The Arrival of the Friars in Western New York, p. 10

The Franciscans influenced education on all levels.  Early on, Bishop Timon had expressed his reservations with the friars teaching boys and girls in class together and recommended that a group of Third Order Sisters be found to operate a school.  In the end a new group was formed and the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Allegany, New York began to assume the education of children and young women in the area. 

Saint Bonaventure campus, 1874
The monastery (hidden), Church and seminary are to the left, 
the College Building is on the right

Internal conflicts held back the growth of the Franciscan community for some years, but by the end of its first quarter century it was well on its way to satisfying the intentions of its founders.  Saint Bonaventure’s College and Seminary was growing, the main building complete and a new College Building in place for the non-seminary students.  A permanent charter was granted by the State of New York in 1883.  Saint Elizabeth’s Convent and Academy, built in 1861, provided a boarding school for young women.  And the Franciscans’ work continued to satisfy the spiritual needs of many communities in the area.

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