John F. Carr Collection at St. Bonaventure University |
Home Page Archive Collection Camden Benares Files
Carnifex Mardi Gras*
Book Description: Carnifex Mardi Gras is a science fiction novel that takes place in the last decades of the 21st Century. Roald Vallen -- big time holotape director on the skids -- will do anything to make his way back to the top again. When Vallen infiltrates the mysterious Jackson Hole enclave, he runs head-on into the greatest challenge of his career -- The Crying Clown Rites. The question now becomes not whether he will make his expose or not, but his own survival! |
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It has the power and strength that is so unforgettable that you will not be
the same person after having read it. Certain scenes stand out as though they
had been permanently Xeroxed on your brain. Beware the redheaded dwarf with the
silver phallus. Beware the King of Dwarves. And most importantly, beware the
Crying Clown." --Kathleen Sky
Crying Clown Celebration
Carnifex Mardi Gras is the first book of a series that John F. Carr and his friend and colleague, Camden Benares, planned to write. It is, however, the only book of the series that was ever completed and published. The John F. Carr Collection contains drafts and notes on some of the other books planned for the series, known as the Crying Clown Celebration. Those items are listed on this page as well.
* Part of the Friedsam Library Collection
Archival Holdings:
Carnifex Mardi Gras [hardcover book]
218 pages
Physical Description:
This is a hardcover novel written by John F. Carr and illustrated by Stephen Fabian. There are slight stains on the spine of the cover for the book over the text “MARDI.”
Crying Clown Celebration [typescript]
362 leaves
Physical Description:
Edited draft by John F. Carr and Camden Benares.
The story starts on page 1 and ends on page 362.
The editor of this draft is unknown while the editor’s marks appear in
black ink and pencil. The heading
of each page features “
Crying Clown Celebration [typescript]
363 leaves
Physical Description:
Edited draft by John F. Carr and Camden Benares.
The story starts on page 1 and ends on page 362.
However there is an extra page after 362 that is numbered page 357, this
page does not correspond with the first page 357 in the draft.
The editor of this draft is unknown while the editor’s marks appear in
black ink. The heading of each page features “
Carnifex: 2084 [miscellaneous]
12 leaves
Physical Description:
The contents of a file folder labeled “Carnifex: 2084.” The contents are a collection of original templates and flyers for John F. Carr’s novel, Carnifex Mardi Gras. A second file folder is inside, labeled “Loons ads—2nd one (with dwarf) never used.” The contents of these folders bear some amount of water damage.
The Dance of the Dwarfs Review [magazine]
1 sheet
Physical Description:
From a file folder labeled “Crying Clown Cele.” One sheet torn from a magazine, identified in blue pen as being Science Fiction Review #43, from the summer of 1982. The page contains a short review by Darrell Schweitzer of a chapter of one of John F. Carr’s upcoming novels. The chapter is identified as “The Dance of the Dwarfs.” This chapter is listed in the beginning of Carnifex Mardi Gras as being part of the novel.
Crying Clown Celebration outline [typescript]
79 leaves
Physical Description:
This file contains two sets of loose sheets. The first set
is titled, “The Crying Clown Celebration: a novel of the future.” This set
is signed and dated 4/25/08 by John F. Carr, with a note that reads: “Original
for agent outline and story done in 1978 or ’79, for proposal book (octet) The
Crying Clown Celebration. This was to be our breakout series and we worked
on the background/setting/future history starting 1975/76 and we were still
working on it until
The Crying Clown Saga [typescript]
5 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of two short articles written by John F. Carr. The first, titled “The Crying Clown Saga or Publish or Perish,” is two pages long and deals with Carr’s annoyance at the books that publishers choose to buy and publish. Edits are made to this draft with blue pen. The second article, titled “The Crying Clown Saga: So you want to be a SF Star,” is 3 pages long and deals with the same theme. Carr signs it at the top with the note “false start.” Edits are made on this draft by Carr in black pen.
The First Book of Phillip character descriptions [photocopied typescript]
2 leaves
Physical Description:
A photocopy of a 2-page list of characters in The First Book of Phillip, the first of eight novels in The Crying Clown Celebration. The list includes a physical description of each of the major characters and some of the minor characters in the novel, organized by order of appearance in the novel.
Crying Clown Celebration Draft [typescript]
362 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of loose sheets titled “The Crying Clown
Celebration: The First Book of Phillip.” On top of the sheets is a smaller
piece of paper with a penciled note that reads: “CCC, Geneaology Chart,
Fitz’s grandfather is Fitzgerald Baker.” Below this note, in pen, is a note
signed and dated 4/26/08 by John F. Carr that reads: “4th or 5th
draft from approx. 1997-1998, when we went back to work on the ‘Clown Cycle’
Carnifex Mardis Gras dust jacket photo [photograph]
Physical Description:
A large photo of John F. Carr printed on cardboard. The photo is covered with a piece of tissue paper with lines drawn on it, appearing to mark how the photo should be cropped and/or resized. There is a note written in blue pen on the tissue paper that reads, “photo for DJ.” On the back of the cardboard, Carr has signed a note in black pen that reads, “Original photo for Carnifex Mardis Gras dust jacket. 1/9/2008.”
Carnifex Mardis Gras original manuscript, part 1 [typescript]
57 leaves
Physical Description:
Loose sheets bearing the title “Carnifex Mardi Gras, by John F. Carr.” On the title page, there is a handwritten note, signed and dated 5/12/08 by Carr, that reads: “Original ms. for Carnifex Mardi Gras; part one. All corrections by JFC circa 1981…” The pages exhibit minor discoloration from smoke and water damage.
Carnifex Mardis Gras original manuscript, part 2 [typescript]
Physical Description:
Loose sheets bearing the title “Chapter One” at the top of the first page. The first page is also signed and dated 5/12/08 by John F. Carr with a note that reads: “Original ms of part II of Carnifex Mardi Gras… originally written in 1980 as a standalone story. All corrections by JFC.” The document is extensively edited in black pen.
The Crying Clown Rites, part 2 [typescript]
90 leaves
Physical Description:
Loose sheets bearing the title “The Crying Clown Rites, part two” on the first page. John F. Carr has also written and signed a note on the title page that reads: “Original title for Carnifex Mardi Gras. This is the final ms I believe. All Black corrections are by JFC circa 1981… P.S. There were 4 parts to this ms. One was sold to ‘Fantasy Book’”. The pages of the manuscript are slightly discolored from smoke and water damage.
Siren’s Song, part 4 [typescript]
23 leaves
Physical Description:
Numbered loose sheets beginning at 229 bearing the title
“Siren’s Song, part 4” on the first page. John F. Carr has also written
and signed a note on the title page that reads: “Part IV of Carnifex Mardi
Gras. Written in 1981 especially for the novel, after
Crying Clown Celebration Outline [typescript]
44 leaves
Physical Description:
An outline written by John F. Carr and Camden Benares for their planned series of novels known collectively as The Crying Clown Celebration. The outline contains plot summaries for the eight planned books in the series. On the title page, Carr has written and signed a note that reads: “Very early (late 70s) book outline of the Crying Clown octet.”
Crying Clown Celebration Draft: a Legacy of Sex, Death, and Charisma [typescript]
approx. 215 leaves
Physical Description:
A set of typed loose sheets bearing the heading “ONE.” The first sheet is signed by John F. Carr with a note that reads: “Draft of Crying Clown Celebration: A Legacy of Sex, Death, and Charisma (incomplete).” It is difficult to tell the exact number of pages in the document, for the pages are out of order. No editing marks are present on the draft.
The First Book of Phillip original first draft manuscript [typescript]
266 leaves
Physical Description:
A 266-page document with a title page that reads: “The
First Book of Phillip, by Camden Benares and John F. Carr.” Two notations
appear on the title page in red pen. The first reads, “First draft 11/80,”
and the second reads, “Original.” In black pen, John F. Carr has
signed and dated a note that reads: “5/22/08. Corrections by
The Crying Clown Rites [typescript]
7 leaves
Physical Description:
An excerpt of a piece titled The Crying Clown Rites by John Carr. Carr has signed and dated the document in April 2009 with the annotation, “1st drafter of pt. III of Carnifex Mardi Gras.” The document includes pages 1-6 as well as page 12. All of the pages are badly damaged from fire and smoke along their bottom edges and are therefore very brittle.
Carnifex Mardi Gras Misc. [typescript]
Physical Description:
Miscellaneous typed material related to Carr’s Carnifex Mardi Gras. Included is a draft of an advertisement for the novel and a printout of a review of the novel.
Friedsam Memorial Library Home Page
The St. Bonaventure University Home Page
Page created by Kyle Wimann Spring 2008.
Updated by Ellen Winger Fall 2008.
Last Updated: 04/29/2013