Roster of Soldiers represented by material in the Collection, P-Z

A-F G-O -P-Q-R-S-T-V-W-Z

Hardtack Regt. Home Page

Park, Andrew G.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0335
Title: Park, Andrew G. Co. B

Bull, Jesse
Park, Andrew
Smith, W.D.

Andrew Park

Sgt. Andrew G. Park,
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0186


1. The Brave Soldier, written by Park (7 copies, 3 are 4in. x 5in. 4 are 8in x 10in)

2. Biography on Park and his family (2 copies)
3. Andrew George Park 1839-1915, A Chronicle by Robert Parke, Grandson
4. Document from the General, affidavit
5. Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, 154th Regimental Histories
6. Military Record of Andrew George Park, 10 June 1862 to 16 June 1865
7. Map showing locations of encampments and battles of the 154th Regiment
8. Memorandum from Prisoner of War Records
9. Receipt for Discharge
10. Marriage Certificate
11. Declaration for increase of pension
12. Surgeon's Certificate
13. Declaration for pension
14. Application for increase in pension
15. Pension increase for Park, from the Department of the Interior
16. Letter to Park from [Jesse?] [Bull?], Dated June 9th
17. Letter to Park from W.D. Smith, Dated May 22, 1862
18. Letter to Park from W.D. Smith, Dated July 19, 1862
19. Letter to Park from W.D. Smith, Dated August 1861
20. Geneology story of Park and his Family
19. Last Will and Testament
20. Declaration for Widow's Pension
21. Document granting widow's pension
22. Obituary on Park
23. Article on accident at Park's home, from Gowanda Herald
24. Obituary on Park, from Gowanda Enterprise


Parke, Anson

Object ID 2013.22.8.0336
Title: Parke, Anson Co. B


Park, Anson

Anson Parke
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Snippet on Parke's life
2. Poem about Parke's death


Parker, Eliasaph [Isaac E.]

Object ID 2013.22.8.0337
Title: Parker, Eliasaph [Isaac E.] Co. C

Parker, Issac E.
Parker, Jane F. Sherman

Eliasaph [Isaac E.] Parker
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Photocopies of Isaac Eliseph Parker and Jane F. Sherman Parker
2. Pvt. Eliasaph Parker [portrait w/ beard] Co. C 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8.5in. x 11in.

3. Articles and Obituaries of Parker and his wife
4. Family Group Sheet for Parker
5. Biography on Parker

Parker Photocopies of Issac Eloseph Parker and Jane F. Sherman Parker

Object ID


Patterson, Francis

Object ID 2013.22.8.0338
Title: Patterson, Francis Co. G

Lennon, William
Nichols, Wellman
Miller, Wilkes
Mills, Robert N.
Patterson, Fracis,
Patterson, Helen Greek
Porter, Edward

Pvt. Francis Patterson
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID



1. Francis patterson, Pvt. Co. G as sketched by a newspaper artist in 1887
2. [Photocopy of a portrait of Paaterson as an older man]

3. Certificate of Disability for Discharge
4. [Correspondence concerning Patterson's pension]
5. Declaration for Widow's Pension
[Link to items 3-5]
6. Article from the Chemung Historical Journal regarding Patterson. Emerson, Gary. "The Great Swindle: 'Blind' Patterson and the Union Pension Fraud."
The Chemung Historical Journal, vol. 62, no. 4, 2017, pp. 7018-7028. [Brief account of Patterson's attempt to claim his pension.]
7. [Civil War letters from Patterson to his wife] transcription and photocopy of original
A November 11, 1862 Original, Transcribed
B November 24, 1862 Original, Transcribed
C January 31, 1863 Original, Transcribed
D March 21, 1863 Original, Transcribed
E April 12, 1863 Original, Transcribed
F March 24, 1864 Original, Transcribed

Francis patterson, Pvt. Co. G as sketched by a newspaper artist in 1887

Object ID
IP. Patterson_F.001


Patterson, Nathaniel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0339
Title: Patterson, Nathaniel Co. D

Patterson, Nathaniel

Nathaniel Patterson
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Patterson]


Peck, Delos

Object ID 2013.22.8.0340
Title: Peck, Delos Co. E

Delos Peck

Delos Peck
Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Military Record [Peck answered questions]


Peck, Harvey

Object ID 2013.22.9.0189
Title: Peck, Harvey, Co. A

Peck, Harvey
Harvey Peck

Pvt. Harvey R. Peck
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0189t


1. Portrait of Harvey R. Peck with writing


Peckham, John

Object ID 2013.22.9.0190
Title: Peckham, John Co. C

Peckham, John
Peckham, John

Musician John A. Peckham
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0190


1. Peckham, with drum and unidentified officer.


Pemberton, William W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0341
Title: Pemberton, William W. Co. I

Pemberton, William W.

William W. Pemberton
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Pemberton]
2. Discharge papers for Pemberton
3. Letter regarding Pemberton


Perkins, Marshall A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0342
Title: Perkins, Marshall A. Co. B

Dicher, John
Perkins, Marshall A.
Pratt, Martin
Wullf, Henry
Wyant, Stephen

Marshall A. Perkins
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Civil War letters from Perkins to Parents
A Feburary 21, 1864
B January 4, 1865
2. January 14, 1865 Letter from S. H. Morrison to Mr. L Perkins [regarding Marshall Perkins' death.]
3. Breaking Camp, by Perkins


Perkins, Willard

Object ID 2013.22.8.0343
Title: Perkins, Willard Co. C

Perkins, Willard.

Willard Perkins
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Webster City (Iowa) Journal [obituary on Perkins]
2. From Webster City (Iowa) Journal [article on death of Perkins]
3. Heritage Quest Online results for Perkins: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6
4. Soldiers' Record, Hamilton County, Iowa


Persons, Levi

Object ID 2013.22.8.0344
Title: Persons, Levi Co. F

Persons, Levi
Levi Persons

Levi Persons
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Levi Persons post war

1. Certificate of Discharge
2. Biography on Persons


Pettit, Amos

Object ID 2013.22.8.0345
Title: Pettit, Amos, Sutler

Pettit, Amos

Amos Pettit
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Cattaraugus Union [snippet on Pettit's return home]
2. From Cattaraugus Union [snippet on Pettit finding his horse]
3. From Cattaraugus Union [article on Pettit's trip home]
4. From Cattaraugus Union [snippet on Pettit's decision to permantly come home]

Pettit, George W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0346
Title: Pettit, George W. Co. A

Pettit, George W.
Pettit, Joshua R.
Pettit, Sabra Simonds (Sister-in-law)

George W. Pettit
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Ellicottville Post [obituary on Pettit]
2. Civil War diary of Pettit
A Letters from May 12th 1864 to October 3rd, 1864
B Letters from October 4th 1864 until June 24th, 1865
3. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Pettit]
4. Certificte of Discharge

Pettit, Joshua R.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0347
Title: Pettit, Joshua R. Co. A

Bainck, William
Bliton, Thomas
Buchman, Sarg. Wm.
Bushbeck, Adolphus
Crosby, Capt. Allanson
Day, Carl
Eggleston, Reuben R.
Ganepps, Harrison
Hinicle, Fredrick
Hinkpalrick, David
Linderman, Alonzo
McCluse, John
Parmater, David
Pettit, Joshua R.
Pettit, George W.
Pettit, Sabra Simonds (wife)
Phelps, Dudly
Riant, Abram
Sherman, Gen. William
Swart, Satgt. John
Wocly, Ruben

Joshua Petit

Pvt. Joshua R. Pettit
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Pvt. Joshua R. Pettit portrait [original was mounted in a piece of jewelry. Note the 20th Corps star badge]
2. Another portrait of Joshua R. Pettit

2. Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
3. From Ellicottville Post [obituary on Pettit]
4. Civil War Diary of Pettit [March 17, 1864 to June 24, 1865]

Portrait of Pvt. Joshua R. Pettit

Object ID


Pfleuger, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0348
Title: Pfleuger, William Co. B

Pfleuger, William

William Pfluger
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Capital Herald [article on Pleuger's death]

Phelps, Dudley

Object ID 2013.22.8.0349
Title: Phelps, Dudley Co. C

Persons, Levi
Dudley Phelps

Dudley Phelps
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Photocopy of portrait of Phelps w/ cane
2. Corp. Dudley Phelps [portrait] Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 2 copies
3. Photocopy of the cover of a Bible

4. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Phelps]
5. From Report of the Adjutant-General [snippet on Phelps]

Portrail of Corp. Dudley Phelps

Object ID

Photocopy of Corp. Dudley's Bible

Object ID


Phillips, Dudley

Object ID 2013.22.8.0350
Title: Phillips, Dudley Co. D

Phillips, Dudley.

Dudley Phillips
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Cattaraugus Star [obituary on Phillips]
2. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Phillips]
3. Biography on Phillips


Phillips, Benjamin F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0351
Title: Phillips, Benjamin F. Co. D

Phillips, Benjamin F.

Benjamin F. Phillips
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Ellicottville News [article on Phillips's death]


Phillips, George

Object ID 2013.22.8.0352
Title: Phillips, George Co. D

Phillips, George

George Phillips
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Phillips]


Phillips, Thomas S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0353
Title: Phillips, Thomas S. Co. F

Phillips, Thomas S.

Thomas S. Phillips
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From "Town of Stockton, New York-Soldiers Record of the civil War" [paragraph on Phillips]
2. From Our Country and its People: A Descriptive Work on Erie County, New York [paragraph on Phillips]


Pierce, Sidney D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0354
Title: Pierce, Sidney D. Co. I

Pierce, Sydney D.

Sydney D. Pierce
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Auror (Nebraska) Sun [snippet on Pierce's death]


Pinney, Chauncey

Object ID 2013.22.8.0355
Title: Pinney, Chauncey Co. D

Pinney, Chauncey

Chauncey Pinney
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Pinney]
2. Article with description of Pinney's injury


Pinney, Curtis S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0356
Title: Pinney, Curtis S. Co. D

Pinney, Curtis S.

Curtis Pinney

Cpl. Curtis S. Pinney
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Portrait of Curtis S. Pinney Sitting
2. Curtis S. Pinney and family, 8.5in. x 10.5in.

2. From Charlevoix County (Michigan) Herald [article on Pinney's death]
3. Civil War letter from Pinney to his mother [December 12th, 1863]
A. Transcription
B. Photocopy of Original

Curtis S. Pinney and Family

Object ID


Plumb, Marion

Object ID 2013.22.8.0357
Title: Plumb, Marion Co. D

Cheney, Harrison
Hoisington, Jackson
Locke, Harlin E.
Martin, Hiram A.
Myers, Henrey W.
Myers, John L
Plumb, Marion
Rice, Addison G.
Smith, Horace

Marion, Plumb
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Index to Mentions of Members of the 154th New York in the Letters of Marion Plumb
2. General Index to the Marion Plumb Letters
[Link to the two items above]
3. Civil War letters of Marion Plumb transcriptions and some photocopies of original
A. December 16th, 1861 [a letter to Plumb from his nephew Edwin Doty]
B. February 11th, 1862 [a letter to his wife, Sarah]
C. September 11th, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
D. September 28th, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
E. October 3rd, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
F. October 17th, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
G. October 20th, 1862 [letter to Sarah] Transcribed and photocopy of original
H. November 1st, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
I. November 12th, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
J. November 16th, 1862 [letter to Sarah]
k. Undated letter to Sarah, transcribed and photocopy of original


Pool, Simeon

Object ID 2013.22.8.0358
Title Pool, Simeon Y. Co. B

Pool, Simeon Y.

Simeon Pool

Capt. Simeon Y. Pool
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0195


1. Simeon Pool [portrait] 2 copies, 1 is 4in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in.
2. Simeon Pool [portrait as an older gentleman]

2. From History of Cattaraugus County
a. Full article
b. Excerpt from full article
3. Obituary of Pool [2 copies]
4. Photocopies of original Civil War letters [from Pool]

Capt. Simeon Y. Pool

Object ID


Porter, Edward

Object ID 2013.22.8.0359
Title Porter, Edward Co. I

Porter, Edward

Capt. Edward Porter
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: IP.Porter_E.001t


1. Capt. Edward porter [portrait] Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.


Porter, Issac N.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0360
Title Porter, Isaac N. Co. E

Archer, Frederick B.
Barnhart, Clinton L.
Case, William O.  Clark, William
Clements, James W.
Clifford, Geoffry Dougless, John
Furman, Charles O.
Green, Stephen R.
Haywood, James B. Isham, Doctor E.
Jenkins, Isaac T.

McBride, Devillo D.
Porter, Issac N.
Stone, James
Sturkweather, George
Wilson, John

Issac N. Porter
Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Civil War letters of Porter
a. March 11th, 1863 original, transribed
b. May 13th, 1863 original, transcribed
2. Description of Porter's injury [Injuries of the Pelvis]

Porter, John Newton

Object ID 2013.22.8.0361
Title Porter, John Newton Co. H

Bushbeck, Adolphus
Jones, Patrick H.
Nelson, John F.

Porter, John Newton
Vedder, Commodore P.

John Porter

Corp. John N. Porter
Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID:2013.22.9.0197


1. Framed portrait of Corp. John N. Porter

1. Biography of Porter
2. Civil War letters of Porterphotocopies of original
a. October 27th, 186(2?)
b. From Camp James M. Brown [unknown date]
c. October 11th, 1862
d. December 22nd, 1862
e. January 7th, 1863
f. February 2nd, 1863
g. March 14th, 1863
h. April 2nd, 1863
i. May 9th, 1863
j. June 26th, 1863
k. July 20th, 1863
l. Photocopies of originals
3. Porter Family Tree [w/ photographs of Porter and his family]
4. From Porter Family History, profile of John Newtown Porter
Link to items 3 and 4 here


Pratt, Martin M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0362
Title Pratt, Martin M. Co. B

Pratt, Martin M.

Martin Pratt

Martin Pratt
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0199


1. Portrait of Pratt taken later in life
2. Portrait of Pratt in unilform [Picture of the original photograph]
3. Pratt with friends at Mrs. Jacob Bachtle's birthday party

1. Obituary of Pratt [From Blue Eart County (Minnesota) Enterprise -2 copies]
2. Obituary of Pratt [From Mankato (Minnesota) Free Press]
3. Article on Pratt's 77th Birthday [From Blue Earth County (Minnesota) Enterprise -2 copies]
4. Obituary of Pratt [From The Review (Mankato, Minnesota) ]
5. Article on Pratt's 80th Birthday [ From Blue Earth County (Minnesota) Enterprise ]
6. Article on Pratt's 82nd Birthday [From Blue Earth County (Minnesota) Enterprise ]
7. Article on Pratt's 88th Birthday [From Blue Earth County (Minnesota) Enterprise]

Martin Pratt

Pvt. Martin M. Pratt and friends

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0363.005t

Pvt. Martin M. Pratt, Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo of the original
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0198


Price, Alfred B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0363
Title Price, Alfred B. Co. A

Price, Alfred B.

Alfred Price

Pvt. Alfred B. Price
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0200


1. Post-war photo taken with unidentified woman

1. Article on Price's war experience [November 9th, 1923]
2. Obituary on Price [From Randolph Register]
3. Photocopy of Pvt. Alfred B. Price w/ woman, Co. A 154th NY


Price, Dorr

Object ID 2013.22.8.0364
Title Price, Dorr Co. A

Price, Dorr

Dorr Price
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Obituaries of Pirce and his wife

Price, Joseph

Object ID 2013.22.8.0365
Title Price, Joseph Co. A

Price, Joseph

Joseph Price
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Price]
2. From Salamanca newspaper [article on Price's death]

Price, Merrick

Object ID 2013.22.8.0366
Title Price, Merrick Co. K

Price Merrick

Merrick Price
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Price]
2. Obituary of Price

Putnam, Joseph

Object ID 2013.22.8.0367
Title Putnam, Joseph Co. H

Putnam, Joseph

Joseph Putnam
Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Putman]
2. Obituary of Putnam [From Ellicottville Post ]
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Quilliam, James D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0368
Title Quilliam, James D. Co. E

Barnhart, Clinton L.
Beardsley, Saloman W.
Buschbeck, Adolphus
Haywood, James B.
Hooker, Joseph
Howard, Oliver
Manly, John
Quale, Thomas
Quilliam, James
Quilliam, Rhoda
Skinner, Elial
Stowall, May
Tinkens, J.T.
Wilson, John

James D. Quilliam

James D. Quilliam
Co. E , 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0201


1. James D. Quilliam [portrait as a soldier] Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., 3 copies, all 4in. x 6in.
2. Letter of James D. Quilliam Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., 2 copies, both are 4in. x 6in.
3. James D. Quilliam, probably pre-war image, Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., 2 copies, both are 8in. x 10in.

4. Civil War letter from Quilliam July 5th, 1863 [transcription and photocopy of original]
5. Letter from the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service containing information on Quilliam
6. Letter from the State University of Fredonia regarding information of Quilliam
7. James D. Quilliam Letters: September 29th, 1862 to July 28th, 1864 [Link to all letters here]

Original Letter from James D. Quilliam

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0368.083t

Portrait of James D. Quilliam

Object ID: IP.Quilliam_J.001t


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Randall, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0369
Title Randall, Henry Co. B

Randall, Henry

Henry Randall

Pvt. Henry Randall
Co. B , 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.02001


Henry Randall pictured wearing a "154[156?]" hat


Reagan, Thomas

Object ID 2013.22.8.0369
Title Reagan, Thomas Co. G

Randall, Henry

Thomas Reagan

Pvt. Thomas Regan (Reagan)
Co. G , 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0203


1. Thomas Reagan and family [Children standing left to right: Thomas Francis, William, Michael, Bridget Tressa, John/Jack
Seated: Thomas Regan holding Mary Ellen, Dennis Vincent, wife Catherine (Kate) Moriarty Regan]


Reed, Almeron D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0369
Title Reed, Almeron D. Co. G

Bowin, Martin
Reed, Almeron D.
Pettit, George

Almeron D. Reed
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Union Foot Artillery Sword owned by Pvt. Almond DeForest Reed [4 copies, 3 5in.x3in., 1 8in. x 10in.]
2. Union Foot Artillery Sword and additional items
3. Photocopy of envelope with illustration from Almeron

2. Letter sent by the U.S Christian Commission to Reed's family [2 photocopies of the original]
3. Certificate of Discharge
4. Oath of Identity
5. Letter to Reed's wife informing her of his death [December 13th, 1906]
6. Certificate entitling Reed's wife to his pension
a. Pension Certificate for Margery A. Reed
7. Account of Reed's reason for disability
8. Company Muster Roll
9. January 25th, 1865 [Civil War letter from Reed to his sister]
10. Article on Reed's death [From "The Post"]

Union Foot Artillery Sword owned by Pvt. Almond DeForest Reed

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0369.001t

Union Foot Artillery Sword and other equipment

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0369.002t

Photocopy of envelope with illustration from Almeron

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0369.003t


Reynolds, Charles

Object ID 2013.22.8.0371
Title Reynolds, Charles Co. C

Reynolds, Charles

Charles Reynolds
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Obituaries for Reynolds and his wife

Reynolds, Harmon D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0372
Title Reynolds, Harmon D. Co. D

Reynolds, Harmon D.

Harmon D. Reynolds

Pvt. Harmon D Reynolds [White Shirt]
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0204


1. Pvt. Harmon D. Reynolds [in white shirt] Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. vol. Inf., 2 copies, 1 3.5in. x 5in., 1 8in. x 10in.

1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on H. Reynolds]


Reynolds. John L

Object ID 2013.22.8.0373
Title Reynolds, John L. Co. C

Reynolds, John L.

John Reynolds

Pvt. John L. Reynolds
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0205


1. Pvt. John L. Reynolds pictured in GAR hat

1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on J. Reynolds]


Reynolds, Thaddeus L. (Reynels/Renolds)

Object ID 2013.22.8.0370
Title Reynolds, Thaddeus L. Co. I

Allen, Daniel B.
Bishop, Lewis
Berron, George
Bouton, Joel M.
Burdick, John R.
Bush, John A.
Canning, William
Chase, James F.
Day, Dwight W.
Degeir, James
Freeman, William A.
Jones, Patrick H.
Kerr, Richard H.
Loomis, Henry C.
Mason, Thomas
Mericle, Albert
Nelson, John F.
Noyes, Jr., Samuel C.
Paugh, John
Reynolds, Thaddeus
Rice, Addison G.
Rykert, Gilbert M.
Spink, Benjamin
Strickland, Francis
Van Aernam, Henry
Warner, Lewis D.
Wood, Edward R.


Pvt. Thaddeus L. Reynolds
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0205


1. Photocopy of Pvt. Thaddeus Reynolds in soldier attire.

1. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the letters of Thaddeus L. Reynels
2. Civil War letters of Reynels
a. Date unknow [written at Camp M. Brown, Jamestown, NY]
b. October 19th, 1862
c. February 4th, 1863
d. February 14th, 1863
e. February 15th, 1863
f. May 12th, 1863
g. May 20th, 1863
h. June 28th, 1863 and July 2nd, 1863
i. July 24th, 1863
3. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on T. Reynolds]

Reynolds, William H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0374
Title Reynolds, William H. Co. A

Reynolds, William H.

William H. Reynolds
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Article on Reynold's death [From Fredonia Censor October 29th, 1862]
2. Family tree of Reynolds
3. Snippet on Reynolds's death from Fredonia Censor
4. Article mentioning Reynolds

Rhodes, Otis D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0375
Title Rhodes, Otis D. Co. A

Rhodes, Otis D.

Otis D. Rhodes
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Obituaries on Rhodes and his wife

Riant, Abram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0376
Title Riant, Abram Co. C

Riant, Abram

Abram Riant
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Abram Riant, Pvt., Co. C with wife Harriet Elizabeth (Fowler) Riant, photocopy

1. Original document containing photcopied picture of Abram and Harriet Riant
2. Marathon County Historical Society Letter regarding information on Riant
3 Article on Riant's death [From Wasau Daily Record-Herald]
4. Article on Riant's funeral [From Wasau Daily Record-Herald]
[Link to above 2 documents here]

Rice, Addison G.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0377
Title Rice, Addison G. Col.

Allen, A. F.
Allen, Timothy A.
Avery, Orlando W.
Blackman, P. W.
Bond, Marshall O.
Burdick, John R.
Cameron, Winfield Scott
Chapman, William F.
Champlain, Delos W.
Cheney, Harrison
Cheney, Matthew B.

Davis, E. M.
Donnelly, Thomas
Ellsworth, Stiles B.
Fay, Joseph B.
Harding, James L.
Hubbard, Philander W.
Hugaboom, Henry
Jones, Patrick H.

Loomis, Henry C.
Lowing, Henry D.

Marvin, Selden E.
Mills, Edward S. 
Mitchell, John

Murdock, Cooley A.
Nelson, John F.
Norton, William W. 
Noyes, Samuel Jr.
Porter, Edward 
Rice, Addison G.
Rice, Ellen R. McCoy
Saxton, Leonard B.
Van Aernam, Henry
Vedder, Commodore P.

Addison Rice

Col. Addison G. Rice
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. A.G. Rice [portrait] 3.5in. x 5in. [Original is a drawing]

1. Biography on Rice [From Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. 2 copies]
2. Biography on Rice [From Attorneys and Counselors]
3. Snippet on Rice [From Cattaraugus Freeman]
4. Another biography on Rice
5. Obituary of Rice
6. Civil War correspondences from Rice
a. July 21st, 1862
b. July 21st, 1862
c. August 22nd, 1862
d. August 29th, 1862
e. August 29th, 1862
f. September 2, 1862
g. August 19th, 1862 and September 2nd, 1862
h. September 3rd, 1862
i. Sepetember 7th, 1862
j. August 18th, 1862 and September 12th, 1862
k. September 15th, 1862 [Letter Hon Thomas Hillhouse]
l. September 15th, 1862 [Another letter to Hon Thomas Hillhouse]
m. September 15th, 1862 [Correspondence with Sam C. Noyes]
n. September 16th, 1862
o. Two different letters from September 17th, 1862
p. September 22nd, 1862 and September 23rd, 1862
q. September 23rd, 1862
r. October 31st, 1862


Rice, Henry J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0378
Title Rice, Henry .J. Co F

Rice, H.J.

Henry Rice

Pvt. Henry J. Rice
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0207


1. H.J. Rice, post-civil war, pictured with daughters Elsa (left) and Edna (right)

1. May 10th, 1864 [Civil War letter from Rice]


Rich, Justus T.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0379
Title Rich, Justus T. Co B

Rich, Justus T.

Justus Truman Rich

Pvt. Justus Truman Rich
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0208


1. Photo taken post-war portrait of Justus Truman Rich

2. Obituary of Rich [From Cattaraugus Times]


Rickards, Israel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0380
Title Rickards, Israel Co D

Rickards, Israel

Israel Rickards

Pvt. Israel Rickards
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0209


1. Pvt. Israel Rickards [portrait] Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
2.Pvt. Israel Rickards [w/ family] Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8in x 10in.
3. Blurry headshot of Israel Rickards

3. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Rickards]
4. Israel Rickards' Remembrances of Ruth Wallace Rhodes [with photocopied pictures]
5. Obituary on Rickards [From Ellicottville Post]

Israel Rickards with Family

Object ID: IP.Rickards_I.001t

Headshot of Israel Rickards

Object ID: IP.Rickards_I.002t


Rider, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0381
Title Rider, James Co B

Rider, Jamesl

James Rider

Sgt. James H. Rider
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0210


1. Portrait of Sgt. James H. Rider

1. Civil War Soldiers & Sailors search results on Rider
a. Detailed Soldier Record
b. Soldier Names


Robbins, Allen L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0382
Title Robbins, Allen L. Co K

Robbins, Allen L.

Allen L. Robbins
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. From Gowanda Reporter [published letter from Robbins]

Rogers, Gilbert

Object ID 2013.22.8.0383
Title Rogers, Gilbert Co H

Rogers, Gilbert

Gilbert Rogers

Corp. Gilbert Rogers
Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0211


1. Photograph of Gilbert Rogers from Obituary [The Prophetstown Echo, Illinois]

1. Obituary of Rogers [From The Prophetstown Echo Newspaper, Illinois]


Root, Marvin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0384
Title Root, Marvin Co G

Root, Marvin

Pvt. Marvin Root
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Information on Root's burial site


Ross, Welcome

Object ID 2013.22.8.0385
Title Ross, Welcome Co G

Ross, Welcome

Pvt. Welcome Ross
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Obituary on Ross [From Randolph Register]

Ross, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0386
Title Ross, William J. Co B

Ross, William

Pvt. William Ross
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Article on Ross's death [From The Kansas City (MO) Times]

Rounds, Orton

Object ID 2013.22.8.0387
Title Rounds, Orton Co C

Rounds, Orton

Orton Rounds

Pvt. Orton Rounds
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0213


1. Card with portrait of Orton Rounds
2. Closer copy of Rounds' portrait

1. Photocopy of a portrait of Rounds w/ a letter sent to him

Orton Rounds

Pvt. Orton Rounds
Close-up version of 2013.22.9.0213 without writing

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0214


Rowland, Bradford

Object ID 2013.22.8.0388
Title Rowland, Bradford Co G

Rowland, Bradford

Bradford Rowland

Pvt. Bradford Rowland
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0213


1. Pvt. Bradford Rowland [portrait] Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8in x 10in.

1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Rowland]
2. Obituary on Rowland


Rugg, Corrydon

Object ID 2013.22.8.0389
Title Rugg, Corrydon C. Asst. Surg.

Blowers, Truman D. 
Jones, Patrick H.
Lowing, Henry D.
Rugg, Corrydon
Strickland, Francis 
VanAernam, Henry
Wilste, Emerson M.

Corrydon Rugg

Asst. Surg. Corrydon Rugg
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0215


1. Sketched portrait of Rugg, 4in x 5in.
2. CC Rugg, Lake View Cemetery, Jamestwon, New York, 3.5in. x 5in.

3. Article on Rugg's medical research [From Jamestown Sun]
4. The Descendants of John Rugg, by Ellen R, Rugg
5. Census records of Rugg
6. From Chautauqua Cyclopedia [biography on Rugg] 2nd copy
[Link to the above two documents]
7. Letter mentioning Rugg 2 copies
8. Biography on Rugg
9. Obituary of Rugg
10. Papers from the Surgeon General's Office
11. [Notes on Rugg and his service in the war]

Corrydon Rugg
CC Rugg, Lake View Cemetery, Jamestwon,
New York

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0214


Rykert, Gilbert M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0390
Title Rykert, Gilbert M. Co. C

Rykert, Gilbert M.
Rykert, Sarah A. Nichols

Gilbert M. Rykert
Co. c, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. On Injuries of the Upper Extremities [snippet on Rykert's injury]
2. Biography of Rykert [From the Cyclopedia of Chautauqua County]
Back to Top


Saxton, Leonard B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0391
Title Saxton, Leonard B. Co. A

Saxton, Leonard

Leonard B. Saxton
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Letter of resignation from Saxton
2. Volunteer Enlistment document for Saxton
3. Article on Leonard's political opinion [From Cattaraugus Union]
4. Article on Leonard's resignation [From Cattaraugus Union]
5. Article on Leonard's return home [From Cattaraugus Freeman]
6. Article on Leonard's political opinion [From Cattaraugus Freeman]
7. Article on Leonard's death [From Cattaraugus Freeman ]

Scott, Calvin S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0392
Title Scott, Calvin S. Co. E

Scott, Calvin S.

Calvin S. Scott
Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. On Intermediary Amputations in the Leg [Snippet on Scott's injury]

Scott, Milton D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0393
Title Scott, Milton D. Co. F

Scott, Milton D.

Milton D. Scott
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Civil War letter from Scott to brother [transcription and photocopy of original]
2. Illustration of John Kuhn's brickyard in Gettysburg

Scutt, Addison L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0394
Title Scutt, Addison L. Co. C

Scutt, Addison

Addison L. Scutt
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Letter of Addison L. Scutt, transcription and photocopy of original
2. Scutt Ancestry
3. Obituay of Scutt

Seekins, Cyrel

Object ID 2013.22.9.0216
Title Scutt, Addison L. Co. H

Seekins, Cyrel


Cryel Seekins
Co.H , 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0216


1. Photo of Seekins ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Shafer, Addison

Object ID 2013.22.8.0395
Title Shafer, Addison Co. C

Shafer, Addison

Addison Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0216


1. Pvt. Addison Shafer [portrait] Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8in x 10in.
2. Pvt. Addison Shafer, wife Helen and son Abram, Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8in. x 10in.
3. Photocopy of portrait of Shafer as a soldier

4. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Shafer]
5. From Hinsdale, My Home Town, History and Memories [Shafer Family]

Pvt. Addison Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Addison, his wife Helen, and son Abram

Pvt. Addison Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in military uniform
Original is framed


Shafer, Jacob

Object ID 2013.22.8.0396
Title Shafer, Jacob Co. C

Shafer, Jacob

Jacob Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Jacob Shafer Co. C [portrait w/ hat] 2 copies, 1 is 4in x 5in, 1 is 8in x 10in.
2. Jacob Shafer Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., 8in. x 10in.

Jacob Shafer

Pvt. Jacob Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in military uniform
Original is framed
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0218

Pvt. Jacob Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with other members of
Shafer's company
Object ID: IP.Shafer_J.002t



Shafer, Jerome

Object ID 2013.22.9.0219
Title Shafer, Jerome Co. C

Shafer, Jerome

Edgar Shafer

Jerome Shafer
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0219


1. Portrait of Jerome Shafer

1. From 154th Service Records (NYSA.G.)

Shannon, Edgar

Object ID 2013.22.8.0397
Title Shannon, Edgar 1st Lt. & R.Q.M.

Shannon, Edgar

Edgar Shannon

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0220


1. [Illustrated portrait of Shannon] 3 copies, 1 is 4in. x 6in. 1 is 3.5 in x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in.
2. Only known photograph of Edgar Shannon [portrait] 4in. x 6in.
3. 1st Lt. & R.Q.M. Edgar Shannon [portrait w/ moustache]154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 8in. x 10in.
4. [Photocopies of portraits of Francelia Hunt and Edgar Shannon]
5. [Portrait of Shannon as a young man] 2 copies, both are 4in. x 5in.
6. Indentification disc that belonged to Shannon, 4in. x 5in.


1. Civil War Letters of Edgar Shannon to his fiancee Francelia Hunt
2. From Report of the Adjutant-General [snippet on Shannon's service]
3. From History of Cattaraugus County [biography on Shannon]
4. From George Lower's Catalog No. 25 Winter 77 [listing of Shannon's coin]
5. The Civil War service of Edgar Shannon 154th New York Volunteer Infantry
6. Index to mentions of members of he 154th New York in the letters of Edgar Shannon and Francelia Hunt
7. [Article on Shannon's death]
8. From The Jamestown Sun, The Love Letters of a Union Soldier [series publishing Shannon's letters]
9. Snippet of an aticle reagrding the proximity of a soldier monument to Edgar Shannon's grave
10. From 154th Service Records (NYSA.G.)
11. Letterd from August 30, 1862 to February 29th, 1864

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Illustrated portrait of Shannon
Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.001.3t

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Photograph of Edgar Shannon
Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.002t

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Portrait w/ moustache
Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.003t

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Photocopies of portraits of Francelia Hunt and Edgar Shannon
Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.004t

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Portrait of Shannon as a young man
Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.005.1t

Edgar Shannon
1st Lt. & R.Q.M., 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Identification Coin

Object ID: IP.Shannon_E.001t


Shannon, Marshall H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0398
Title Shannon, Marshall H. Co. K

Shannon, Marshall H.

Marshall H. Shannon

1st Sgt. Marshall H. Shannon
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0221


1. Photocopy of portrait of Shannon


Shepherd, Thomas B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0399
Title Shepherd, Thomas B. Co. G

Shepherd, Thomas B.

Thomas B. Shepherd
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID


1. Certificate to be given to volunteers at the time of their discharge to enable them to recieve their pay

Sherman, Ebenezer C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0400
Title Sherman, Ebenezer C. Co. D

Sherman, Ebenezer C.

Sherman Ebenezer

Ebenezer C. Sherman
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0224


1. Portrait of Ebenezer and an unidentified woman photo taken later in life

1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Sherman]


Sherman, Niles H.

Object ID 2013.22.9.0225
Title: Sherman, Niles H., Co. C

Sherman, Niles H.

Sgt. Niles H. Sherman
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original in poor condition.
Courtesy of Orin E. Parker

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0225


Shippy, Augustus

Object ID 2013.22.8.0401
Title Shippy, Augustus Co. B

Shippy, Augustus

Augustus Shippy

Sgt. Augustus Shippy
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0226


1. Portrait of Sgt. Augustus Shippy ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Object ID 2013.22.8.0401
Title Shultz, Edward Co. K
People Shultz, Edward
Scope & Content
1. [Civil War letter from Shultz to his parents]
2. From Cattaraugus Union [Article on Shultz's death, published letter from hospital about his death]
3. From Cattaraugus Freeman [article on Shultz' death]
4. [Article on burial of Shultz]
Title Shuster, Stephen, Co. G
People Shuster, Stephen

Pvt. Stephen Shuster, Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life
"78" printed in top right corner of photo
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0227

Object ID 2013.22.8.0402
Title Sickler, Philander B. Co. K
People Sickler, Philander B.
Scope & Content
1. [Civil War letter from Sickler]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0403
Title Sill, Alonzo D. Co. C
People Sill, Alonzo D.
Scope & Content
1. From Ellicottville Post [obituary on Sill]
2. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Sill]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0404
Title Simons, Albert A. Co. C
People Simons, Albert A.
Scope & Content
1. From Historical Gazetteer and Biographical memorial of Cattaraugs County, N.Y. [paragraph on Simons]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0405
Title Skiff, James Co. F
People Skiff, James
Scope & Content
1. [Portrait of Skiff as a soldier] 2 copies, both 4in. x 6in.
2. Civil War Diary of James P. Skiff
3. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Skiff]

Corp. James P. Skiff
Co. F, 154th regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured standing in military uniform in front of camp background
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0228


Skinner, Elial

Object ID 2013.22.8.0406
Title Skinner, Elial Co. E
People Skinner, Elial
Scope & Content
1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Skinner]
2. From Cyclopedia of Chautauqau County [biography of Skinner] 2 copies
3. [Civil War letter from Skinner]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0408
Title Skinner, Marvin M. Co. F
People Skinner, Marvin M.
Scope & Content
1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Skinner]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0409
Title Slawson, Isaac M. Co. E
People Slawson, Isaac M.
Scope & Content
1. From Fredonia Censor [article on Slawson's death] transcription and photocopy of original
2. From Fredonia Advertiser [article on Slawson's death] transcription and photocopy of original
Object ID 2013.22.8.0410
Title Smith, Horace Co. D & H
People Smith, Horace
Scope & Content
1. 10 photographs of Horace Smith Civil war Momentos, all 5in x 7in.
2. 1st Lt. Horace Smith [portrait] Co. H, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf., 2 copies, 2 are 4in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in.
3. Sword and belt of 1st Lt. Horace Smith, 4in. x 5in.
4. Personal effects of 1st Lt. Horace Smith, 4in. x 5in.
5. Haversack of 1st Lt. Horace Smith, 4in. x 5in.
6. 1st Lt. Horace Smith Co. H, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (standing pose and seated on left as viewed) 2 copies, both are 8in. x 10in.
7. Horace Smith [grave] Forest Hill Cemetery in Owatonna, Montana
8. Diary of Horace Smith from April 13, 1863, to Nov. 14, 1864
9. [Biography on Horace Smith]
10. Vignettes of Military History, contributed by Winey [source used is Smith's diary] 2 copies
11. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Smith]
12. [Obituary of Smith]
13. Oath of Identity
14. Certificate from the National Association Union Ex-prisoners of War
15. Discharge papers
16. [Certificate for Smith's promotion to 1st Lt.]
17. [Certificate for Smith's promotion to Sergeant]

Horace Smith Smith, Horace Horace Smith
Horace Smith, Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0229
1st Lt. Horace Smith, Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated in military uniform
Original is framed
Looks to have been later in the war
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0230
1st Lt. Horace Smith, Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0231

Object ID 2013.22.8.0411
Title Smith, Isaac W. Co. K
People Smith, Isaac W.
Scope & Content
1. [Discharge certificate] 4in. x 6in.
2. Pvt. Isaac W. Smith [portrait as a soldier] Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. 2 copies, both 4in. x 6in.
3. [Discharge certificate] 3 copies

Isaac Smith
Pvt. Isaac W. Smith
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured standing in military uniform, with weapon
Standing in front of camp background
Photo is in poor condition

Object ID 2013.22.8.0412
Title Smith, John Adam Co. K
People Smith, John Adam
Scope & Content
1. From Gowanda herald [article on Smith's Civil War service]
2. [Article on Smith's brier pipe, kept by his son]
3. Diary of John Adam Smith from Feb. 23, 1863, to Dec. 5, 1863
4. An Awful Time at Andersonville [recount of Smith's time in the Andersonville war prison]

John Adam Smith
Pvt. John Adam Smith with wife Elizabeth
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0233

Object ID 2013.22.8.0413
Title Southeron, George P. Co. A
People Southeron, George P.
Scope & Content
1. [Letter to Southern's wife on the injuries he suffered] transcription and photocopy of original
Object ID 2013.22.8.0414
Title Spiking, Thomas D., Jr. Co. F
People Spiking, Thomas D., Jr.
Scope & Content
1. From the Ellicottville News [article on Spiking]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0415
Title Sperling, John Co. K
People Sperling, John
Scope & Content
1. Pvt. John Sperling [portrait as soldier] Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
2. [Obituary on Sperling]
3. Veteran's Organization, Rhodes American Legio Post 456 [mention of Sperling]

John Sperling
Pvt. John Sperling (seated)
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with 4 unidentified women and 1 unidentified man (plus one in shadow)
Photo taken later in life
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0234

Object ID 2013.22.8.0416
Title Sprague, William H. Co. E
People Sprague, William H.
Scope & Content
1. [Civil War letters of Sprague]
2. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Sprague]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0417
Title St. John, Truman A. Co. E
People St. John, Truman A.
Scope & Content
1. Our Journey to Dixie, composed by St. John
Object ID 2013.22.8.0418
Title Stafford, Jonas Co. B
People Stafford, Jonas
Scope & Content
1. From the Marion (Ohio) Daily Star [article on Stafford's death]
2. From Biographies of Many Residents of Marion County, Ohio and Review of the History of Marion County [biography on Stafford]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0419
Title Stanley, Luther Co. A
People Stanley, Luther
Scope & Content
1. [Obituary on Stanley]

Luther Stanley
Corp. Luther Stanley
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Original is matted/framed
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0236

Object ID 2013.22.8.0420
Title Starkweather, George Co. E
People Starkweather, George
Scope & Content
1. [Family record of Starkweather]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0421
Title Stevens, Coryell G. Co. D
People Stevens, Coryell G.
Scope & Content
1. [Obituary on Stevens]

Title Stevens, Moses, Co. F
People Stevens, Moses

Moses Stevens
Pvt. Moses Stevens
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with unidentified man
Part of a group photo
Photo taken later in life
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0235

Object ID 2013.22.8.0422
Title Stone, Addison Co. I
People Stone, Addison
Scope & Content
1. Addison Stone Family, 4in x 6in.
2. Corp. Addison Stone [portrait] Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. 2 copies, 1 is 4in. x 6in. , 1 is 8in. x 10in.
3. From Central City (Nebraska) Democrat [obituary of Stone]
4. [Obituary of Stone]
5. Stone family history report

Stone Addison
Corp. Addison Stone
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0237

Object ID 2013.22.8.0423
Title Stone, James Co. E
People Stone, James
Scope & Content
1. [Record of Stone and his wife]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0424
Title Straight, Hiram Co. C
People Straight, Hiram
Scope & Content
1. Negative strip
2. From Roswell (New Mexico) Daily Record [obituary on Straight]
3. Cemetery record
4. From Clinical Record of Malarial Disease [desciption of Straight's disease]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0425
Title Strickland, Chester D. Co. K
People Strickland, Chester D.
Scope & Content
1. Francis Strickland [portrait from 1873] 1st Sgt., Co. I 8in x 5in.
2. Strickland's family records
3. Certificate and Record of Death
4. Memorandum from Prisoner of War Records
5. Company Muster Roll
6. Certificate of Disability for Discharge

Strickland Chester
Pvt. Chester D. Strickland
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
From a photocopy
"G.W. Scott---Instantaneous Portraits Gowanda, NY" printed beneath photo
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0238

Object ID 2013.22.8.0426
Title Strickland, Francis Co. I
People Strickland, Francis
Scope & Content
1. Francis Strickland [portrait from 1873] 1st Sgt., Co. I, 8in. x 10in.
2. [Full body portrait of Strickland] 3 copies, all 1in. x 1.5in.
3. [Disharge certificate] 3.5in. x 5in.
4. [Medical document] 3.5in. x 5in.
5. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the Francis Strickland Letters
6. General Index to the Francis Strickland letters, as published in the Road to Red House
7. [Civil War letters of Strickland] transcriptions and photocopies of some originals
8. [Discharge Certificate in Photograph 3] 2 copies
9. Oath of Identity, 2 copies
10. [Document in Photograph 4, detailing Strickland's amputation]
11. [Biography of Strickland] 3 copies
12. On Injuries of the Upper Extremities [snippet on Strickland's injury]

Francis Strickland Francis Strickland
1st Sgt. Francis Strickland
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured standing; Looks to be missing and arm from injuries
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0240
1st Sgt. Francis Strickland
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in uniform with weapon
Original is framed; some sort of light reflected
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0239


Swartz, Frederick

Object ID 2013.22.8.0427
Title Swartz, Frederick Co. E
People Swartz, Frederick
Scope & Content
1. [Burial information on Swartz]
2. From Westfield Republican [obituary of Swartz]
3. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen [paragraph on Swartz]

Frederick Swartz
Pvt. Fredrig Swartz
Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life
Original is matted
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0241


Sweetland, Emory

Object ID 2013.22.8.0428
Title Sweetland, Emory Co. B
People Sweetland, Emory
Scope & Content
1. Emory Sweetland [portrait w/ beard] Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. vol. Inf., 2 copies, 1 is 4in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in.
2. Pvt. Emory Sweetland and Steward Knowles Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
3. [Article on Sweetland] 2 copies
4. [Obituary of Sweetland]
5. From Report of the Adjutant-General [snippet on Sweetland's military service]
6. An Impression That Will Never Be Effaced: Emory Sweetland Remembers November 19, 1863, by Dunkelman
7. [Form filled out by Sweetland on the war]
8. From National Tribune [account of war from Sweetland]
9. Civil War Letters from Emory Sweetland to his wife Mary Jane (Holridge) 1862-1865

Emory Sweetland
Pvt. Emory Sweetland (Act. Hospital Steward, pictured left)
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with Hospital Steward [David Watson] Knowles (right) (Likely identification)
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0243

Object ID 2013.22.8.0429
Title Sweetland, John W. Co. B
People Sweetland, John W.
Scope & Content
1. [Obituary of Sweetland] 2 copies
2. 154 Regiment Company B records
3. [2 Civil War letters of Sweetland]

John W. Sweetland
Pvt. John W. Sweetland
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0244

Swetland, Eleazer, Jr.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0430
Title: Swetland, Eleazer, Jr. Co. E


Swetland, Eleazer, Jr.

Eleazer Swetland Jr., Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0430



1. Swetland family [snippet on Swetland]
2. From Fredonia Censor [article on Swetland's death]

Swetland, George

Object ID 2013.22.8.0431
Title: Swetland, George Co. E


Swetland, George

George Swetland, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0431



1. Paragraph on Swetland from Partial Geneology of the Swetland Family (2 copies)

Back to Top

Taylor, Charles H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0432
Title: Taylor, Charles H. Co. C


Taylor, Charles H.

Charles H. Taylor, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0432



1. Civil war letter from Taylor to his father from March 22, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)

Taylor, David T.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0433
Title: Taylor, David T. Co. E


Taylor, David T.

David T. Taylor, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0433



1. Obituary on Taylor from Fredonia Censor from March 9, 1892
2. Paragraph on Taylor from Presidents, Soldiers, Statemen

Taylor, George A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0434
Title: Taylor, George A. Co. F


Taylor, George A.

George A. Taylor, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0434



1. Transcriptions of Civil War letters of George A. Taylor with Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the letters of George A. Taylor (Courtesy of Chautauqua County Historical Society)

Taylor, Oscar M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0435
Title: Taylor, Oscar M. Co. E


Taylor, Oscar M.

Oscar M. Taylor, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0435



1. Transcription of Taylor's Civil War letter from Jan. 8, 1862
2. Transcription of Taylor's Civil War letter from Jan. 3, 1863
3. Transcription of Taylor's Civil War letter from May 9, 1863
4. Photocopy of original Civil War letter from Taylor from Jan 3, 1863
5. Photocopy of original Civil War letter from Taylor from May 9, 1863
6. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York and General Index to the Oscar M. Taylor Letters

Ten Eyck, Jacob H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0436
Title: Ten Eyck, Jacob H., Major


Ten Eyck, Jacob H.

Jacob Ten Eyck
Maj. Jacob H. Ten Eyck
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0245



1. Photocopy of a portrait of Ten Eyck (2 copies)

2. Biography of Ten Eyck from The Volunteer, published by N.Y.S. SUV
3. Biography of Ten Eyck (Courtesy of Douglas Smith)

Photocopy of a portrait of Ten Eyck

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0436.001

Terry, Ransom

Object ID 2013.22.8.0437
Title: Terry, Ransom Co. C


Terry, Ransom

Terry, Ransom
Ransom Terry, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0246



1. Portrait of Pvt. Ransom Terry with bowtie, Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Carol Fromme)
2. Grainy portrait of Pvt. Ransom Terry in a tuxedo, Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.)
3. Portraits of Terry and his wife (8.5in. x 11in.) (Courtesy of Carol Fromme)

4. Four obituaries of Terry (Courtesy of Carol Fromme)
5. Biography on Terry from History of Ischua, New York by Sally Pettengill (1994)
6. Biography on Terry from Hinsdale, My Home Town by Lila G. Cooper Hinsidale (N.Y.) Historical Society (1999)

Portrait of Pvt. Ransom Terry with bowtie
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0437.001

Grainy portrait of Pvt. Ransom Terry in a tuxedo
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0437.002

Portraits of Terry and his wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0437.003

Thomas, Abner

Object ID 2013.22.8.0438
Title: Thomas, Abner Co. I


Thomas, Abner

Abner Thomas
Cpl. Abner Thomas
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life
Original is matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0247



1. Obituary on Thomas from West Union Argo-Gazette (Iowa)
2. Cemetery Records for Thomas
3. Census Records for Thomas
4. Photocopy of newspaper clippings on Thomas' family

Thomas, Shepherd N.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0439
Title: Thomas, Shepherd N. Co. A


Thomas, Shepherd N.

Shepherd N. Thomas

Corp. Shepherd N. Thomas
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is an undated photo of a group of veterans at the 154th's Gettysburg monument.
Original not in good condition; dark

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0248



1. Portrait of Corp. Shepherd N. Thomas Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Portrait of Corp. Shepherd N. Thomas, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0439.001

Thornton, Lyman

Object ID 2013.22.8.0440
Title: Thornton, Lyman Co. C


Thornton, Lyman

Lyman Thornton, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0440



1. Paragraph on Thornton from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Biography of Thornton

Thurber, Joel

Title: Thurber, Joel Co. B


Thurber, Joel

Joel Thurber

Pvt. Joel Thurber
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Joel Thurber; c1855" printed in white on the front
Original is damaged, scratched

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0249


Torrance, Joel B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0441
Title: Torrance, Joel B. Co. H


Torrance, Joel B.

Joel B. Torrance, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0441



1. Paragraph on Torrance from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Biography of Torrance from Randolph Register

Travis, David W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0442
Title: Travis, David W. Co. H


Travis, David W.

David W. Travis, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0442



1. Article on Travis's death from San Jose Mercury News

Tupper, Miles

Object ID 2013.22.8.0443
Title: Tupper, Miles Co. G


Tupper, Miles

Tupper, Miles

Miles Tupper
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life
Tupper is standing in a field with parts of his military uniform; "US" belt and weapon

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0250



1. Post-war portrait Miles Tupper with rifle (5in. x 7in.)

2. Transcript of letter from Darius Tupper to Miles' wife from May 25, 1863 mentioning Miles' injury
3. Transcript of letter from Miles Tupper to his wife from June 28, 1864
4. Transcript of letter from Miles Tupper to his wife from Aug. 18, 1864
5. Transcript of fragment of letter from Tupper
6. Memorandum Book of Miles Tupper
7. Two obituaries of Tupper
8. Snippet on Tupper from Report of the Adjutant-General

Post-war portrait Miles Tupper with rifle

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0443.001

Back to Top

VanAernam, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0444
Title: VanAernam, Henry Surg.


VanAernam, Henry

Henry VanAernam, Surg.
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444



1. Negatives
2. Map of battlefield drawn by Henry VanAernam in letter to his wife (5in. x 7in.) (Courtesy of Alan Sessarego)
3. Photograph of Biographical Sketches, Constitution and By Laws of the New York Republican Association, etc. (2 copies, both are 3.5in. x 5in.)
4. Photograph of 2 letters and their envelopes (2 copies, both are 3.5in. x 5in.) (Courtesy of Alan Sessarego)
5. Photograph of letters and envelopes (2 copies, both are 3.5in. x 5in.)
6. Photo of laurel root pipe from top owned by VanAernam (4in. x 5in.)
7. Photo of left side of laurel root pipe owned by VanAernam (4in. x 5in.)
8. Front view of photo of right side of laurel root pipe owned by VanAernam (4in. x 5in.)
9. Portrait of Amy Melissa (Etheridge) VanAernam wife of Surg. Henry VanAernam (5 copies, 1 is 8in. x 10in., 4 are 1in. x 1.5in.) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Suraci)
10. Black and white photo of Henry VanAernam's home in Franklinville, NY where he practiced medicine (3.5in. x 5in.) (Courtesy of Alan Sessarego)
11. Color photo of Henry VanAernam's home from Nov. 1984 (3.5in. x 4in.)
12. Photos of VanAernam from Sessarego's Imagery Catalog (5.5in. x 8.5in.)
13. Photo of VanAernam in uniform with words "Truly Yours" written on it (2 copies, both 8.5in. x 5in.)
14. Portrait of Surg, Henry VanAernam in uniform with information on the units he was in (8.5in. x 11in.)
15. Color portrait of VanAernam with tie (4in. x 6in.)
16. Portrait of Surgeon Henry VanAernam as a soldier (3 copies, 1 is 4in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in., 1 is 8.5in. x 11in.)
17. Maj. Henry VanAernam (seated 3rd from left) in group photo (2 copies, both are 3.5 in. x 5in.)
18. Close-up of VanAernam from group photo (3.5in. x 5in.)
19. Black and white portrait Surg. Henry VanAerman with suit 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Don Ryburg Coll.)
20. Zoomed out photo of Henry VanAernam and wife with VanAernam sitting and his wife standing at home in Franklinville, NY (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Suraci)
21. Zoomed out photo of Henry VanAernam and wife both sitting at home in Franklinville, NY (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Suraci)
22. Zoomed in photo of Henry VanAernam and wife with VanAernam sitting and his wife standing at home in Franklinville, NY (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Suraci)
23. Zoomed in photo of Henry VanAernam and wife both sitting at home in Franklinville, NY (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Suraci)
24. Black and white portrait of H. VanAernam in suit (4in. x 5in.)
25. Black and white photo of Henry VanAernam in suit sitting in a chair with arm resting on a table (8.5in. x 11in.)

26. Transcription of letter from VanAernam from Dec. 15th, 1865 giving his wife the location of his newly acquired seat in 39th Congress, House of Representatives
27. Photocopy of original letter from VanAernam from Feb. 3, 1863
28. Photocopy of back of VanAernam's letter with approval of his request from Feb. 3, 1863
29. Biography of VanAernam from History of Cattaraugus, Medical Practitioners in Franklinville (p. 131-134)
30. Second copy of biography of VanAernam from History of Cattaraugus, Medical Practitioners in Franklinville with cover photo of VanAernam (p. 131-134)
31. Biography of VanAernam from History of Cattaraugus County, New York (p. 326-327)
32. Transcript of letter describing the Battle of Gettysburg from December, 1892
33. Snippet on VanAernam from Report of the Adjutant-General (p. 1217)
34. Copies of transcriptions of VanAernam's Civil War letters (Courtesy of Pavilion Center Antique Shop)
35. Transcription of Civil War letter to his wife from July 30, 1863 (Courtesy of Alan Sessarego)
36. Photocopy of original article on VanAernam and the 154th from Cattaraugus Freeman from August 18, 1864
37. Obituary on VanAernam from the Olean Times Herald
38. Letter concerning purchase of VanAernam's Civil War letters
39. Letters to Lieut. E.L. Phillips (Courtesy of J. Richardson Lippert, II)
40. Biographical sketch of VanAernam from Ellicottville News from June 9, 1894
41. Article on VanAernam's nominatin for Congress from Fredonia Censor from Oct. 3, 1866
42. Snippet on VanAernam's return home from Cattaraugus Union from Oct. 2, 1863
43. Snippet on VanAernam from Cattaraugus Freeman from March 5, 1863
44. Snippet on VanAernam thanking him for providing casualty lists from Cattaraugus Freeman from June 2, 186
45. Snippet on VanAernam as operator from Injuries of the Upper Extremities
46. Snippet on VanAernam as operator from Primary Amputations in the Forearm
47. Snippet on VanAernam confirming a patient drew his pension from Wounds and Injuries of the Head
48. Article on buying of contents of VanAernam's house from The Daily News from July 27, 1968
49. Biography of VanAernam from Biographical Directory of the United States Congress webpage
50. Article on VanAernam's indictment for fraud from Gowanda Enterprise from May 28, 1886 (Courtesy of Phil Palen)
51. Ebay listing for one of VanAernam's letters
52. Article mentioning VanAernam with photographs 4 and 6-8
53. Letter to VanAernam from Herman Button from March 26, 1863
54. Letter to VanAernam from Merrill from Oct. 5, 1863
55. Letter from Oct. 13, 1863
56. Part of letter from April, 1864
57. Letter from VanAernam to his wife from April 21, 1864
58. Letter to VanAernam's daughter from his wife
59. Letter to VanAernam from Mrs. Daniel Ball from Aug. 4, 1864
60. Letter from VanAernam to General Thos. Hillhouse from Aug. 17, 1862
61. Typed copy of letter from VanAernam to Maj. L. D. Warner from August 10, 1863 requesting a leave of absence (Courtesy of Dorothy Farnham DeSha)
62. Letter from VanAernam to his wife from Aug. 12, 1863 informing her that his request was denied (Courtesy of Dorothy Farnham DeSha)
63. Copy of handwritten letter from VanAernam to Maj. L. D. Warner from August 10, 1863 requesting leave of absence with attached form (Courtesy of Dorothy Farnham DeSha)
64. Copy of handwritten letter from VanAernam to his wife from August 12, 1863 (Courtesy of Dorothy Farnham DeSha)
65. Copy of a handwritten letter written by VanAernam from Nov. 22, 1864 (Courtesy of Mark H. Dunkelman)
66. Transcription of article on VanAernam and the 154th from Cattaraugus Freeman from August 18, 1864
67. Letter from VanAernam published in Cattaraugus Freeman from Aug. 18, 1864
68. Obituary of VanAernam from The Chronicle, Franklinville

Henry Van Aernam Henry Van Aernam Henry Van Aernam

Maj. Henry Van Aernam (154th NY) Bde Surgeon, seated in center
Taken at Sperrysville, VA; Spring 1863; between March 28 and April 12
Staff of Adolphus Bushbeck
1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 11th Corps.
Col. Buschbeck seated 2nd from left
Group is pictured outside with a tent in the back

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0251

Maj. Henry Van Aernam, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Brigade Surgeon, 1st Bde, 2nd Div., 11th Corps.
Taken at Sperrysville, VA; Spring 1863
Close up of Van Aernam from the group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0252

Lt. Col. Surg. Henry Van Aernam, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"[Truly] Yours" handwritten, partially cut off from copy
"075" faded, written on front

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0253


Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.001

Map of battlefield drawn by Henry VanAernam in letter to his wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.137

Photograph of Biographical Sketches, Constitution and By Laws of the New York Republican Association, etc.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.138

Photograph of 2 letters and their envelopes

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.139

Photograph of letters and envelopes

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.140

Photo of laurel root pipe from top owned by VanAernam

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.141

Photo of left side of laurel root pipe owned by VanAernam

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.142

Front view of photo of right side of laurel root pipe owned by VanAernam

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.143

Portrait of Amy Melissa (Etheridge) VanAernam wife of Surg. Henry VanAernam

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.144

Black and white photo of Henry VanAernam's home in Franklinville, NY where he practiced medicine

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.145

Color photo of Henry VanAernam's home from Nov. 1984

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.146

Photos of VanAernam from Sessarego's Imagery Catalog

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.147

Photo of VanAernam in uniform with words "Truly Yours" written on it

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.148

Portrait of Surg, Henry VanAernam in uniform with information on the units he was in

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.149

Color portrait of VanAernam with tie

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.151

Portrait of Surgeon Henry VanAernam as a soldier

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.152

Maj. Henry VanAernam (seated 3rd from left) in group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.153

Close-up of VanAernam from group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.154

Black and white portrait Surg. Henry VanAerman with suit 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.155

Zoomed out photo of Henry VanAernam and wife with VanAernam sitting and his wife standing at home in Franklinville, NY

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.156

Zoomed out photo of Henry VanAernam and wife both sitting at home in Franklinville, NY

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.157

Zoomed in photo of Henry VanAernam and wife with VanAernam sitting and his wife standing at home in Franklinville, NY

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.158

Zoomed in photo of Henry VanAernam and wife both sitting at home in Franklinville, NY

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.159

Black and white portrait of H. VanAernam in suit

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.160

Black and white photo of Henry VanAernam in suit sitting in a chair with arm resting on a table

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0444.161

Vanderburgh, Taylor

Object ID 2013.22.8.0445
Title: Vanderburgh, Taylor Co. K


Vanderburgh, Taylor

Taylor Vanderburgh, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0445



1. Article on Vanderburgh's death from Ellicottville Post

Vedder, Commodore P.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0446
Title: Vedder, Commodore P. Co. G & H


Vedder, Commodore P.

Capt. Commodore Perry Vedder
Co. H,154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0254



1. Portrait of Capt. Commodore Perry Vedder, Co. H, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in.)
2. Portrait of Capt. C.P. Vedder with bowtie (8in. x 10in.)

3. Snippet on Vedder's military record
4. Biography of Vedder from Life Sketches (p. 314-316)
a. Copy 1
b. Copy 2 (Courtesy of Mike Winey)
5. Biography of Vedder from History of Cattaraugus County
6. Photocopy of original obituary of Vedder from The Ellicottville Post
7. Transcription of obituary of Vedder from The Ellicottville Post
8. First letter of Vedder from June 17, 1865
9. Second letter of Vedder from June 17, 1865
10. Third letter of Vedder from June 17, 1865
11. Transcript and original of obituary of Vedder
12. Biography of Vedder from The National Cyclopedia of American Biography
13. Information on Vedder's family
14. Article on Vedder's return home from the Cattaraugus Union
15. Published letter written by Vedder from the Cattaraugus Freeman
16. Article on Vedder's return home from the Cattaraugus Freeman
17. Article on Vedder's political views from the Cattaraugus Freeman
18. Article on Vedder's health and his political views from Cattaraugus Freeman
19. Article on Vedder's promotion from the Cattaraugus Freeman
20. Biography of Vedder from Geneaological and Family History of Western New York

Portrait of Capt. Commodore Perry Vedder

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0446.001

Portrait of Capt. C.P. Vedder with bowtie

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0446.002

Vedder, Jacob M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0447
Title: Vedder, Jacob M. Co. G


Vedder, Jacob M.

Jacob M. Vedder, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0447



1. Paragraph on Vedder from The Vedder Family in America 1657- 1973 by Edwin H. Vedder, 1974 (p. 163)

Vincent, Hiram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0448
Title: Vincent, Hiram Co. K


Vincent, Hiram

Hiram Vincent

Cpl. Hiram Vincent
Co. K,154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Portair of Vincent in military uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0255



1. Civil War letters from Vincent to his family
2. Mention of Vincent from "Hinsdale, My Hometown" (Courtesy of Hinsdale Historical Society)

Vinton, William F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0449
Title: Vinton, William F. Co. A


Vinton, William F.

Portrait of William Ferdinand Vinton, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0449.001



1. Portrait of William Ferdinand Vinton
2. Portrait of William Ferdinand Vinton taken about 1898
3. Portrait of William F. Vinton with family

4. Snippet on Vinton from Cattaraugus Union
5. Letter concerning Vinton from February 26, 1865
6. Certificate making Vinton principal musician
7. Discharge paper
8. Letter concerning Vinton from July 6, 1865
9. Oath of Identity
10. Resolution of Respect in memory of Vinton
11. Obituary on Vinton (Courtesy of Eau Claire Public Library)
12. Forest Hill Cemetery Records (Courtesy of Eau Claire Public Library)

Portrait of William Ferdinand Vinton, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. taken about 1898

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0449.002

Portrait of William F. Vinton with family

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0449.003

Vosburgh, Emera K.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0450
Title: Vosburgh, Emera K. Co. B


Vosburgh, Emera K.

Emera K. Vosburgh, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0450



1. Mention of Vosburgh from The Descendants of Lewis Hart and Anne Ellicott (p. 282)

Back to Top

Waggoner, Charles A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0451
Title: Waggoner, Charles A. Co. F


Waggoner, Charles

Charles A. Waggoner, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0451



1. Paragraph on Waggoner from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Walden, Elisha B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0452
Title: Walden, Elisha B. Co. E


Walden, Elisha B.

Elisha B. Walden

Pvt. Elisha B. Walden, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0256

Walker, Gardner D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0452
Title: Walker, Gardner D. Co. F


Walker, Gardner D.

Gardner  Walker
Corp. Gardner Darwin Walker
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0257



1. Certifiicate of Death of Walker (4in x 6in.)
2. Pvt. Gardner Darwin Walker, Co. F, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., (portrait, 8in. x 10in.)
3. Gardner D. Walker, Co. F, (in uniform)

4. Company Muster Roll
5. Biography of Walker from History of Chautauqua County (Courtesy of Mrs. Gardner Walker Raistrick)
a. Copy with additional description
b. Copy with attached postcard and letter

Gardner D. Walker
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Certifiicate of Death of Walker

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0452.001

Pvt. Gardner Darwin Walker
Co. F, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.


Object ID: 2013.22.8.0452.002

Gardner D. Walker
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

In Uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0452.003

Walrath, Walter

Object ID 2013.22.8.0453
Title: Walrath, Walter Co. A


Walrath, Walter

Walrath Walter
Pvt. Walter Walrath
Co. A,154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0258



1. Walter Walrath with granddaughter Dorothy Walrath (Courtesy of Patricia Wilcox)

2. Discharge Paper
3. Oath of Identity
4. Application for Post
5. Obituary of Walrath from Capital Herald on January 4, 1900
6. Paragraph on Walrath from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1508-1509)

Walter Walrath with granddaughter Dorothy Walrath

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0453.001

Walsh, Michael

Object ID 2013.22.8.0454
Title: Walsh, Michael, Co. I


Walsh, Michael

Michael Walsh, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0454



1. Bones of the middle third of the leg from Pvt. Michael Walsh (5in x 7in)

2. Bones of Middle Third of Leg Amputated from Walsh
3. Medical Records of Walsh's injury (Courtesy of National Museum of Health and Medicine Armed Forces Institute of Pathology)


Bones of the middle third of the leg from Pvt. Michael Walsh

Object ID 2013.22.8.0454.001

Warner, Lewis D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0455
Title: Warner, Lewis D. Maj. & Lt. Col.


Warner, Lewis D.

Warner Lewis

Lt. Col. Lewis D. Warner
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Lt. Col. Warner" written beneath portrait

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0259



1. Negative Image of Lewis D. Warner
2. Photograph of grave of Lewis D. and Mary M. Warner (3.5in x 3.5in.)
3. 1st Col. Lewis D. Warner 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (portrait)
4. Portrait of Warner (5in. x 7in.)
5. Col. Lewis D. Warner 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (portrait w/ cane)
6. Lewis D. Warner Lt. Col. from Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Catt. Co.

7. Photocopy of Lt. Col. Lewis D. Warner with Short Biography from Manual of Bayonet Exercise, 1852
8. Photocopy of Maj. Lewis D. Warner from Casey's Infantry Tactics, 1862
9. Unidentified Newspaper Clipping from Cattaraugus Country Historical Museum
10. Letter from November 26, 1862
11. Capt. L.D. Warner's Memorandum from April 16th, 1863, to December 17, 1863
12. Individual Record of Warner of Personal History of Officers and Soldiers
13. Letter to Brig. Gen. John T. Sprague from December 24, 1863
14. Diary of Lewis D. Warner, January 1, 1864, to June 25, 1865 (Courtesy of Charles H. Warner III, transcribed by Mark H. Dunkelman)
15. Photocopy of Diary Page from July 14-18, 1864
16. Letter to Brig. Gen. W. A. Irvine from April 5, 1865
17. Letter to Brig. Gen. W. A. Irvine from April 20, 1865
18. Letter to Brig. Gen. W. A. Irvine from April 24, 1865
19. Various Newspaper Clippings of Published Letters relating to Warner
20. Article on Warner's promotion to colonel from Cattaraugus Union on May 4, 1865
21. Published Farewell Address of Warner from Cattaraugus Freeman
22. Biography on Warner from History of Cattaraugus County (p. 1019-1020)
23. Article on memorial service for Warner from Nov. 18, 1898 (Courtesy of John Lewis Spencer)
24. Obituary of Warner (Courtesy of Ronda Pollock)
25. Memorial Service Article from Nov. 21, 1898 (Courtesy of Ronda Pollock)
26. Wheeler, W. Reginald, Pine Knots and Bark Peelers, The Story of Five Generations of American Lumbermen. (New York: Ganis and Harris, 1960.) (p. 63-70)
27. Colonel Lewis D. Warner, An Appreciation by Mark H. Dunkelman (book about Warner and his life)
28. Transcript of Colonel Lewis D. Warner, An Appreciation by Mark H. Dunkelman

Negative Image of Lewis D. Warner

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.001

Photograph of grave of Lewis D. and Mary M. Warner

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.002

1st Col. Lewis D. Warner,
154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.003

Portrait of Warner

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.004

Col. Lewis D. Warner,
154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Portrait w/ cane

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.005

Lewis D. Warner Lt. Col. from Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Catt. Co.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0455.006

Washburn, James W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0456
Title: Washburn, James W. Co. C


Washburn, James W.

James Washburn

Pvt. James W. Washburn
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pre-war image
Original was damaged, scratched

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0260



1. Letter to Washburn's family from Nov. 16, 1862 (Courtesy of Cathy Wingebach)
2. Letter to Washburn's parents from Feb. 1, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
3. Letter to Washburn's parents from Feb. 24 [1863] (Courtesy of National Archives)
4. Letter to Washburn's parents from March 30, 1863 (Courtesy of Cathy Wingebach)
5. Letter to Washburn's parents from May 12, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
6. Letter to Washburn's parents from May 24, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)

Waterman, George C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0457
Title: Waterman, George C. Co. I


Waterman, George C.

George Waterman
1st. Lt. George C. Waterman
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Lt. Waterman" written below portrait

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0261



1. Portrait of Waterman (5in x 7in.)

1st. Lt. George C. Waterman
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0457.001

Weast, Amos B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0458
Title: Weast, Amos B. Co. D


Weast, Amos B.

Amos B. Weast, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0458



1. Obituary on Weast from Cattaraugus Star (Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Historical Museum)

Weaver, Franklin J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0459
Title: Weaver, Franklin J. Co. F


Weaver, Franklin J.

Franklin Weaver
Franklin D. Weaver
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0262



1. Photograph of the roster of the Army of the Potomac (4 copies, all are 4in x 6in.) (Similar copies donated by Patricia Sciandra)
2. Pvt. Franklin D. Weaver newspaper photo (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Hist. Museum)

3. Letter with mention of Weaver (Courtesy of Sweetland Scrapbook, Catt. Co. Hist. Museum)
4. Two Obituaries of Weaver (Courtesy of Sweetland Scrapbook, Catt. Co. Hist. Museum)

Photograph of the roster of the Army of the Potomac
(Similar copies donated by Patricia Sciandra)

Object ID 2013.22.8.0459.001

Pvt. Franklin D. Weaver newspaper photo
"Franklin D. Weaver, 92 year old Civil War Veteran. Only one in Town of Villenova." printed beneath photo.
Looks to have come from a newspaper
(Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Hist. Museum)

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0459.002

Weaver, J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0460
Title: Weaver, J. Co. C


Weaver, J.

J. Weaver, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0460



1. Snippet on Weaver's injury from Injuries of the Lower Extremities (Chapter One, p. 526)

Weigand, Frederick

Object ID 2013.22.8.0461
Title: Weigand, Frederick Co. K


Weigand, Frederick

Frederick Weigand, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0461



1. Paragraph on Weigand from Historical and Biographical Hisotry of the Township of Dayton, Cattaraugus County, New York, Charles J. Schults, editor (Buffalo: The Hausauer Press, 1901)

Welch, Delancey

Object ID 2013.22.8.0462
Title: Welch, Delancey Co. K


Welch, Delancey

Delancey Welch, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0462



1. Article on Welch's death from Cattaraugus Freeman

Welch, Stephen

Object ID 2013.22.8.0463
Title: Welch, Stephen Co. C


Welch, Stephen

Stephen Welch

Sgt. Stephen Welch
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0263



1. Portrait of Capt. Stephen Welch, Co. C, 154th NYSVI (3 copies, 2 are 4in. x 5in., 1 is 5in. x 7in.)
2. Capt. Welch as an older gentleman wearing his medal
3. Portrait of Capt. Stephen Welch as an older man (2 copies, 1 is 8.5in. x 11in., 1 is 4in. x 5in.)
4. Portrait of 1st Sgt. Stephen Welch with sword
5. Portrait of Sgt. Stephen Welch as a soldier, Co. C, 154th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Inf. (4in. x 6in.)
6. Capt. Stephen Welch's sword
7. Five photographs of medal and ribbon of Welch (4 are 4in. x 6in., 1 is 4in. x 5in.)

1. Biography of Welch from Our Allegany Heritage (1831-1981)
2. The Stephen C. Welch and Louisa Harriet Allen Welch family
3. Excerpt on Stephen Welch from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
4. Passage on Capt. Stephen Welch from One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth Infantry
5. Deeds of Valor with cover image of Capt. Stephen Welch
6. Letter regarding Stephen Welch and Charles W. McKay
7. Correspondence with Record and Pension Office concerning Welch's application for Medal of Honor
6. Obituary of Welch from Ellicottville Post (2 copies)
7. Article on Welch's relationship with Charles McKay from Ellicottville Post
8. 1863 Diary of Stephen Welch
9. Article on Capt. Stephen Welch (Medal of Honor Winner from Allegany, Olean Times Herald)

Stephen Welch Stephen Welch

Capt. Stephen Welch
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Capt. Welch" written beneath portrait

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0265

Capt. Sephen Welch wearing Medal of Honor

Object ID: 2013.22.8.003t

Portrait of Stephen Welch in his later years

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0463.004t

Sgt. Stephen Welch
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Standing in military uniform with weapon
Background is camp with various people painted on
Slight oval marking
Object ID: 2013.22.9.0264

Sgt. Stephen Welch [portrait as a soldier]

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0463.007t

Capt. Stephen Welch's sword

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0463.008t

Capt. Stephen Welch's Medal of Honor [back side]

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0463.009t

Capt. Stephen Welch's Medal of Honor
[front side]

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0463.010t

Wellman, Ariel H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0464
Title: Wellman, Ariel H. Co. B


Wellman, Ariel H.
Shaw Wellman, Amanda A.

Ariel H. Wellman, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0464.001



1. Capt. Ariel H. Wellman portrait (8in. x 10in.)
2. Potrait of A.H. Wellman 42nd Regt., U.S.C.T. (U.S. Colored Troops) (Courtesy of Phyllis Dye)

3. Military Records: Muster Roll and Casualty Sheet of Wounded
4. Certificate of Enlistment (Courtesy of Donn W. Hewes)

Ariel H. Wellman Ariel H. Wellman
1st. Lt. Ariel H. Wellman
42nd Regt., U.S.C.T.
Served in Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured standing in military uniform with weapon

Object ID: 2013.22.9.68
1st. Lt. Ariel H. Wellman
42nd Regt., U.S.C.T.
Served in Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with his wife, Amanda A. Shaw Wellman

Object ID: 2013.22.9.67
Ariel Wellman

Capt. Ariel H. Wellman, 42nd Regt., U.S.C.T. (U.S. Colored Troops)
formerly Pvt., Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0266

Potrait of A. H. Wellman 42nd Regt., U.S.C.T. (U.S. Colored Troops)

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0464.002

Wellman, John F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0465
Title: Wellman, John F. Co. B & G


Wellman, John F.

John Wellman
1st. Lt. John Wellman
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0269



1. Photocopies of pictures of medal, ribbon, cord and patch
2. Photocopies of pictures of medal and ribbon
3. Photocopies of pictures of the grave of Wellman
4. Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery Pamphlet

5a. Letter of Wellman printed in the Ellicottville Post from Sept. 5, 1888
5b. Excerpt from Letter of Wellman printed in the Ellicottville Post from Sept. 5, 1888
6. The Fun In Amy Life: Laughable Occurences in Camp prepared by John F. Wellman for the Reunion of the 154th from Cattaraugus Republican, September 19, 1902
7. Biography of Capt. John Fletcher Wellman from Descendants of Thomas Wellman of Lynn, Massachusetts
8. Biography of John Wellman (Capt. John Fletcher Wellman's father) with mention of John Fletcher from Descendants of Thomas Wellman of Lynn, Massachusetts
9a. Story of a Regement's First Fight by John Fletcher Wellman (Handwritten Copy)
9b. Story of Regement's First Fight by John Fletcher Wellman (Typed Copy)

Photocopies of pictures of medal, ribbon, cord and patch

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0465.001

Photocopies of pictures of medal and ribbon

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0465.002

Photocopies of pictures of the grave of Wellman

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0465.003

Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery Pamphlet

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0465.004

Welsh, M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0466
Title: Welsh, M. Co. I


Welsh, M.

M. Welsh, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0466



1. Snippet on Welsh's injury from Injuries of the Lower Extremities (Chap. X, p. 526)

West, Frederick L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0467
Title: West, Frederick L. Co. D


West, Frederick L.

Frederick West, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0467



1. Biography on West from Ellicottville Post
2. Article on West's death from Crowley [Louisiana] Daily Signal (Courtesy of Acadia Parish Library)
3. Cemetery Listings of Acadia Parish, Louisiana from Cemetery Listings of Acadia Parish, La,. Volume III Crowley, Louisiana (Courtesy of Acadia Parish Library)
4. Maps of Acadia Parish, Louisiana from Southwest Louisiana Records: Volume I by Rev. Donald J. Hebert (Courtesy of Acadia Parish Library)

Wheeler, Devillo

Object ID 2013.22.8.0468
Title: Wheeler, Devillo Co. I


Wheeler, Devillo

Devillo Wheeler, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0468



1. Devillo Wheeler Camp Seward print (3 copies, all are 3.5in x 5in.)

2. Letter from Wheeler from Sept. 27, 1862 (Courtesy of National Archives)
3. Letter to Wheeler's father from Feb, 2, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
4. Letter to Wheeler's parents from May 12, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
5. Letter fragment to Wheeler's family (Courtesy of National Archives)
6. Article on Devillo's war experience by Edward Wheeler Havers from Allegany NY Area Historical Association on Oct. 4, 2008 (Courtesy of Marlynn Olson Ray)

External link:

Devillo Wheeler Camp Seward print

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0468.001

Wheeler, Samuel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0469
Title: Wheeler, Samuel Co. C


Wheeler, Samuel

Samuel Wheeler, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0469



1. Email from Jan. 28, 2005 with biography paragraph on Wheeler

Wheelock, Perry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0470
Title: Wheelock, Perry Co. E


Wheelock, Perry

Pvt. Perry Wheelock, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0470.001



1. Portrait of Pvt. Perry Wheelock, Co. E., 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (3 copies, all 8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Pauline Bush)

Perry Wheelock

Pvt. Perry Wheelock, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is cracked
Shows fingers of person holding the photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0270

Wheelock, Theodore

Object ID 2013.22.8.0471
Title: Wheelock, Theodore Co. K


Wheelock, Theodore

Theodore Wheelock, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0471



1. Article on Wheelock's death from Fredonia Censor on Jan. 4, 1899
2. Information on Wheelock from The Wheelock Family Genealogy

Whipple, Henry F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0472
Title: Whipple, Henry F. Co. H


Whipple, Henry F.

Henry Whipple, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0472



1. Letter from Cattaraugus County Clerk's office concerning Whipple (Courtesy of Karen Whipple Thomas)
2. Letter from Barbara MacDonald with Family tree of Whipple, Discharge paper for Whipple, and Certificate of personal effects for Whipple after his death from National Archives
3. Biography of Whipple from Genealogical and Family History of Western New York (pp. 259-262) (Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum)

White, Orlando

Object ID 2013.22.8.0473
Title: White, Orlando Co. K


White, Orlando

Orlando White

Pvt. Orlando White, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0272



1. Portrait of Orlando White, Pvt. Co, K with tie (8.5in x 11in.)
2. Portrait Pvt. Orlando White with soldier's uniform (8in. x 10in.)

3. Published letter of White from Gowanda Reporter
4. Article on White's death from Cattaraugus Times (Courtesy of Patricia Parker)

Portrait of Orlando White, Pvt. Co, K with tie

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0473.001

Portrait Pvt. Orlando White with soldier's uniform

Object ID 2013.22.8.0473.002

Whitney, Charles E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0474
Title: Whitney, Charles E. Co. I


Whitney, Charles E.

Charles Whitney

Pvt. Charles E. Whitney
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is framed
Notary Public seal stamped or pressed onto the copy this was made from

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0273



1. Copy of photograph of 20th Corps badge of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
2. Photograph of base of presentation cane of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with inscription plaque (4in x 6in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
3. Photograph of handle of presentation cane of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in.)
4. Photograph of G.A.R. Memorabilia of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with Delegate Medals (4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
5. Two photographs of G.A.R. Memorabilia of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with Chickamauga Chattanooga National Park Dedication Medal (both are 4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
6. Photograph of Chickamauga Chattanooga National Park Dedication Medal (4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
7. Portrait of Charles Whitney as a soldier Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Larry Kilmer)
8. Obituary of Carles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (3 copies, 2 are 4in. x 6in., 1 is 8.5in. x 11in.) (Courtesy of Ernest O. Kinney)
9. Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, wearing N.Y.S. Andersonville Survivor's medal (8.5in. x 10.5in.) (Courtesy of Mark H. Dunkelman)
10. Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, with unidentified soldier (3 copies, all are 4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of Mark H. Dunkelman)
11. Portrait of Charles Whitney with tie Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. part of group photo (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Catt. Co. Memorial & Hist. Bldg)
12. Zoomed-in version Portrait of Charles Whitney with tie Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. focused on Whitney (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Catt. Co. Memorial & Hist. Bldg)
13. Portrait of Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Mark H. Dunkelman)
15. Fourteen coat buttons from the Grand Army of the Republic (2017.37.2) John Slusser donation.

14. Short biography on Whitney
16. Discharge papers, June 11, 1865 (2017.37.1) (Courtesy of John Slusser)

Copy of photograph of 20th Corps badge of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.001

Photograph of base of presentation cane of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with inscription plaque

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.002

Photograph of handle of presentation cane of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.003

Photograph of G.A.R. Memorabilia of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with Delegate Medals

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.004

Two photographs of G.A.R. Memorabilia of Charles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. with Chickamauga Chattanooga National Park Dedication Medal

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.005

Photograph of Chickamauga Chattanooga National Park Dedication Medal

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.006

Portrait of Charles Whitney as a soldier Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.007

Obituary of Carles Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.008

Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, wearing N.Y.S. Andersonville Survivor's medal

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.009

Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, with unidentified soldier

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.010

Portrait of Charles Whitney with tie Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. part of group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.011

Zoomed-in version Portrait of Charles Whitney with tie Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. focused on Whitney

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.012

Portrait of Pvt. Charles E. Whitney, Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0474.013

Fourteen Buttons from Charles E. Whitney's
Grand Army of the Republic Coat
Object ID: 2017.37.2
(Donation from John Slusser)

Wickes, George C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0475
Title: Wickes, George C. Co. A


Wickes, George C.

George C. Wickes

Pvt. George C. Wickes, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0274



1. Photocopy of portrait of George C. Wickes, Pvt., Co. A, 154th N.Y. Vols.

2. Obituary and article on funeral of Wickes from The Morris [Illinois] Daily Herald on January 14, 1913
3. Cemetery record for Wickes, including date and cause of death

Photocopy of portrait of George C. Wickes
Pvt., Co. A, 154th N.Y. Vols.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0475.001

Wilber, Lyman C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0476
Title: Wilber, Lyman C. Co. G


Wilber, Lyman C.

Lyman C. Wilber, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0476



1. Civil War letter from Wilber to his aunt and uncle

Wilber, Oscar F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0478
Title: Wilber, Oscar F. Co. G


Wilber, Oscar F.

Oscar F. Wilber, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0478



1. 2 slide pictures of upper portion of right femur, amputated limb of Pvt. Oscar F. Wilber

1. Collection of handwritten letters from Oscar Wilber
2. Snippets on Wilber's injury and death
3. Surgeon's notes on Wilber's injury
4. "Poor Oscar Is Dead and Gone Home to Rest" by Dunkelman, [draft] and [published version]
5. "Walt Whitman's Memoranda During the War & Death of Abraham Lincoln" [passage of Whitman's visit to Wilber], copy 1, copy 2
6. Record of letters from Oscar and Lyman Wilber
7. Transcribed Civil War letters from Wilber
a. November 27th, 1862
b. January 16th, 1863
c. February 8th, 1863
d. February 27th, 1863
e. March 16th, 1863
f. April 28th, 1863
g. March 4th. 1863
h. May 22nd, 1863
i. May 29th, 1863
j. June 12th, 1863
k. June 16th, 1863
l. June 29th, 1863
m. July 21st 1863
n. July 23rd, 1863
o. July 29th, 1863
8. Letter from A.J. Pratt about Wilber from July 29th, 1863
9. "Wilber and Whitman: How a Local Soldier Imspired a Poet" [Allegany Area Historial Association, Vol. 3, No. XXXVII]

2 photos of the upper portion of right femur. Amputated limb of Pvt. Oscar F. Wilber

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0478.002t

Wilbur, Darius

Object ID 2013.22.8.0477
Title: Wilbur, Darius Co. G


Wilbur, Darius

Darius Wilbur, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0477



1. Newspaper article on Wilbur's death (Creston News, pg. 1, June 10, 1926)

Wilcox, Isaiah C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0479
Title: Wilcox, Isaiah C. Co. H


Wilcox, Isaiah C.

Isiah Wilcox

Pvt. Isaiah Clark Wilcox, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0275


2. Portrait of Pvt. Isaiah C. Wilcox with medal Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in x 10in.) (Courtesy of Mark H. Dunkelman)
3. Portrait of Pvt. Isaiah C. Wilcox with long beard Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Phyllis Beebe)
4. Portrait of Isaiah Wilcox with name handwritten and "R.Y. Nice" with address (5in. x 8.5in.)

1. Family Group Record-170
5. Paragraph of from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1604)

Portrait of Pvt. Isaiah C. Wilcox with medal Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0479.002

Portrait of Pvt. Isaiah C. Wilcox with long beard Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0479.003

Portrait of Isaiah Wilcox with name handwritten and name "R.Y. Nice" with address

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0479.004

Wilcox, Wakeman

Object ID 2013.22.8.0480
Title: Wilcox, Wakeman Co. F


Wilcox, Wakeman

Wakeman Wilcox, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0480



1. Paragraph on Wilcox from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1347)

Wilkins, Franklin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0481
Title: Wilkins, Franklin Co. B


Wilkins, Franklin

Franklin Wilkins, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0481



1. Article mentioning Wilkins, Sept. 3, 1862 (Courtesy of Phil Palen)

Wilkinson, Benjamin J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0482
Title: Wilkinson, Benjamin J. Co. K


Wilkinson, Benjamin J.

Benjamin J. Wilkinson, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0482



1. Zoomed in photograph of grave of Sgt. Benjamin G. Wilkinson, Co. K, 154th N.Y. (4in. x 6in.)
2. Photograph of grave of Sgt. Benjamin G. Wilkinson, Co. K, 154th N.Y. (4in. x 6in.)

3. Article on Wilkinson's raised pension from Gowanda Herald from April 26, 1889
4. Article on Wilkinson's case of sanity from Gowanda Herald from May 10, 1889
5. Photocopy of obituary on Wilkinson from Gowanda Herald from May 20, 1890

Zoomed in Grave of Benjamin Wilkinson
Sgt., Co. K, 154th N.Y.
Died May 17, 1890
North Burial Ground
Providence, R.I.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0482.001

Grave of Benjamin Wilkinson
Sgt., Co. K, 154th N.Y.
Died May 17, 1890
North Burial Ground
Providence, R.I.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0482.002

Williams, Allen

Object ID 2013.22.8.0483
Title: Williams, Allen Co. D


Williams, Allen

Allen Williams

Allen Williams, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured kneeling; part of a group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0276



1. Sgt. Allen Williams, Co. D with wife Mary Jane (Day) Williams (Courtesy of Raymond Wagner)

2. Paragraph on Williams from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (pp. 1428-1430)

Sgt. Allen Williams, Co. D, with wife Mary Jane (Day) Williams

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0483

Williams, David J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0484
Title: Williams, David J. Co. F


Williams, David J.

David J. Williams, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0484



1. Letter written by David J. Williams to his nephew, Thomas Williams, on June 9, 1865, transcription and photocopy of original
2. Obituary on Williams (Courtesy of Cattaraugus County Historical Museum)
3. David J. Williams, a Suggested History and Genealogy
4. Paragraph on Williams from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1587)

Williams, George Jr.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0485
Title: Williams, George Jr. Co. A


Williams, George Jr.

George Williams Jr., Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0485



1. Article on Williams's death from Fredonia Censor from April 21, 1886
2. Paragraph on Williams's injury from Excisions at the Wrist for Shot Injury (Sect. VII.I, p. 1005)

Williams, Joel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0486
Title: Williams, Joel Co. K


Williams, Joel

Joel Williams, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0486



1. Letter requesting proxy voter, October, 11th, 1864

Williams, Samuel R.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0487
Title: Williams, Samuel R. Co. F


Williams, Samuel R.

Samuel R. Williams, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0487



1. Photocopy of portrait of Martha James, corresondent to Samuel R. Williams

2. Civil War letters of Samuel R. Williams and Martha James with introduction (Transcribed from the originals in the collection of Jack Finch by Mark H. Dunkelman)

Photocopy of portrait of Martha James, corresondent to Samuel R. Williams

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0487.001

Willman, H

Object ID 2013.22.8.0488
Title: Willman, H Co. F


Willman, H

H. Willman, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0488



1. Snippet on Willman's injury from Injuries of the Lower Extremities (Chap. X, p. 240)

Willover, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0489
Title: Willover, William Co. I


Willover, William

William Willover

Pvt. William Willover, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Slightly damaged

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0277



1. Photocopy of portrait of William Willover, Pvt., Co. I

2. Paragraph mentioning Willover from Hinsdale, My Home Town, History and Memories by Lila G. Cooper, Hinsdale (N.Y.) Historical Society (1999) (p. 388)

Photocopy of portrait of William Willover, Pvt., Co. I

Object ID 2013.22.8.0489.001

Wilson, Garrett S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0490
Title: Wilson, Garrett S. Co. B


Wilson, Garrett S.

Garrett S. Wilson, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0490



1. Wilson's entry in the Gazetteer and Business Directory of Orleans County, New York
2. Mention of Mrs. Garrett S. Wilson's death from The Orleans (New York) Republican from June 6, 1923
3. Mention of Wilson's death from The Orleans (New York) Republican from Dec. 24, 1924
4. Mention of Wilson's death from Orleans (New York) American from Dec. 25, 1924
5. Snippet on Wilson's death from Orleans (New York) Republican from Dec. 31, 1924
6. 1892 Census, Town of Carlton (p. 70)
7. Mention of Wilson from Landmarks of Orleans County, New York (p. 210)
8. Wilson's entry in the Directory of Orleans County, New York, 1903 (p. 136)

Wilson, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0491
Title: Wilson, John Co. E
People: Wilson, John


Wilson, John

John Wilson, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0491



1. Mention of Wilson's death from Fredonia Censor from May 13, 1863

Wing, Asa

Object ID 2013.22.8.0492
Title: Wing, Asa S. Co. G


Wing, Asa S.

Asa Wing

Pvt. Asa S. Wing, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Part of a group photo
Original is dark; grainy

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0278



1. Mementos of Pvt. Asa Wing Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in) (Courtesy of David Snyder)
2. Pvt. Asa Wing (portrait w/ cane) Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (Courtesy of Allegany Area Historical Asso.)
3. Potrait of Pvt. Asa Wing in uniform

4. Short biography of Pvt. Asa Wing
5. Documents concerning Wing's Pension (Courtesy of National Archives)
6. Letter addressed to Wing from Feb. 19th, 1905
7. The Gettsburg Prisoners: The March from Gettysburg to Staunton
8. Summary of Wing's Civil War actions, July 1914
9. Certificate for raised pension, May 1, 1920
10. Mention of Wing from Olean Times Herald on May 13, 1961
11. Paragraph on Wing from Our Allegany Heritage by Bergreen & Schaeper (p. 163-164)
12. Letter from February 20, 1999, that includes a newspaper clipping concerning Wing and exerpts from Wing Family of America, 1923 (pp. 2319-2320, 2323)
13. Letter discussing materials about Wing (2 May 2000)

Mementos of Pvt. Asa Wing, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0492.001

Potrait of Pvt. Asa Wing with cane

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0492.002

Potrait of Pvt. Asa Wing in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0492.003

Wing, Curtis

Object ID 2013.22.9.0279
Wing, Curtis Co. B


Wing, Curtis

Curtis Wing
Pvt. Curtis Wing, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original looks to be a drawing or a painting; later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0279

Winney, Jacob

Object ID 2013.22.8.0493
Title: Winney, Jacob Co. K


Winney, Jacob

Jacob Winney
Pvt. Jacob Winney, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Mohawk Indian
Born on Six Nations Reserve
Brantford, Ontario
Pictured in uniform; original slightly speckled

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0280



1. Certificate of Disability for Discharge
2. General Affidavit concerning Winney

Winters, George L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0494
Title: Winters, George L. Co. C & H


Winters, George L.

George Winters
Sgt. George L. Winters, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is a drawing/etching
"George L. Winters was born in Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., Mich., April 30, 1838. He started out in life as a school [. . .] teaching several terms; he has also worked [. . .]" printed beneath photo, words cut off

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0281



1. Illustrated portrait of George L. Winters (3.5in x 5in.)

2. General Index to the George L. Winter Leter and Civil War letter from Winters
3. Paragraph on Winters from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1592)
4. Short biography of Winters from History of Cattaraugus County, New York (p. 279)
5. Mention of Winters's law career from Attorneys and Counselors (p. 409)
6. Snippet on Winters's injury from On Injuries of the Extremities (Chap. IX, p. 800)
7. Account on Winters's family from Genealogical and Family History of Western New York (p. 488-490)

Illustrated portrait of George L. Winters

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0494.001

Witherell, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0495
Title: Witherell, William Co. I


Witherell, William

William Witherell
William Witherell
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Looks to be part of a group photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0282



1. Zoomed-in portrait of William Witherell Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
2. Portrait of William Witherell Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

3. Excerpt from Pine Knots and Bark Peelers, The Story of Five Generations of American Lumberman by W. Reginald Wheeler (p. 118-119, 138-139)
4. Biography of Witherell and list of Descendants of Asher Witherell (Courtesy of Richard R. Imes)

Zoomed-in portrait of William Witherell Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0495.001

Portrait of William Witherell Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0495.001

Wolf, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0496
Title: Wolf, William Co. K


Wolf, William

William Wolf
Pvt. William Wolf, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Looks like a woman was cut from the original

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0283



1. Brown portrait of William Wolf Co. K, 154th N.Y.S Vol. Inf.
2. Black and white portrait of William Wolf Co. K, 154th N.Y.S Vol. Inf. in frame
3. Photocopy of picture of Wolf as an older man

4. Snippet on Wolf from Historical and Biographical History of the Township of Dayton, Cattaraugus, New York (p. 258)

Brown portrait of William Wolf, Co. K
154th N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0496.001

Black and white portrait of William Wolf, Co. K, 154th N.Y.S Vol. Inf., in frame

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0496.002

Photocopy of picture of Wolf as an older man

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0496.003

Wood, Bradford H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0497
Title: Wood, Bradford H. Co. B


Wood, Bradford H.

Bradford H. Wood, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0497



1. Paragraph on Wood's injury from On Injuries of the Pelvis (Chap. VII, p. 354)

Wood, Ira

Object ID 2013.22.8.0498
Title: Wood, Ira Co. A


Wood, Ira

Ira E. Wood
Ira E. Wood, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is a drawing

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0284



1. Portrait of Ira E. Wood Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (5 copies, all 4 in. x 6in.)

2. Civil War letters of Wood (Dating around August through November, 1862)

Portrait of Ira E. Wood, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0498

Woodard, Robert J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0499
Title: Woodard, Robert J. Co. C


Woodard, Robert J.

Robert J. Woodard
Pvt. Robert J. Woodard, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is part of a group photo
Dark; grainy

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0285



1. Portrait of Pvt. Robert J. Woodard Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in x 10in.)

2. Photocopy of a flyleaf describing Woodard's death (Courtesy of Lillian Woodward Bowen)
3. Article on Woodard's death from Franklinville Journal (Courtesy of Lorna Spencer, Cattaraugus County Historical Museum)
4. Paragraph on Woodard from Presidents, Soldiers, and Statesmen (p. 1508-1509)

Portrait of Pvt. Robert J. Woodard, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0499.001

Woodford, Samuel D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0500
Title: Woodford, Samuel D. Co. I


Woodford, Samuel D.

Samuel D. Woodford, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0500



1. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the Samuel Deforest Woodford letters and General Index
2. Samuel Deforest Woodford papers, 1861-1865 (Courtesy of Noyes W. Alger, Transcribed by Mark H. Dunkelman)
3. Mention of Woodford in prison narrative of Segt. Samuel Preston, 64th NY

Woodworth, Matthew

Object ID 2013.22.8.0502
Title: Woodworth, Matthew Co. H


Woodworth, Matthew

Matthew Woodworth

Pvt. Matthew Woodworth, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war
Photo has scroll, flower embelishments
"Needham, Tampico, Ills. Artist." printed beneath

Object ID: 2013.22.0286



1. Photo of Woodworth with short biography
2. Discharge papers for Woodworth
3. Two obituaries of Woodworth (Courtesy of Ethan Stewart)

Worden, Edward

Object ID 2013.22.9.0287
Worden, Edward Co. B


Worden, Edward

Edward Worden

Pvt. Edward C. Worden, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0287

Wright, Calvin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0503
Title: Wright, Calvin Co. A


Wright, Calvin

Calvin Wright, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0503



1. Article on Wright's death from Salamanca newpaper, 1902

Wright, Daniel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0504
Title: Wright, Daniel Co. C


Wright, Daniel

Daniel Wright

Corp. Daniel Wright, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was likely part of a group photo; is not clear
Photo taken post-war

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0288



1. Corp. Daniel Wright and Sgt. Charles W. McKay, both Co. C (8in x 10in.)

Corp. Daniel Wright and Sgt. Charles W. McKay, both Co. C

Object ID 2013.22.8.0504.001

Wright, Landers

Object ID 2013.22.8.0505
Title: Wright, Landers Co. A


Wright, Landers

Landers Wright, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0505



1. Letter from Wright to his mother from Sept 27, 1862 (Courtesy of National Archives)
2. Letter from Wright to his mother from Feb 11, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
3. Letter from Wright to his mother from Feb 16, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
4. Letter from Wright to his mother from March 30, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
5. Letter from Wright to his mother from April 5, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)

Wyant, Alansing

Object ID 2013.22.8.0506
Title: Wyant, Alansing Co. B


Wyant, Alansing

Alansing Wyant, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0506



1. Letter from Wyant to his family from Feb 24, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
2. Letter from Wyant from March 6, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)
3. Letter from Wyant to his parents from June 28, 1863 (Courtesy of National Archives)

Back to Top

Zeliff, Alonzo H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0507
Title: Zeliff, Alonzo H. Co. H


Zeliff, Alonzo H.

Alonzo H. Zeliff, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0507



1. Photocopy of picture of Zeliff with his sisters Amelia Zeliff Cables and Fidelia Zeliff Woodworth with attached biography (Courtesy of Karyn Conlon)

Object ID 2013.22.8.0511
Title Regimental Roster
People Regimental Roster
Scope & Content
1. One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth Infantry Roster
2. [Miscellaneous documents, including newspaper articles]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0512
Title 154th Roster
People 154th Roster
Scope & Content
1. One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth Infantry Roster
2. [Miscellaneous documents, including newspaper articles]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0513
Title Accoutrements, Flags, Badges, etc.
People Accoutrements, Flags, Badges, etc.
Scope & Content
1. [Pictures and memorabilia of the 154th]
Object ID 2013.22.8.0514
Title Inventories of 154th NYVI materials in Mark H. Dunkelman's collection
People Inventories of 154th NYVI materials in Mark H. Dunkelman's collection
Scope & Content
1. Inventory of wartime letters written by members of the 154th New York Volunteers
2. Inventory of portraits of the 154th New York Volunteers located and copied by Mark H. Dunkelman and Michael J. Winey
3. Inventory of memorabilia of the 154th New York Volunteers in the collection of Mark H. Dunkelman, 2 copies
Object ID 2013.22.8.0515
Title Master Index to Letters and Diaries
People Master Index to Letters and Diaries
Scope & Content
1. [Index to all letters and diaries of the 154th by topic and individual soldier