Members of the Program

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Colonel Goldman (Senior Military Science Officer)

Below is a list of all Cadets who were Enrolled in SATC.....



 Anderson, Walter Vincent

Appleby, Chauncey Morris

Athins, Francis Ghas


 Barnum, Raymond Leo

Beaudry, Robert Paul

Berger, Lester Wm.

Boll, Joseph John

-          Discharged on Oct. 11th

-          Died Oct. 14th

Boyle, Eugene Cornelius

Brechtel, George Harold Jr.

Brennan, Walter Aloysius

Briden, John Joseph

Brown, Greed Donald

Birke, Paul Francis


Campbell, Leo Theodore

Caple, Frank john

Carey, John Joseph

Carlson, Lawreuce Waldame

Carmody, Terence Glereland

Collins, Raymond John

Collins, Thomas

Collins, Ghas Patrick

Conneely, Thomas Athur

Connell, John Francis

Considine, Ghas Anthony

Conti, Louis Jason

Conway, Joseph Ghas

Cooney, Jason Edward

Costello, John Dennis

Crandall, Harold Ghas

Criswell, George Adelbert

Crotty, Jospeh James

Crowe, Leo Eldridge

Crowe, Michael John Jr.

Cruess, Paul Louis

Cunningham, Jason Samuel

Curley, Kieram Aloysius

Curran, Richard Melvin

Curry, Edward joseph

Cutter, Haroldf George


Darvin, John Wm.

Dean, Ormel Wallace

Decker, Deane Carpendan

Degnan, John Martin

Dentler, Earl John

Derby, Francis F.

De Vau, George Jason

De Palma, Michael Angels

Dilley Paul Jason

Donnellan, Edward John

Dunlavey, Jason norman

Dunlea, Leo Ghas

Doyle, Albert Norman


Edel, Erwin Bermard


Farrell, Ambrose Edward

Fitzgerald, John Robert

Flannigan, Leo Anthony

Fornessm Eugene Floyd


Gallagher, Jason Daniel

Galvin, John Jason

Gannon, Leo Henry

Gardiner, Wm. Martin

-          Discharged Oct. 9th

Geoghegan, Whitney Thomas

Gibbons, Jason Thomas

Gilden, Mark Andrew

Ginter, Predaca Francis

Gorman, Jason Thomas

Grace, Wm. Harold

Grady, George Alfred

Gressel, Floyd Emerson

Griffin, Albert Anthony

Griffin, Edward Aloysius

Grammeley, Jason Thomas

Guy, Albert Edward


Haley, Anthony Joseph Jr.

Haley, Danial Norbert

Hall, Chauncey Ashton

Halleean, Francis Lucius

Hammond, Wilson Patrick

Hannifan, WM Joseph

Hart, Joseph Raphael

Harvey, Jason Alonzo

Hay, Arthur Wilson

Heher, Francis Radigan

Hermer, John Dominic

Hill, Arthur Jason

Holland, WM George

Hopkins, Martin Aloysius

Hubbard, Harold Frederick

Harley, Joseph Donald

Harley, George Henry


Johnson, Mike Lawrence


Kane, Francis WM

Keenan, Jason Edward

Kelly, T.G

Kelly WM Francis

King, Howard Mark

Kovitch, Paul Andre Jr.

Kristoff, Anthony Francis

Lindgreen, Evall Hemming

Locke, Anthony Francis

Lyon, Anthony Emanuel


Mack, Glenn Francis

Maloney, Paul Francis

Mangan, Francis Joseph

Maxson, Weldon Rice

Morgan, Joseph

Moran, Francis Joseph

Moran, John William

Mosebarger, George Leo

Malholland, Wallace Henry

Mulligan, George Dennis

McBride, Edward Harry

McCaffery, Linus Bernard

McCarthy, Francis Ambrose

McCarthy, Joseph Leo

McCarthy, Leo Daniel

McCarthy, Paul Daniel

McCarthy, Robert Geremiah

McClay, Glenn Charles

McCormach, Leo Pomell

McCormach, Paul Lewis

McCormach, Walter Joseph

McGarey, Harbert Edward

McGee, Emmett Charles

McGlynn, Francis Edward

McGuire, Arrin Michael

McHugh, Thomas Edward

McLaughlin, Bernard Francis

McLaughlin, James Robert

McLeam, John Lester

McMahon, Harry John

McMahon, James Joseph

McMahon, Joseph Eugene

McRae, Francis Joseph


Nealis, James John

Nichel, Paul William

Normick, Harold Joseph

Nugent, John Brennan


Olsen, Harold Carl

Osborne, Harold Eugene

O’Brien, James Francis

O’Connor, Paul Angelo

O’Connor, Robert Emmett

O’Rouche, James Charles

O’Looke, James Joseph


Parke, James Ryan

Pauley, Mark Louis

Philipbar, Frank Jay

Prince, Howard Hayes

Prince, James Francis

Powell, Robert Vincent


Randall, James Homer

Real, Frederick Herbert

Roach, Robert David

Roarty, Patrick Xavier

Rodgers, Frederick Langford

Rogers, Leon Alan

Ross, Guy

Ryan, Paul Joseph



Scanton, Geremiah Aloysius

Scholl, Barter Gilbert

Schayver, George Philip

Sharkey, Michael Joseph

Sharpe, Edward James

Sheldon, Carl Eugene

Specht, Carl Henry

Stock, William john

Stambaugh, Richard Arnold

Stock, William Forey

Stomieroski, Joseph Charles

Stover, Franklin Roger

Straessley, Francis Raymond

Sullivan, James Edward

Sumanski, William Thomas

Superko, Edward William

Suneeney, Carl Joseph

Suneeney, Clayton Stephen


Taylor Emmett Bernard

Thessen, Wayne Hamilton

Thurston, James Raymond

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