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Out to the Stars

Out to the Stars Submissions: Invasion of Space [typescript]
36 leaves
Physical Description:
Manuscript of "Invasion of Space" by Charles Sheffield that
was submitted to John Carr and considered for the planned Out to the Stars
anthology. It is unknown if the story was published.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Out There [typescript]
26 leaves
Physical Description:
Manuscript of "Out There " by Ken Rand that was submitted
to John Carr and considered for the planned Out to the Stars anthology. This may
be an unpublished document as searching for it yielded no relevant results.
Out to the Stars Submissions: The Return of the Golden
Age [photocopy]
11 leaves
Physical Description:
"The Return of the Golden Age" by Jeffery D. Kooistra that
appeared in Analog March 1993. It was submitted for the planned Out to the Stars
Out to the Stars Submissions: Bootstrap Enterprise [photocopy]
18 leaves
Physical Description:
Victor Koman's, "Bootstrap Enterprise" which appeared in
the Feb 1982 edition of Fantasy and Science Fiction. This was sent to John Carr
as a possible submission for the Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Spaceward Ho! [photocopy]
5 leaves
Physical Description:
"Spaceward Ho!" by Ben Bova sand Stephen L. Gillett that
appeared in Omni on July 1991. It was sent to John Carr for consideration in Out
to the Stars.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Saturn Alia [photocopy]
44 leaves
Physical Description:
"Saturn Alia" by Grant D. Callin that appeared in the July
1984 issue of Analog. This was sent for inclusion in Out to the Stars and
eventually made into a separate novel published by Baen Books in 1986.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Promises to Keep [photocopy]
51 leaves
Physical Description:
Copy of Jack McDevitt's, "Promises to Keep" that appeared
in Analog (month unknown) 1984 and Asimov's December 1984. This was considered
strongly by John Carr for the Out to Space anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Star Dreck [typescript]
21 leaves
Physical Description:
"Star Dreck" by William Walling that appeared in the
August 1984 Analog. Walling submitted it for consideration in one of the
Out to the Stars Submissions: Spirits of '76 [photocopy]
14 leaves
Physical Description:
Leo Summers's, "Spirits of '76" that appeared in the August
1966 issue of Analog. This was considered by John F. Carr for inclusion into the
planned Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Seekers of the Dog
Star [typescript + envelope]
19 leaves + envelope
Physical Description:
Manuscript of "Seekers of the Dog Star" by Rob Chilson that
may be an unpublished document. This was sent to John Carr for possible
inclusion in the Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Down and Out [photocopy]
41 leaves
Physical Description:
Photocopy of Larry Niven's, "Down and Out" that first
appeared in Galaxy circa 1976. This was a possible edition to the planned Out to
the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Out to the Stars [typescript
+ envelope]
18 leaves
Physical Description:
Mark W. Tiedemann's "The Gravity Box" submitted for
consideration in Endless Frontiers III. This is possibly unpublished and was
planned to be used in the Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Chrysalis [typescript
+ envelope]
28 leaves + envelope
Physical Description:
Gregory Kusnick's, "Chrysalis" which appeared in the
Mid-December 1987 Analog. This was submitted for Endless Frontiers IV but was
being considered for the Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Demolition Man [typescript]
36 leaves
Physical Description:
Manuscript of "Demolition Man" by Phillip C. Jennings that
is possibly unpublished and was submitted to John F. Carr and considered for the
Out to the Stars anthology.
Out to the Stars Submissions: Man Opening Door [photocopy]
35 leaves
Physical Description:
Paul Ash's "Man Opening Door" which appeared in the June
1991 issue of Asimov's. This novella was nominated for the 1992 nebula in that
category. This story was considered for inclusion in the Out to the Stars
Out to the Stars "Possibles" [typescript]
1 leaf
Physical Description:
A single typed page that says, "To the Stars Possibles"
"Thinker" by Jerry Pournelle.

Future of Freedom
Freedom in the Future Submissions: Dead by Law [typescript
+ envelope]
7 leaves + envelope
Physical Description:
Manuscript of "Dead by Law" written by Stephen Crane
Davidson. This has a post-it note that reads, "hold for Freedom in the Future".
This story is still unpublished.
Future of Freedom?: Madrelita [typescript]
5 leaves
Physical Description:
"Madrelita" by Deborah Wheeler that was published in 1990
by Fantasy and Science-Fiction. This story has a post-it not that says, "Future
of Freedom?"

High Tech Wars I
and II
High Tech Wars I and 2 (unfinished): [typescript +
14 leaves
Physical Description:
A letter from Dean S. Warren to John F. Carr coupled with a
response discussing inclusion of his stories into High Tech Wars I and II.
Finally included is Dean S. Warren's, "A New Colonialism" that is a 12 page
unpublished document.
High Tech Wars 2: A Step Farther Out [photocopy]
10 leaves
Physical Description:
"A Step Farther Out: Lasers, Grasers and Marxists" by Jerry
Pournelle Ph.D. that appeared in the July 1976 issue of Galaxy. This was set to
be included in High Tech Wars II.

The Future of
Future of History: Cycles [letter +
30 leaves
Physical Description:
"Cycles" by James Stevens-Arce that first appeared in the
December 1985 issue of Stardate Magazine. The letter is dated August 26, 1995.
This was considered for part of the planned Future of History anthology.
Future of History: Mortimer Gray's History of Death [photocopy]
Physical Description:
"Mortimer Gray's History of Death" by Brian Stableford.
This first appeared in the April 1995 edition of Asimov's. It is not known where
this photocopy was taken from. This was thought of as a good future history
story and under consideration for the Future of History anthology.

Possible There Will be War Stories

Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): A Short History of World
War: XXVIII [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Roy L. Prosterman's, "A Short History of World War: XXVIII"
that appeared in April 1977 in Condé wast Publications.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Peace in the Valley [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Bob Buckley's story "Peace in the Valley" first published
in 1984 by Analog.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Training Device [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Theodore Cogswell's story, "Training Device" that was first
published in 1955 by Greenleaf Publishing COmpany.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Last Blast [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Eric Frank Russell's, "Last Blast" which appeared in
Astounding Science fiction in 1952.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): The Zombie Corps:
Nine-Lives Charlie [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Rayson Lorrey's story, "The Zombie Corps: Nine-Lives
Charlie" that appeared in Writers of the Future Vol IV 1988.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Long Knives [photocopy]
Physical Description:
J.R. Dunn's, "Long Knives" which appeared in the 1987
Writer's of the Future #3.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Psi-Rec [letter + typescript]
Physical Description:
Assorted Poems of Peter Dillingham's Psi-Rec series that
were sent to John Carr in case one would fit an anthology topic.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Psi-Rec [letter + typescript]
Physical Description:
More of Peter Dillingham's Psi-Rec poetry send to John
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Vietnam: How We Deceived Ourselves [photocopy]
Physical Description:
Doan Van Toai's article, "Vietnam: How We Deceived
Ourselves" which was published by Commentary, March 1986.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): Enough Rope [photocopy]
24 leaves
Physical Description:
"Enough Rope" by Poul Anderson which appeared in Astounding
Science Fiction in July 1953.
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): News from 1985 (poem) [letter + typescript]
2 leaves
Physical Description:
A letter and poem from Dana Gioria to John Carr. The Poem
is entitled "News from 1985".
Other Anthology Submissions (Possible TWBW
consideration): The Alien Enemy [photocopy]
20 leaves
Physical Description:
"The Alien Enemy" by Poul Anderson that first appeared in
Analog in 1968.
Other Anthology Submissions (TWBW consideration): The
Weakest Point Resubmission [typescript + letter + envelope]
44 leaves + envelope
Physical Description:
A resubmission of, "The Weakest Point" by S. Owen Smith for
TWBW XIII. Changes were made based on comments by John F. Carr on his first


Other Anthology Submissions: Paper Tiger [photocopy]
Physical Description:
"Paper Tiger" by Reginald Bretnor written in 1969 this is a
photocopy of the 1989 book Perfect Crimes.
Other Anthology Submissions: Solokill [photocopy]
41 leaves
Physical Description:
Part of Solokill by S. Kye Boult (William E.
Cochrane) published in 1977 by Berkley Medallion.
Other Anthology Submissions: A Deal in Poteen [typescript]
21 leaves
Physical Description:
Manuscript for "A Deal in Poteen" by Edward P. Hughes. This
story appeared in Masters of Fist in 1989.
ther Anthology Submissions: No Spot of Ground [photocopy]
62 leaves
Physical Description:
No Spot of Ground by Walter Jon Williams that was
published first in the November 1989 edition of Asimov's. As it appears here
these page selections were the ones that appeared in What Might have Been?:
Volume II Alternate Heroes eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenburg
Bantam Spectra (1990).
Other Anthology Submissions: Invocation to Yggdrasil
(poem) [letter + typescript]
2 leaves
Physical Description:
This folder contains a letter from Lawrence Schimel to John
Car discussing his poem, "Invocation to Yggdrasil". Also included is the poem
that may be unpublished.
Other Anthology Submissions: Poems [photocopy]
3 leaves
Physical Description:
Kipling poems were common inclusions in Pournelle's
anthologies and this folder contains the poems, "The Grave of the Hundred Head"
and other unknown poems. Also included is page 2072 and 2073 from Ed. Burton
Stevenson The Home Book of Verse. The poems here deal with siege and war.
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