The Vietnam War was a time of controversy
and high tensions in the United States. This site looks into this time
focusing on the events at St. Bonaventure University in Western, New York.
This website provides a quick overview of the history of the Vietnam War.
A look at other school's reactions across the country, including Kent State.
In addition the main section is on the happenings at St. Bonaventure.
Although, not in the national spotlight there was still a high sentiment for
peace at Bonaventure. Navigating through this site will give one a
better understanding of life at St. Bonaventure University during the
Vietnam War. |
Page created by Caitlin Crist,
History 419, Computer and Archival Skills, in the Fall 2003 semester.
Instructed by Dr. Payne and
Archivist Dennis Frank.
Sources noted in Bibliography.
Any questions? email: cristce@sbu.edu |
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