run: Early Version [typescript]
Physical Description:
Miscellaneous pages of Rainbow Run with both blue and black edit marks shown. These pages are in very rough form as shown by the numerous corrections present on many pages.
Rainbow Run: Galley [typescript]
Physical Description:
A galley of Rainbow Run by John F. Carr and Camden Benares with corrections in blue and red made by Victoria Carr while the black ones are made by John Carr.
Rainbow Run : First Draft Dust Jacket[typescript]
Physical Description:
The first draft of the text to appear on the dust jacket of Rainbow Run.
Rainbow Run: Edits and Comments [typescript]
Physical Description:
A list of edits for continuity and comments made on Rainbow Run and sent by email on September 7th 2012.
Rainbow Run: Dennis Frank Comments [typescript]
Physical Description:
Further comments made on Rainbow Run with pages from the story printed out and marked up for correction. Corrections are made in blue by Dennis Frank.
Rainbow Run: Copyedited Manuscript [typescript]
Approx 226 Leaves
Physical Description:
This is the copyedited manuscript of Rainbow Run by John F Carr and Camden Benares. Corrections can be seen in red and blue. The red marks are Victoria Carr's edits while the blue belong to John Carr.
Rainbow Run: published edition
Shelved in the Bishop Room.
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Page created by Ellen Winger, Spring 2012.
Last update: 29 Apr 2013