The Kalvan Tour--Page 5

Tarr Esdreth

The Listra Valley on a foggy mid-October morning.  Sunrise is around 6:15 here, and the fog takes a while to clear when it's this thick  This is actually near Darax, but more of that later.

Kalvan's Army of the Listra would have marched down this valley from Hostigos Gap to Esdreth and Fyk.

Esdreth Gap (Tyrone) the same morning.  The fog has just burned off enough to reveal the valley, around 10 am.  Tarr Esdreth of Hostigos would be on the left (north) and Tarr Esdreth of Sask on the right.  This gap is narrow enough that the two garrisons could almost throw stones at each other!

A branch of the Besh River (Juniata) flows through the gap.  On the other side of the gap is Sinking Valley.


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