John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
The Amateur Piper Association
The Amateur Piper Association is an informal H. Beam Piper fan group whose members regularly discussed topics related to Piper and composed their own short stories in the Piper spirit. Many of these stories relate to and take place in the land of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, Hos-Hostigos. Another key topic of discussion within the group is Carr's latest Lord Kalvan sequel. The Carr collection at Saint Bonaventure contains Carr's correspondence with his fellow group members from approximately 1985 to 1989, as well as further communication with one group member in particular, Jim Landau, into the mid-1990s. |
Archival Holdings:
APA Kalvans [miscellaneous]
Approx. 100 leaves
Physical Description:
The contents of a folder marked “APA Kalvans.” Its contents include correspondence from the members of the APA, the Amateur Piper Association. This informal fan group, whose members included Lee Brainard, Roland Green, Jim Landau, and John Carr, traded research and original science fiction stories with eachother by mail during the 1980s and 1990s. The contents of this folder include items sent to Carr by the other members of the group, including brochures, original typed stories, and news clippings of interest. The dates on these mailed materials range from 1985 to 1987. The papers bear some smoke damage from John Carr’s office fire. The contents of this folder have been broken into two separate folders labeled Carr-11-01-A and Carr-11-01-B, respectively.
APA papers [miscellaneous]
Approx. 75 leaves
Physical Description:
The contents of a folder marked “APA papers.” Its contents include further correspondence between the members of the Amateur Piper Association. The correspondences relate mainly to the Lord Kalvan storyline, and include greeting cards, articles, newsletters programs, newspaper clippings, maps, and photographs in addition to many letters. The materials are dated between 1987 and 1989. The materials bear smake and water damage from Carr’s office fire. The contents of this file have been separated into two separate files, labeled Carr-11-02-A and Carr-11-02-B, respectively.
APA Kalvan [miscellaneous]
Approx. 75 leaves
Physical Description:
The contents of a file labeled “APA Kalvan.” These materials were presumably given to Carr by fellow APA member Jim Landau, as can be seen in the various cover letters dividing the material. Included in the material are letter from Carr and the other members of the Amateur Piper Association, dated between 1986 and 1988. The letters pertain mainly to the works of H. Beam Piper as well as the Lord Kalvan storyline. Also included amongst the letters are copies of excerpts of books and maps. The contents of this file bear smoke damage from Carr’s office fire. articles [typescript]
58 leaves
Physical Description:
Computer printouts of articles from the website The two articles included pertain to the work of Jerry Pournelle, with whom Carr worked. One article is a chronology of Pournelle’s future history, and the other article is a suggested reading order of Pournelle’s material.
Diary of Washington excerpt [photocopied document]
24 leaves
Physical Description:
A photocopied excerpt of a published copy of George Washington’s diary sent to Carr by Daniel Radakovich on 10 January 1989. According to the note written in red ink on the back of the document, Radakovich thought that the excerpt might be useful for Carr’s work on the Lord Kalvan saga.
Xarxon’s Wedding [typescript]
Approx. 20 leaves
Physical Description:
An original story taking place in the country of Lord Kalvan, Hos-Hostigos, written by fellow APA member Jim Landau. The story was sent to Carr presumably sometime in the early 1990s, but this is unclear due to the fact that there is no date on the document itself and the postage labeled has been damaged by smoke from Carr’s office fire.
“Plasma Rifle” and “The Uniform makes the Man” [typescript]
Approx. 20 leaves
Physical Description:
A pair of original stories taking place in Hos-Hostigos written by Jim Landau. These two stories, titled “Plasma Rifle” and “The Uniform makes the Man,” were sent to Carr by Landau on 21 May 1991.
Money Causes Lung Cancer [typescript]
Approx. 20 leaves
Physical Description:
An original Kalvan-related short piece written by Jim Landau entitled “Money Causes Lung Cancer.” This piece was sent to Carr by Landau possibly in the late 1980s or early 1990s, but the document bears no date to confirm this.
Addendum to Report by Professor Aranth S. [typescript]
Approx. 25 leaves
Physical Description:
An original Kalvan-related short piece written by Jim Landau entitled “addendum to Report by Professor Aranth S.” This piece was sent to Carr by Landau on 4 May 1996.
Battle of Lyr River [typescript]
49 leaves
Physical Description:
An original Kalvan-related short piece written by Jim Landau entitled “Battle of Lyr River.” This piece was written in 1990 and sent to John Carr by Landau in 1996.
Letters from Jim Landau [miscellaneous]
Approx. 75 leaves
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by Jim Landau to John Carr. The letters range in date from 1991 to 1998. The letters discuss the world of Lord Kalvan, send useful excerpts of books, and contain original short material by Landau for Carr’s appraisal. Some of these materials include hand-drawn illustrations and maps.
Panther Cub [typescript]
Approx. 150 leaves
Physical Description:
An original piece by Jim Landau titled “Panther Cub.” This longer piece, set in Hos-Hostigos, was sent to Carr in sections between 1988 and 1989. The story has 19 parts, and in the correspondence attached Landau expresses his intention to write a sequel. Some sections bear editing marks by Carr, and the entire document bears smoke damage form Carr’s office fire. This document is split into two files, labeled Carr-11-13-A and Carr-11-13-B, respectively.
The World through Rifle Sights [typescript]
Approx. 500 leaves
Physical Description:
An original piece by Jim Landau titled “The World through Rifle Sights.” This piece, sent to Carr in sections between 1993 and 1996, is the sequel to Landau’s “Panther Cub.” The document includes the initial outline, parts 1-10 of the story, as well as parts 12-15. There is a piece in between parts 10 and 12 that seems to be a clarifying letter, but may also serve as part 11. The entire document bears some smoke damage from Carr’s office fire.
Jim Landau, APA: Kalvan 34 [Typescript]
Physical Description:
An APA newsletter written by Jim Landau, dated 10/20/1987. The newsletter contains general news information as well as Landau’s comments and Kalvan-related discussion.
Jim Landau Correspondence [Typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of correspondence in the form of emails and letters between Carr and Jim Landau. The file contains some book corrections and critiques, as well as some APA materials. The dates on the materials range from approximately 1997 to 2004.
Jim Landau Collection Notes [typescript]
39 leaves
Physical Description:
A printout of the John F. Carr Collection list, which has been electronically annotated by Jim Landau, a longtime correspondent of John Carr, as well as a fiction writer and a longtime fan of and contributor to the H. Beam Piper world. The annotations, which are all marked with “***”, provide additional insight into the activities of the fans of H. Beam Piper. Some of these annotations have been incorporated into the main collection list.
APA Kalvans—1985 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works and discussing John Carr’s sequels. The letters in this file were all written in 1985.
APA Kalvans—1986 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works and discussing John Carr’s sequels. The letters in this file were all written in 1986.
APA Kalvans—1987 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works, discussing John Carr’s sequels, and writing original Piper-esque fanfiction of their own. The letters in this file were all written in 1987.
APA Kalvans—1988 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works, discussing John Carr’s sequels, and writing original Piper-esque fanfiction of their own. The letters in this file were all written in 1988.
APA Kalvans—1989 [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works, discussing John Carr’s sequels, and writing original Piper-esque fanfiction of their own. The letters in this file were all written in 1989.
APA Kalvans—Misc. [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written by members of the Amateur Press Association, an informal fan group dedicated to H. Beam Piper and his works, specifically the Paratime Universe of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. The letters discuss a wide variety of Piper-related topics, including analyzing the original works, discussing John Carr’s sequels, and writing original Piper-esque fanfiction of their own. The letters in this file do not have dates written on them; they could have been written between 1985 and 1989.
Correspondence—Lee [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters written between Jim Landau and his friend Lee, a fellow member of the APA Kalvans. The letters are dated between 1985 and 1988.
Correspondence—John F. Carr [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters between John F. Carr and various individuals, including Jim Landau, regarding Kalvan-related topics. The letters are dated between 1986 and 1989.
Correspondence—Misc. [typescript]
Physical Description:
A collection of letters between Jim Landau and various individuals. The letters are dated between 1985 and 1987.
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Page created by Ellen Winger, Summer 2009
Last update: 04/29/2013