The Arrival of the Friars in Western New York, p. 11

The second quarter century of Franciscan work in western New York began with the administration of Fr. Leo da Saracena, the sixth president of Saint Bonaventure.  Born in Calabria, Italy, he had studied under Father Pamphilus in Rome, come to the United States in 1860, been Chaplain to the Seventh Connecticut Volunteers in the Civil War and served St. Joseph’s Parish in Winsted, Conn. for most of his career.  During his time the faculty first became composed of a majority of American citizens, including Father Joseph Butler.

Father Joseph Butler, OFM (1838-1925)

Under the leadership of the Very Reverend Joseph Butler, OFM, the tenth president, campus activities and course offerings increased noticeably.  The first significant new building on campus was Alumni Hall (1888) which included the library, auditorium, offices and some athletic facilities.

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