St. Bonaventure University

Jandoli / Mass Communication Project

Jandoli 50th Anniversary

Jandoli 50th Anniversary

This link provides you with pictures of the Jandoli 50th Anniversary.

Far Left Picture: An original pamphlet to the Russel J. Jandoli School of Journalism and Mass Communication. It contains three seperate pages of event descriptions and itineraries. The celebration was held on April 28, 2000.

Middle Left: The Communicator is a magazine that provides alumnus, faculty, students, and staff with information about upcoming events for St. Bonaventure University. This particular issue discusses the 50th Anniversary of the Jandoli. The picture in the article is of Mrs. Kathy Boser who is escorting Mrs. Catherine Jandoli to the opening Mass celebration.

Middle Right: Is an article from the Campus Activities Board (CAB) that was issued April 13, 2000. The article provides the reader with detailed information about the ceremony and on how is speaking at the ceremony. Speakers such as David M. Schribman who is a nationally syndicate columnist, Washington bureau chief of The Boston Globe and a 1995 Pulitizer Prize Winner. His picture is to the right on the article page.

Far Right Picture: Is another page from The Communicator that describes the life and history of Dr. Russel J. Jandoli. It his Dr. Jandoli's picture to the left of the page.