Roster of Soldiers represented by material in the Collection, G-O

A-F -G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O- P-Z

Hardtack Regt. Home Page

Gallagher, James M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0157
Title: Gallagher, James M. Co. E


Gallagher, James M.

Capt. James M. Gallagher, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Capt. Gallagher" written on the front of original

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0094


1. Portriat of Capt. Gallagher (5in x 7in)

2. From History of Cattaraugus County [paragraph on Gallagher]

Gardner, Granville D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0158
Title: Gardner, Granville D. Co. A


Gardner, Granville D.

Granville D. Gardner, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0158


1. The Soldier's Pocket Bible, photocopy

2. Letters from Gardner [transcriptions and photocopies of original]

The Soldier's Pocket Bible

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0158.001

Gile, Almon L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0159
Title: Gile, Almon L. Co. C


Gile, Almon L.

Almon L. Gile, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0159


1. Letter to Gile's brother about Gile's death
2. Deposition written by Robert J. Woodward concerning imprisonment and Almon's death, photocopy of original

Glines, Timothy

Object ID 2013.22.8.0160
Title: Glines, Timothy Co. C


Glines, Timothy

Timothy Glines, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0160


1. From a Camp Near Falmouth by George Bradley

Godfrey, Eliasph D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0161
Title: Godfrey, Eliasaph D. Co. C


Godfrey, Eliasaph D.

Eliasaph D. Godfrey, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0161


1. Article on funeral of Godfrey

Goodrich, Franklin L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0162
Title: Goodrich, Franklin L. Co. B


Goodrich, Franklin L.

Franklin L. Goodrich, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0162


1. Article on Goodrich's father recieving Goodrich's pension from Gowanda Enterprise

Gould, Henry C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0163
Title: Gould, Henry C. Co. K


Gould, Henry C.

Henry C. Gould, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0163


1. A Regiment Remembered: The 157th New York Volunteers, from the diary of Capt. William Saxton (cousin of Gould)

Gould, William W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0164
Title: Gould, William W. Co. I


Gould, William W.

William W. Gould, Co I.
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0164


1. Article on Gould from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Excerpt on Gould from "Hinsdale, My Home Town" History and Memories by Lila G. Cooper

Goulding, Albert H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0165
Title: Goulding, Albert H. Co. F


Goulding, Albert H.

Albert H. Goulding, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0165


1. Slide of identification stencil of Pvt. Albert H. Goulding
2. Slide of Goulding's identification stencil
3. Photo of Goulding's Identification stencil (8.5in. x 11in.)

4. Correspondence involving Winey about Goulding
5. Medical and pension papers

Photo of Pvt. Albert H. Goulding's Identification stencil (8.5in. x 11in.)

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0165.001

Slide showing Goulding's identification slide

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0165.004

Slide showing Goulding's identification slide

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0165.005

Graves, Darwin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0166
Title: Graves, Darwin Co. A


Graves, Darwin


Pvt. Darwin Graves, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with wife, Lurinda

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0095


1. Paragraph on Graves from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Obituary of Graves from Salamanca Republican Press

Graves, George E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0167
Title: Graves, George E. Co. D


Graves, George E.

George E. Graves, Co. D,
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0167


1. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in George Eugene Graves letters
2. General index to the George Eugene Graves letters
3. Letters from Grave April 23, 1860 to August 22, 1865 (transcriptions with a few photocopies of original)
4. Paragraph on Graves from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Gray, Norman H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0168
Title: Gray, Norman H. Co. A


Gray, Norman H.

Norman H. Gray, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0168


1. Letter from Gray
2. Letter from Gray's sister (to her sister, telling her where Gray is)

Green, Jessie K.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0169
Title: Green, Jessie K Co. I


Green, Jessie K.

Jessie K. Green, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0169


1. Paragraph on Green from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Excerpt on Green's family from "Hinsdale, My Home Town" History and Memories"

Green, John C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0170
Title: Green, John C Co. I


Green, John C.


Pvt. John C. Green, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf
Original was matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0096


1. Portrait of John C. Green Pvt., Co. K (8.5in x 10.5in)

Green, Stephen R.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0171
Title: Green, Stephen R. Co. E


Green, Stephen R.

Stephen R. Green, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0171


1. Table of Stephen R. Green Letters
2. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the letters of Stephen R. Green, Private, Company E
3. Letters of Green (some to and some for Green), (transcriptions and photocopies of some) Pgs 1-28, pgs 29-44, pgs 45-70, pgs 71-95, pgs 96-128
4. Diary entries of Green from Nov. 1, 1863 to Jan. 1, 1864

Grey, George R.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0172
Title: Grey, George R. Co. A


Grey, George R.

Grey, George

Pvt. George R. Grey
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in military uniform
Original is damaged

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0172


1. Paragraph on Grey from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Grey, Norman H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0173
Title: Grey, Norman H. Co. A


Grey, Norman H.

Norman H. Grey, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0173


1. Paragraph on Grey from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Grinard, Robert M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0174
Title: Grinard, Robert M. Co. C


Grinard, Robert M.

Robert M. Grinard, Co C.
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0174


1. Article on Grinard's death from Ellicottville Post

Griswold, John C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0175
Title: Griswold, John C. Co. F


Griswold, John C.
Sweetland, Emory

Griswold, John

1st Lt. John C. Griswold
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in uniform,
Standing in front of an American flag and tents

Original was framed

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0098


1. Commision of John C. Griswold as Captain, 154th N.Y.I.V. Co. F (8in x 10in)
2. Portrait of Capt. John C. Griswold, Co. F two copies, (4in. x 5in.) and (8in. x 10in.)
3. Portrait with hand in jacket (4in. x 5in.)
4. Roster of 154th NYSVI (4in. x 5in.)
5. Corps Badge/Identification Badge belonged to Capt. John C. Griswold, (4 photocopies)
6. Myron D. Griswold wearing coat his grandfather John C. Griswold wore on General Training Day, (photocopy)
7. John E. Hull wearing coat his grandfather John C. Griswold wore on General Training Day, (photocopy)
8. Three photos relating to a pipe carved by Emory Sweetland and owned by John C. Griswold. (2013.22.9.0394, 0394.1, 0394.2)

9. Passage on Griswold from The Centennial History, Vol. II
10. Article on Griswold's death from Fredonia Censor
11. Picture of Griswold from Centennial History of Chautauqua County Vol. I
12. Letters from Griswold
13. Snippet on Griswold's bowel inflammation from Fredonia Censor [Transcript]
14. Obituary on Griswold's wife from Fredonia Censor [Transcript]
15. Article on Griswold's injuries at Chancellorsville from Fredonia Censor [Transcript]
16. From Fredonia Censor [snippet on Griswold's promotion to captaincy]
17. From Fredonia Censor [obituary of Griswold]
18. From Fredonia Censor [Griswold's tribute to a deceased soldier] [Transcript]
19. From History of Arkwright [biography of Griswold]
20. List of members of Company F, circa July 1,1864
21. Letters from Griswold's wife to Griswold
22. Exchanges on the application and endorsement for Griswold's thirty day military leave

Portrait of Capt. John C. Griswold Co. F

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.001

Portrait of Griswold in uniform with his hand in his jacket

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.002

Martin's Solider Records on the Roster of the 154th Regt. N.Y. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.003

Portrait of Capt. John C. Griswold, Co. F.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.004

Commission of John C. Griswold as Captain,
154th N.Y. I.V., Co. F

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.005

Portrait of Griswold in front of American flag

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.007


"Myron D. Griswold wearing coat his grandfather John. C. Griswold wore on General Training Day."

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.008

John C. Griswold, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated, in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.009

Portrait of Griswold in front of American flag

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.019


"John E. Hull wearing coat his great grandfather John. C. Griswold wore on General Training Day."

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0175.020


Griswold, Milton J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0176
Title: Griswold, Milton J. Co. F


Griswold, Milton J.

Milton J. Griswold, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0176


1. Letters from Griswold to relatives in Arkwright and editor of Fredonia Censor
2. Letter from Griswold to his Cousin and Aunt
3. Letter from Griswold to his Uncle
4. Letter from Griswold to his relatives in Arkwright
5. Thank you letter from Griswold on behalf of the 154th regiment for a box of provisions sent from Chatauqua

Groat, Esley

Object ID 2013.22.8.0177
Title: Groat, Esley Co. G


Groat, Esley

Groat, Esley

Esley Groat, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated with wide-brimmed hat

Original slightly damaged

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0100


1. Portrait of Esley Groat Co. G (5in x 7in)
2. Badges from the effects of Esley Groat (4in. x 6in.) (3 copies, 2 in color)
3. Badges from the effects of Esley Groat, (4in. x 6in.) (3 copies, 2 in color)
4. Discharge papers for Groat, (4in. x 6in.) (3 copies, 2 in color)

5. Paragrpah on Groat from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
6. Letter from Groat to a friend
7. Obituary on Groat from Ellicottville Post
8. Paragraph on Groat's 3 years in the 154th Regt

Photo of Esley Groat Co. G in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.001

Badges from the effects of Esley Groat
Co. G. 154th Regt., N.Y.S., Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.002

Color version of previous photo of Groat's Badges

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.003

Another color photo of badges earned by Groat

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.004

Badges from the effects of Esley Groat
Co. G., 154th Regt., N.Y.S., Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.005

Color version of previous photo of badges

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.006

Color version of photo of badges

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.007

Black and white photo of certificate of injury

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.008

Color version of previous photo of certificate

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.009


Another color copy of Groat's injury certificate

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0177.010


Groat, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0178
Title: Groat, John Co. G


Groat, John

John Groat, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0178


1. Paragraph on Groat from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
2. Mention of Groat from Cattaraugus Union Nov. 15, 1916
3. Mention of Groat from Cattaraugus Union Oct. 18, 1916
4. Obituary on Groat

Grossman, Charles

Charles Grossman Charles Grossman
Corp. Charles Grossman, Co. C, 154th Regt, N.Y.S Vol. Infantry Charles Grossman - Age 22 years.
Enlisted, August 6th, 1862, at Olean, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 24, 1862; mustered out with company, June 11, 1865, near Blandensburg, Md.

Top of Page

Haight, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0179
Title: Haight, William Co. E


Haight, William

William Haight, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0179


1. Paragraph on Haight's brother from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Hale, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0180
Title: Hale, James Co. H


Hale, James


James Hale (seated) and son Ed
Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photograph taken later in life

Copied from a photo of a photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.102


1. Obituary on Hale from Little Valley Hub

Hall, Charles W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0181
Title: Hall, Charles W. Co. B


Hall, Charels W.

Charles W. Hall, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0181


1. Paragraph on Hall's family

Hall, Danford L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0182
Title: Hall, Danford L. Co. I


Hall, Danford L.

Danfrod Hall

Danford L. Hall
Pvt., Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0105


1. Obituary of Hall from Allegany Citizen

Hall, Martin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0183
Title: Hall, Martin Co. C


Hall, Martin

Martin Hall, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0183


1. General Court Marshal documents, Aug. 19, 1864 (photocopies)

Hall, Theodore

Object ID 2013.22.8.0184
Title: Hall, Theodore Co. E


Hall, Theodore

Theodore Hall, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0184


1. Article on Hall's death from Fredonia Censor [transcript]

Halter, Louis

Object ID 2013.22.8.0185
Title: Halter, Louis Co. A


Halter, Louis

Corp. Louis Halter (at center)
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with an unidentified man

Object ID: 2013.22.9.106


1. Louis Halter (center) Co. 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in.)

2. Obituary on Halter
3. Military Record of L. Halter, photocopy
4. Article about Halter's 81st birthday party
5. Article on Memorial Day 1913 in Lancaster

Louis Halter (Center)
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0185.001

Hamilton, Samuel C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0186
Title: Harkness, Truman Co. H


Hamilton, Samuel C.

Hamilton, Samuel C., Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0186


1. Paragraph on Hamilton from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Harkness, Truman

Object ID 2013.22.8.0187
Title: Harkness, Truman Co. H


Harkness, Truman

Truman Harkness, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0187


1. Letters from Harkness

Harding, James L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0187b
Title: Harding, James L. Co. C


Harding, James L.

James L. Harding, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0187b


1. Slide with Image of James L. Harding
2. Back of slide

3. Quartermaster General and Ordnance Office papers along with list of Hamilton's possessions, (photocopies)
4. Suggestions to officers issuing ordinance property, photocopy
5. Correspondence between Harding and Offices
6. Abstracts of Materials and Expenditures, photocopies
7. Correspondence between Harding and Headquarters, photocopies and transcriptions (Pgs 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-81, 82-90)
8. Paragraph on James L. Harding
9. Ordnance Papers
10. Communication from Ordnance Office
11. Letter from Harding to the Chief of Ordnance
12. Ordnance Paper Records issued to the 154th Regt

Slide showing James Harding, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0187b.001

Back of Slide

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0187b.002

Harnes, Theodore C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0188
Title: Harnes, Theodore C. Co. A

Harnes, Theodore C.

Theodore C. Harnes, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0188


1. Obituary on Harnes from DeWitt (Nebraska) Times - News
2. Oak Grave Cemetery records
3. Article on Harnes' death from Ellicottville Post

Harper, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0189
Title: Harper, John Co. F


Harper, John


Pvt. John Harper, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
with wife, Helena (Campbell) Harper
Child is Keith Norman, their first great-grandchild
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0189


1. Obituary on Harper

Harper, William D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0190
Title: Harper, William D. Co. F


Harper, William D.


Pvt. William D. Harper, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was framed or matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0103


1. Snippet on Harper from Report of the Adjutant-General
2. William D. Harper's Book (Pages 1-30, 31-61)
3. The Enlistment and in Camp at Jamestown and the Several Camps While in the Service of the United States (continuation of Harper's book)

Harper, William D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0191
Title: Harper, William D. Co. F


Harper, William D.

William D. Harper, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0191


1. Civil War Data on Harston

Haupt, Charles

Object ID 2013.22.8.0192
Title: Haupt, Charles Co. K


Haupt, Charles


Pvt. Charles Haupt
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in military uniform
Slightly damaged around Haupt where it was once framed or matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0110


1. Portrait of Pvt. Charles Haupt Co. K 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.)(Photocopy)

Portrait of Pvt. Charles Haupt
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Pictured standing in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0192.001

Pvt. Charles Haupt
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0192.002

Hawkins, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0193
Title: Hawkins, William Co. B


Hawkins, William


Pvt. William Hawkins
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original came from a group photo,
Dark and difficult to see

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0111


1. Portrait of Pvt. William Hawkins Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

1. Obituary on Hawkins from Ellicottville Post

Haywood, James B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0194
Title: Haywood, James B. Co. E


Haywood, James B.

James B. Haywood, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0194


1. Obituary on Haywood from Fredonia Censor

Heath, Ebeneezer

Object ID 2013.22.8.0195
Title: Heath, Ebeneezer Co. F


Heath, Ebeneezer

Ebeneezer Heath, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID 2013.22.8.0195


1. Closing remarks of a sermon at the funeral of Ebeneezer Heath
2. Paragraph on the life of Ebeneezer Heath

Heffron, Thomas

Object ID 2013.22.8.0196
Title: Heffron, Thomas Co. A


Heffron, Thomas

Pvt. Thomas Heffron
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0104


1. Excerpt and picture of Heffron from Historical Sketches Relating to Spencer, Mass.

Helms, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0197
Title: Helms, James Co. A


Helms, James


James C. Helms, Musician
Co. A, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Co A. 154 N.Y." written on the front in white

Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0112


1. Obituary on Helms from Randolph Register
2. Obituary of Helms

Henry, John M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0198
Title: Henry, John M. Co. I


Henry, John M.

John M. Henry, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0198


1. Obituary on Henry from the Daily Commonwealth, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
2. Rienzi Cemetery records

Hess, George W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0199
Title: Hess, George W. Co. G


Hess, George W.

George W. Hess, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0199


1. Obituary on Hess from The Springville News

Hewitt, Henry L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0200
Title: Hewitt, Henry L. Co. E


Hewitt, Henry L.

Henry L. Hewitt, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0200


1. Record of Diarrhea and Dysentery

Hicks, Franklin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0201
Title: Hicks, Franklin Co. G


Hicks, Franklin

Franklin Hicks, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0201


1. Article on Hicks death from Ellicottville Post

Hildreth, Edward A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0202
Title: Hildreth, Edward A. Co. B


Hildreth, Edward A.

Hildreth, Edward A., Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0202


1. Snippet on Hildreth from The Ancestry of Philip E. Hildreth

Hill, Henry A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0203
Title: Hill, Henry A. Co. D


Hill, Henry A.

Henry A. Hill, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0203


1. Henry A. Hill Pvt. Co. D (Hill labelled) (photocopy)

2. Biography of Hill, letter form (photocopy)
3. Henry A.Hill's City of Olean Certification of Death

Hinman, Truman H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0204
Title: Hinman, Truman H. Co. B


Hinman, Truman H.


Pvt. Truman Hinman, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0113


1. Portrait of Truman Hinman Pvt., Co. B (8.5in x 11in.)
2. Younger photo of Truman Hinman Pvt., Co. B (photocopy)

3. Obituary of Hinman from Jamestown Post Journal
4. Obituary on Hinman
5. Excerpt on Hinman from Silhouettes

Portrait of Pvt. Truman Hinman, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0204.001

Photograph of Pvt. Truman Hinman, Co. B

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0204.002

Hitchcock, Alvin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0205
Title: Hitchcock, Alvin Co. A


Hitchcock, Alvin

Alvin Hitchcock, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0205


1. Hospital papers and correspondence with Head Quarters concerning Hitchcock's insanity
2. Casualty sheet
3. Memorandum from prisoner of war record
4. Outside link to letter from Alvin Hitchcock to Otis Hitchcock, ca. May 20, 1863 Spared & Shared 23, Sept 14, 2023 posting.

Hogg, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0206
Title: Hogg, John Co. D


Hogg, John

John Hogg, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0206


1. Obituary of Hogg from The Chronicle, Franklinville N.Y.

Hoisington, Jackson

Object ID 2013.22.8.0207
Title: Hoisington, Jackson Co. F


Hoisington, Jackson


Pvt. Jackson Hoisington
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo was taken later in life

Original was part of a group shot

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0115


1. Taken at Hoisington Reunion, 1899, Jackson Hoisington labelled (photocopy)

Pvt. Jackson Hoisington at the Hoisington Reunion
Pictured with Moses Stevens

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0207.001

Hollister, Asahel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0208
Title: Hollister, Asahel Co. H


Hollister, Asahel

Asahel Hollister, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0208


1. Snippet on Hollister from Civil War Data

Hollub, Rudolph

Object ID 2013.22.8.0209
Title: Hollub, Rudolph


Hollub, Rudolph

Rudolph Hollub
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0209


1. Special field orders from Head-Quarters Department of the Cumberland calling for the resignation of Hollub

Hoog, Samuel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0210
Title: Hoog, Samuel Co. H


Hoog, Samuel


Samuel Hogg (or Hoog or Hoag)
Sgt., Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0114


1. Portrait of Sgt. Samuel Hoog Co. h 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in x 10in).
2. Zoomed in image of photograph of Sgt. Samuel Hoog Co. H 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. ( 8in. x 10in.)

Sgt. Samuel Hoog
Co. H., 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0210.001

Sgt. Samuel Hoog
Co H., 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0210.002

Horton, Dana P.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0211
Title: Horton, Dana P. Co. F


Horton, Dana P.


Capt. Dana P. Horton
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Standing in uniform

Colorized version

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0117


1. Portrait of Dana P. Horton Capt., Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S.V.I as a soldier (6 copies), (5 are 1 in 1.5in.) ( 1 is 3.5 in. x 5in)
2. Portrait of Lt. Dana P. Horton (colored version of photograph 1) (5in. x 7in. 3. 5in. x 7in.)
3. Portrait in a suit of Dana P. Horton Capt., Co. F (2 copies) (1 is 8in. x 10in.) (1 is 4in. x 6in.)
4. Portrait with a moustache of Dana P. Horton (2 copies) (1 is 8in. x 10in.) (1 is 4in. x 5in.)

5. Letters from Horton during and after Civil War (transcriptions and photocopies of original)
6. Biography on Horton from Centennial History of Chautauqua
7. Paragraph on Horton from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
8. Ribbons and badges commemorating Horton (photocopies)

Dana P. Horton
Capt., Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. V.I.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.001

Capt. Dana P. Horton
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Colorized version

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.002

Portrait of Capt. Dana P. Horton
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.003

Dana P. Horton
Capt., Co. F

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.004


Portrait of Capt. Dana P. Horton
Black and white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.005

Capt. Dana P. Horton
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.010

Framed photo of Capt. Dana P. Horton sitting

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0211.012


Hotchkiss, Arthur

Object ID 2013.22.8.0212
Title: Hotchkiss, Arthur Co. K


Hotchkiss, Arthur

Arthur Hotchkiss Arthur Hotchkiss
Capt. Arthur Hotchkiss
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Capt. Hotchkiss" written on bottom of original

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0120

Capt. Arthur Hotchkiss
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured in uniform
Original slightly damaged at right

"10" printed in lower left corner

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0119


1. Capt. Arthur Hotchkiss Co. K, 154th Regiment, New York state Volunteer

2. 44 pages of letters from Hotchkiss
3. Obituary on Hotchkiss from Fort Morgan Times, Morgan County, Colorado

Hotchkiss, Ephraim H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0213
Title: Hotchkiss, Ephraim H. Co. C


Hotchkiss, Ephraim H.

Ephraim Hotchkiss

Corp. Ephraim H. Hotchkiss
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was tacked in 5 places

"182" written and partially covered by "165" printed in bottom left corner

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0121


1. Portrait of Corp. Ephraim H. Hotchkiss Co. C, 154th Regiment, New York State Volunteer Infantry ( photocopy)

2. Letters from Hotchkiss

Howlett, Horace H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0214
Title: Howlett, Horace H. Co. K


Howlett, Horace H.


Pvt. Horace H. Howlett, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with his second wife, Mary Beebe

"Horice H. and Mary Howlett" written on the front of original

Original was cut out

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0122


1. Horace H. Howlett with second wife, Mary Beebe, (photocopy)

2. Poem by Howlett
3. Letters from Howlett (transcriptions and photocopies of original)
4. Obituary on Howlett
5. For Old Abe and the Union, Of Course: Horace Howlett a Staunch Lincoln Man by Dunkelman

Horace H. Howlett
Posing with his second wife, Mary Bebee

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0214.001

Hubbard, Philander

Object ID 2013.22.8.0215
Title: Hubbard, Philander Co. K


Hubbard, Philander


2nd Lt. Philander W. Hubbard
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0123


1. Philander W. Hubbard 2nd Lt., Co. K with wife Jane (8in x 10in) (1 photocopy)
2. Philander W. Hubbard 2nd Lieutenant, Co. K, (photocopy)

3. Hospital and resignation papers
4. Officer's Casualty Sheet

2nd Lt. Philander W. Hubbard
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.,

Pictured with his wife, Jane Hubbard

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0215.001

Philander W. Hubbard
2nd Lt., Co. K

Pictured with his wife, Jane

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0215.002

Philander W. Hubbard
2nd Lieutenant, Co. K

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0215.003

Humiston, Amos

Object ID 2013.22.8.0216
Title: Humiston, Amos Co. C


Humiston, Amos

Humiston Humiston
Amos Humiston
Sgt., Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original has "Sergt. Amos Humiston, of the 154th N.Y. Vols." printed on front

Object ID: 2013.22.9.125

Sgt. Amos Humiston
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was framed

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0124


Amos Humiston's gravestone located in the Gettysburg National Cemetery

Object ID: 2023.43.001



1. Humiston Children printer's block used in production of Luther W. Minnigh's popular guidebook, Gettysburg: What They Did Here (4in. x 6in.)
2. Photograph of children w/ chair (2 copies) (1 is 3.5in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in.)
3. Were these the children of the dead soldier? (photograph of presentation board) (3 copies, 2 are 3.5in. x 5in., 1 is 8in. x 10in. 4.) (Photograph
of children) (2 copies) (4in. x 5in.)
5. Portrait of Humiston
6. The Unknown Soldier (Who is he?) song with words by Gen. W.H. Hayward (8in. x 10in.)
7. The Children of the Battle Field poetry and music by James C. Clark
8. "To My Wife" poem by Sgt. Amos Humiton Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (2 copies) (8in. x 10in.)
9. The Children of the Battle Field (photograph of spread)
10. (Illustration of Humiston with picture of children in hand at Gettysburg) (3.5in. x 5in.)
11. 2 negatives

12. The Children of the Battle Field by William Gladstone
13. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the letters of Amos Humiston
14. Civil War letters of Amos Humiston sent to his wife Philinda
15. Snippet on Humiston's story from The Genealogical Helper
16. Paragraph on Humiston from the First Annual Report of the Chief of the Bureau Military Statistics
17. Paragraph on the Humiston children from Gettysburg: The Place, The Battles, the Outcome
18. Paragraph on Humiston from Gettysburg Battle-field
19. About Humiston's wife and Dr. Bourne Interesting Details of a Charity Meeting in Portville, New York
20. Words and music of The Children of the Battle Field, poetry and music by James C. Clark, (2 copies)
21. Article on Humiston's story from Olean Times Herald
22. Article with children's photo trying to identify Humiston
23. Article on Memorial Day tradition from The Gettysburg Times
24. Article on Humiston Civil War Times Ilustrated ( 2 copies)
25A. Photocopy of card no. 909 from W. H. Tipton with portrait of Humiston children on one side and description on the reverse
25B. Hackett, Horatio B. "The Unknown Children." Christian Memorials of the War. Boston, 1864.
26. Ogden, I.G. "A Report about Sergt. Humiston Contradicted." New York Times, 8/28/1865. Letter to editor. Also note from David Wills (8/10/1865). First affirms his death and second recounts the body's discovery and interment.
27. Nianiatus, Lisa. "Amos Humiston: 'Portville Hero' Who Touched Nation's Heart." Olean Times Herald 2/14/1989 [article in 125th anniversary of Gettysburg]
28. White, Eva. "Civil War in Portville" [Article on Gettysburg reenactment during Amos Humiston Days]
29. Reynolds, Marian. "Letter Ties the Centuries." Olean Times Herald, 4/23/1962. [article on Humiston's legacy]
30. "Identity Ascertained." Compiler, Nov. 30, 1864; Sergeant Humiston." Compiler, 2/8/1864
31. "Gallery of Soldiers' Orphans." American Presbyterian, 12/31/1863, p. 210. Suggestion for a gallery of images similar to the Humiston childrens'
32A. "Poem Wanted." American Presbyterian, 12/17/1863, p. 101. [Article requesting poem about Humiston]
32B. "The Dead Soldier Identified." American Presbyterian, 11/19/1863, p. 136.
33. "Humiston Story Featured in Portville History Book." June 1976.
34A. Office of the National Homestead. Philadelphia. "Story"
34B. "Story of a Picture." Lincoln Herald (46.3) Oct. 1944: 46-7.
35. Harper, Robert S. "An Incident in the Present Fraticidal War." Civil War History, Dec. 1959: 421-4.
36. Papers relating to Philinda Humiston's Widow's pension papers
37A-N A collection of articles from 1866-1947 relating to the Orphan's Homestead and the property it stood on.
     A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K L  M  N
38. "Seventy-Five Years Ago : A Desirable Picture." Gettysburg Times. 7/6/1942 Description of a photograph of the Orphan's Homestead.
39. Wert, J. Howard. "A Sad Sight." A Complete Hand-Book of the Monuments and Indications and guide to the positions on the Gettysburg Battle-Field. transcribed from [Catt. Gazzette?] 4/2/1958.
40. Post No. 9, G.A.R. "To the Public." Star-Sentinel, 8/22/1877. Letter discussing scandal at Orphan's Homestead.
41A-Q. Articles from 1866 to 1887 relating to the Soldiers' Orphans' Homestead orphanage. The larger number refer to the scandal which ended the insititution's existence
     A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q
42. "The Gettysburg National Homestead Act", Adams Sentinel and General Advertiser, 4/23/1867
43A-B. From American Presbyterian 12/3 & 12/10/1863, pieces related to Humiston's children
44. National Orphans' Homestead organization (roster)
45A-C. Several articles on the Humiston story, including a report that he'd been found alive as a prisoner of war.
46. Collins, Kathleen. "Photographic Fundraising Civil War Philanthropy" History of Photography, 11.3, July-Sept. 1987.
47. "Whose Father Was He?" Cattaraugus County Historical Museum
48. Day, Kate. "A solider's love for his family has been retold down the years. Olean Times Herald, July 6, 1992. Humiston monument in Gettysburg
49. Article on identifying Humiston Cattaraugus Union, 11/11/1863
50. Article on Clark's poem Cattaraugus Freeman, 1/20/1864
51. "'round the square. Bradford Era. 6/17/1993 (article on honoring Humiston) (2 copies)
52. "Civil War Panel to recognize 2 Portville groups." The Bradford Era. 6/15/1993. (3 copies)
53. Program for Getttysburg The National Shrine
54. Minnigh, L.W. Gettysburg What They Did Here. 144-5. Piece on Humiston children.
55. Program for Amos Humiston memorial dedication (2 copies)
56. Words and music of The Uknown Soldier (Who is he?)
57. Article on Humiston's story from The Buffalo News
58. Article on Portville band trip to Gettysburg from Olean Times Herald
59. Article entiteled "Dedication of the Humiston Memorial at Gettysburg"
60. Article on Humiston from Tattered Glory, Twin Tiers Civil War Roundtable
61. Article on Humiston from America's Civil War
62. Article entitled "Sergeant Humiston's Family"
63. Poem about Humiston's children from The Philadelphia Photographer
64. Article on Humiston's story from The United States Christian Commission
65. The Ambrotype's Secret, an outline, by Dunkelman
66. Poem on Humistom entitled "The Little Ones"
67. Catalogue of the Museum of Flags, Trophies and Relics relating to The Revolution, The War of 1812, The Mexican War, and the present rebellion
68. Idyls of Gettysburg by Miss E. Latimer
69. "The Unknown" by Miss E. Latimer for the Orphan's Homestead
70. 5 articles on Dunkelman's book "Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, and Celebrity of Amos Humiston"
71. Article on Humiston's story written by Dunkelman from American History magazine

Hunt, Elbert

Object ID 2013.22.8.0217
Title: Hunt, Elbert Co. E


Hunt, Elbert


Pvt. Elbert Hunt, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Hunt is pictured with a group, presumably his family

No indication of year or which man is Hunt

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0126


1. Pvt. Elbert Hunt w/ family Co. E 154th Regt. N.Y.S.Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in.)

2. Snippet on Elbert's death from Kentucky Post
3. Certificate of Death

Hunt, James H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0218
Title: Hunt, James H. Co. E


Hunt, James H.

James H. Hunt, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0218


1. Obituary of Hunt and mention of funeral from Manistee (Michigan) Daily Advocate (2 copies)
2. 1880 Federal Census State of Michigan Manistee County

Hunt, Leonard L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0219
Title: Hunt, Leonard L. Co. B


Hunt, Leonard L.

Leonard Hunt
Private Leonard L. Hunt, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Enlisted 7/28/62 Perrysburg, NY
Dischgd. 9/20/65 Elmira, NY
Hunt is pictured standing in military uniform with his weapon

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0127


1. Portrait of Leonard L. Hunt Pvt., Co. B 154th NYVI (photocopy)

1. Information about Hunt's life

Top of Page

Irvin, John M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0220
Title: Irvin, John M. Co. F


Irvin, John M.


Sgt. John M. Irvin, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Original is surrounded by a drawn frame

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0128


1. ID tag: J.M. Irvin Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. found in Virginia near Chancellorsville (3.5in x 5in)

2. Biography of Irvin from History of Chautaqua County New York and its People (2 copies)
3. Article on Irvin written by Dunkelman from Chautauqua Sampler
4. Paragraph on Irvin's military career

Isham, Doctor E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0221
Title: Isham, Doctor E. Co. E


Isham, Doctor E.


Doctor E. Isham, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0221


1. Portrait of Doctor E. Isham Private, Company E. 154th Regt. N.Y.S.V.I. (photocopy)

2. Document describing Isham's injury
3. Injuries of the Lower Extremities on Isham's injury
4. Paragraph on Isham from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
5. Biography and history of Isham from Cyclopedia of Chautauqua County, New York (2 copies)

Isman, George, Jr., also spelled Isaman

Object ID 2013.22.8.0222
Title: Isaman, George Jr. Co. I


Isaman, George Jr.

Pvt. George Isman, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0130


1.The Isaman Family from "Hinsdale, My Home Town" History and Memories

Top of Page

Jackson, Fanny

Object ID 2013.22.8.0223
Title: Jackson, Fanny


Jackson, Fanny

Fanny Jackson
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0223


1. Correspondence between Winey and descendant of Jackson May 1st, 1990
2. Correspondence between Winey and descendant of Jackson May 3rd, 1990
3. Correspondence between Winey and descendant of Jackson May 16th, 1990

Jenkins, Isaac T.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0224
Title: Jenkins, Isaac T. Co. E


Jenkins, Isaac T.

Isaac T. Jenkins, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0224


1. Article on the death of Jenkins from Fredonia Advertiser (photocopy of newspaper) September 4th, 1863
2. Transcription of September 4th, 1863 article
3. Article on the death of Jenkins from Fredonia Advertiser (photocopy of newspaper) January 22nd, 1864
4. Transcription of January 22nd, 1864 article
5. Article on death of Jenkins according to another soldier

Jewell, Charles C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0225
Title: Jewell, Charles C. Co. C


Jewell, Charles C.

Charles C. Jewell, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0225


1. Family tree of Jewell

Johnson, Calvin S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0226
Title: Johnson, Calvin S. Co. K


Johnson, Calvin S.

Calvin S. Johnson, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0226


1. 2 records of gifts from Johnson's father

Johnson, Giles N.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0227
Title: Johnson, Giles N. Co. B


Johnson, Giles N.


Sgt. Giles N. Johnson, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with an unidentified woman

Johnson is wearing a striped sock on his injured foot

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0131


1. Sgt. Giles N. Johnson Co. B, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf. (portrait) (8in. x 10in.)
2. Giles and Ellen Johnson (photocopy)

3. Paragraph on Johnson from the Historical and Biographical History of the Township of Dayton, N.Y.
4. Bit on Johnson's injuries of the lower extremities

Headshot of Sgt. Giles N. Johnson Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0227.001

Johnson, John A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0228
Title: Johnson, John A. Co. H


Johnson, John A.

John A. Johnson, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0228


1. Snippet on Johnson's death from Ellicottville Post

Johnson, W.F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0229
Title: Johnson, W.F. Co. B


Johnson, W.F

W.F. Johnson, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0229


1. Record on Johnson's injury, could be just an accidental replication of Giles N. Johnson

Johnston, Byron A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0230
Title: Johnston, Byron A. Cos. A, B, I, E


Johnston, Byron A.


Capt. Byron A. Johnston, Cos. A, B, I, E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0133


1. Portrait w/ hat Byron Alexander Johnston (3.5in. x 5in. 2 copies)
2. 2 slides
3. Portarit w/o hat of Capt. Johnston (8in. x 10in.)
4. Byron A. Johnston Sunset Hill Cemetery, Ellicottville, NY (3.5in. X 5in.)
5. Sword in scabbard (7 copies, 4 are in color, 3 or black and white 3.5in. x 5in.)
6. Revolver belonging to Capt. Byron A. Johnston Co. F 154th Regt., N.Y.S.Vol. Inf. (picture of handle) (3 copies, 1 is 8in. x 10in. in black and
white, 1 is 3in. x 3in. in color, 1 is 2.5in. x 4.5in. in color)
7. Colt Model 1861 Navy Revolver, Cal. .36, (2 copies, 1 is 8in. x 10in. in black and white, 1 is 3in. x 3in. in color, 1 is 3 x 5.5in. in color)

8. Article on Johnston from Union Blue
9. Mention of Johnston from Cattaraugus Freeman
10.Obituary of Johnston from Ellicottville Post
11. Paragraph on Johnston from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
12. Article on Johnston's visit to his family from Cattaraugus Freeman
13. Telegraphs and letters from and about Johnston, Individual and company muster roll
14. Pension papers
15. Description of Johnston's colt revolver

Headshot of Byron Johnston

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.001

Standing photo of Byron Alexander Johnston in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.002

Standing photo of Byron Alexander Johnston in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.003

Photo of Johnston's grave with the American Flag at Sunset Hill Cemetery in Ellicottville, N.Y.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.004

Byron A. Johnston's sword laying out on display

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.005

Byron A. Johnston's sword laying out on display

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.006

Byron A. Johnston's sword laying out on display

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.007

Black and white photo of Byron A. Johnston's sword laying out

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.008

Byron A. Johnston's sword laying out on display

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.009

Black and white photo of Johnston's sword

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.010

Engraved handle of Capt. Byron A. Johnston's revolver

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.011

Byron A. Johnston's sword in black and white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.012

Capt. Byron A. Johnston's revolver

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.013

Capt. Byron A. Johnston's headshot along with his revolver

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.014

Handle of revolver belonging to Capt. Byron A. Johnston

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.015


Revolver belonging to Capt. Byron A. Johnston
Co. F. 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.016

Revolver belonging to Capt. Byron A. Johnston
Co. F. 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0230.017


Johnston, William H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0231
Title: Johnston, William H. Co. A


Johnston, William H.

Willaim H. Johnston, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0231


1. Mention of Johnston from Cattaraugus Freeman

Jones, David S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0233
Title: Jones, David S. Co. E


Jones, David S.


Corp. David S. Jones
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0134


1. Pvt. David S. Jones Co. K, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf. and Clara Jones, 3 copies, (4in. x 6in.)
2. Portrait of Corp. David S. Jones Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. (2 copies, 1 is 4in. x 6in., 1 is 8.5in. x 10.5in.)
3. Portrait w/ bowtie of Corp. David S. Jones Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. ( 8in. x 10in.)

4. Civil War letter from Jones to his brother April 3rd, 1863
5. Civil War letter from Jones to his sister March 13th, 1864
6. Civil War letter from Jones to Ed March 27th, 1864
7. Civil War letter from Jones to his brother January 30th, 1865
8. Civil War letter from Jones to his sister May 20th, 1865

Clara Jones of Salamanca, N.Y. and Pvt. David S. Jones
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.001

Pvt. David S. Jones and wife Clara Jones

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.002

Pvt. David S. Jones and wife Clara Jones

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.003

Corp. David S. Jones
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.004

Corp. David S. Jones
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.005

Corp. David Simon Jones
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0233.006

Jones, Electus W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0509
Title: Jones, Electus W. Co. G, 72nd N.Y.


Jones, Electus W.
Cook, Philander


Electus W. Jones, Co. G,
72nd N.Y. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0509


1. Civil War letters of Jones, mentions 154th men in letters, transciptions and photocopies of originals (missing from file)

Jones, Lewis L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0234
Title: Jones, Lewis L. Co. F


Jones, Lewis L.

Lewis L. Jones, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0234


1. Civil War Letter from Lewis L. Jones to his Mother and Father November 21, 1863
2. Civil War Letter from Lewis L. Jones to his Mother and Father December 30, 1863
3. Letter from General Hospital Nashville, Tennessee informing Mr. and Mrs. Jones of the death of Lewis L. Jones
4. Four Civil War Letters from Lewis L. Jones to his Mother and Father

Jones, Patrick Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0235
Title: Jones, Patrick H. Col.


Jones, Patrick H.


Patrick Jones
BG Patrick H. Jones,
2nd Brig., 2nd Div., 20th Corps Vol. 72, P.L 3596

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0136



Slide showing Jones' gravesite

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.004

Black & white portrait
5 copies of various sized prints

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.001

Black & white portrait of Jones

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.002

P. H. Jones portrait and signature

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.005

Illustrated portrait wearing a bowtie, reproduced from book (4" x 5")
Black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.007

Patrick H. Jones, originally of the 154th
13 copies of various sized prints, all black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.008

Presentation colt police revolver, model 1862, cal. .36 presented to "P.H. Jones, 154th N.Y.V. " (3.5" x 9.25")
Color photograph

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.19

Close-up of engraving on handle (3.5" x 4.25")
Color photograph

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.18

Photo of signature, with rank and unit (4" x 6")
Color photograph

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.20

Saddle of Col. P.H. Jones
154th N.Y. Infantry commanding regiment (4" x 5")
Black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.023

Close-up of plate on saddle in Photograph 7 (4" x 5")

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.021

Signed photograph of Jones. Gurney & Son label (4" x 5")
Black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.022

Colored Pencil drawing (5.5" x 5.75")
Color illustration of Photograph 4

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.024

Illustration of Jones on horse on parade (6" x 9.5")
2 copies, black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.026

Detail of Jones from Photograph 14
(6" x 9.5")
Black & white

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.025


Color version of Photograph 14

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0235.116


Documents (2013.22.8.0235. ...)
28. Harlow,S.R and H.H. Boone. Life Sketches of the State Officers, Senators, and Members of the Assembly of the State of New York in 1867. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers, 1867. [biography of Jones]
29. Snippet on Jones from Report of the Adjutant-General Page 1160. []
30. "General P. H. Jones dead"
31. Biography on Jones from The Historical Gazeteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus County, New York. Page One. Page Two.
33. "General Patrick Henry Jones, Postmaster of New York City." Harper's Weekly (May 15, 1869): p. 315. transcription and photocopy of original. Portrait from same issue.
34. "General Patrick H. Jones, Postmaster of New York City." Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (May 15, 1869.[transcription]
35. "Patrick Henry Jones Dead." New York Times [transcription]
36. Snippet on injury sustained by Jones from Cattaraugus Freeman. General Patrick Henry Jones, Postmaster of New York City
37. Brigadier General Patrick Henry Jones from Harper's Weekly. July 15th, 1869.
38. Snippet on Jones's political career from Cattaraugus Freeman (May 26, 1864)
39. Dunkelman. M. H. Brigadier General Patrick Henry Jones,
56. Auction catalog entry (?) for Jones' piece.
57. Letter to James W. Eldridge Esq, Written By Jones P.H. September 15th 1899
58. Patrick Henry Jones Chronology (1830-1900)
59. Meredith, Ted to Michael Winey Concerning Jones P. H. Pistol, Confederate Handgun Collector.
60. Jones P. H, List of Quartermaster's Stores, Sept. 1, 1864.
61. "Promoted." Fredonia Censor (Feb. 1, 1865)
62."Patrick H. Jones." Cattaraugus Republican (July 4, 1867): p. 1.
65. Article on Jones's Clerk of the Court of Appeals campaign from Fredonia Censor (Oct. 4, 1865) []
66. "Death of a Veteran." Jamestown Evening Journal (July 26, 1900): p.1.
67. snippet on Jones from Cattaraugus Union
68. Concerning Jones' return to Washington from Cattaraugus Freeman (July 24, 1863)
70. Article on Jones's promotion to Colonel of 37th Regt. from Cattaraugus Freeman (Oct. 2, 1862) []
71. Concerning Jones' political views from the Cattaraugus Union (Nov. 21, [1862] in Cattaraugus Freeman (Nov. 27, 1862) []
72. Concerning Jones' injury at Chancellorsville from Cattaraugus Freeman (July 16, 1863) []
73. Concerning Jones' capture by the south "From Washington." Cattaraugus Freeman (Nov. 25, 1865) (Very difficult to read.)
74. Snippit on Jones from Cattaraugus Freeman (July 12, 1865)
75. Jones' candidacy for Clerk of the Court of Appeals from Cattaraugus Freeman (Sept. 27, 1865) []
76. Bolles, D. H., et al. "To the Union Electors of the County of Cattaraugus." Cattaraugus Freeman (Nov. 1, 1865(?) (P. H. Jones is one of the signatories of the letter.)
77. Newspaper Advertisment for Union Nominations (P.H. Jones for Clerk of the Court of Appeals)
78. Dunkelman Mark H., General Jones
79. Saunders, Frank T. to George [Saunders] (Aug. 29, 1863) Jones' Hospital visit for eye treatment (mentioned)
80. Jones' Signature
81. Jones Patrick Henry
82. Welsh, Jack D., M.D, Medical Histories of Union Generals Kent, Ohio: Kent State UP, 1996.
83. "Pat Jones." Capital Herald (Aug. 9, 1900) [concerning Patrick H. Jones]
84. "Death of Patrick H. Jones." Cattaraugus Republican (Aug. 10, 1900) [Obituary of P.H. Jones]
85. Jones, P.H (January 5, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for six officers]
87. Jones P.H (January 17, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for Byron A. Johnson and Solomon W. Beardsley]
88. Jones P.H (January 23, 1863) [letter regarding commission for Lt. Hondset]
89. Jones P.H, Loomis H.C (March 13, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for ten officers]
90. Jones P.H (April 16, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for three officers]
91. Jones P.H, Loomis H.C (April 10, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for five officerss]
92. Jones P.H (April 16, 1863) [Recommendations for promotion for John C. Griswold and Rudolph Hollub]
93. Jones P.H [Letter written while on parole regarding the regiment's current officers]
94. List Accompanying #93 letter
95. Jones P.H (May 1, 1864) [Recommendations for promotion for four officers]
96. Jones P.H (January 4, 1864) [Recommendation for promotion of John F. Wellman]
97. Jones P.H (January 8, 1864) [Letter concerning status of Lt. C.S. Tripler]
98. Jones P.H (January 22, 1864) [Recommendation for promotion of Clinton L. Barnhart]
99. Jones P.H (March 23, 1864) [Recommendation for promotion of James M. Gallagher]
100. Jones P.H (March 28, 1864) [Recommendations for promotion for Henry Martin and Siles B. Ellsworth]
101. Jones P.H (July 9, 1864) [Recommendation for promotion of Henry Bundy]
102. Jones P.H (August 14, 1864) [Recommendations for promotion]
103. Jones P.H (August 25, 1864) [Recommendation for appt. of chaplain William W. Norton](1) (2)
105. Jones P.H (Febuary 2, 1865) [Recommendation for promotion for Harrsion Cheney]
106. Jones P.H (Febuary 20,1865) [Recommendations for promotion of officers after Jones' own promotion]
107. Jones P.H (April 20, 1865) [Recommendation for commision for Capt. Cheney]
108. Jones P.H (October 22, 1865) [Recommendation for enlistment of David P. Conyngham]
109. Penman, Evelyn. Photo of Jones' saddle. The saddle is located at the Cattaraugus County Historical Museum and Research Center. (4 copies)
113. Photo and brief biography of Patrick Henry Jones presenting his revolver (1) (2) (3)
117. Collage of Jones Includes a photo of Jones, a list of his campaigns and two cut-outs, 1 of General W.T. Sherman and the other a copy of a battle painting.
118. Notes on Jones' Revolver

The following documents show Patrick Henry Jones' career in the military record:
119. Muster-in Rolls, for Patrick H. Jones while at the 37th NY (1)
120. Company Card Numbers for Jones, Patrick at the 37th NY and 154th NY
121. Regimental Returns and Company Muster Roll, 37th NY(2)
122. Various Muster Rolls, 37th NY(3)
123. Muster Roll and Regimental Return, 37th NY(4)
124. Muster Roll and Regimental Return, 37th NY (5)
125. Muster Roll and Regimental Return, 37th NY (6)
126. Muster Roll and Regimental Return, 37th NY (7)
127. Request for Jones to conduct recruiting from Fort Washington
128. Special Orders Discharge from 37th NY to assume Colonelcy.
129. Muster Rolls, 154th NY (8)
130. Muster-in, Muster and Muster-out Rolls, 154th NY(9)
131. Muster Rolls, 154th NY (10)
132. Returns, 154th NY (11)
133. Returns, 154th NY (12)
134. Returns, 154th NY (13)
135. Muster Rolls, 154th NY (14)
136. Muster Rolls, 154th NY (15)
137. Returns, 154th NY (16)
138. Returns, 154th NY (17)
139. Muster Roll, Return and Muster-out Roll, 154th NY (18)
140. Return, Brigade Commander(19)
141. Casualty Sheet, 154th NY, 5/8/1864 (20)
142. Casualty Sheet 154th NY, 5/2/1863
143. Letter. Patrick H. Jones to General W. D. Whipple, January 24, 1864. p. 1, p. 2
145. Casualty Sheet 154th NY, 5/8/1864
146. Leave of Absence for Jones, 5/20/1863
147. Letter. Patrick H. Jones to Brig. Gen. L. Thomas. January 14, 1864 p. 1, p. 2, p. 3
150. Letter. [?]to President Abraham Lincoln. Oct 16(?) , 1864
151. List of Returns on which Jones appears; disapproval for leave of absence. (21)
152. Jones' Medical Certificate, 5/19/1863
153. Dunn, J. G., Surg. Letter Concerning Jones healthDec. 26, 1864
154. Perkins, H. W. Letter to Jones Disapproval of request for leave of absence.
155. Forbes, W. T. Special Orders Oct. 10, 1864.
156. Jones. Amos P. Letter Concerning Jones Health. January 30, 1865.
157. Jones, P. H. Letter to General Whipple. Oct. 15, 1864 (1) (2)
159. Memorandum from prisoner of war records
160. Certificate and record of Death
161. Pensioner dropped document
162. Multiple documents relating to Mrs. Jones' widow's pension (1) (2)

Jones, Patrick
Col. Patrick Henry Jones
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0135

Jones, William E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0236
Title: Jones, William E. Co. F


Jones, William E.

William Jones

Cpl. William E. Jones, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is very dark, framed

Picture of the portrait

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0137


1. Portrait of William Jones, Cpl. Co. F on a chair (3 copies, 1 8in.x10in., 2 are 4in.x6in.)
2. Portrait of Corp. William E. Jones Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. as a soldier (3 copies, 2 are 8.5in. x 11in., 1 is 3in. x 4.25in.)

3. 1865 Diary of William E. Jones, Co. F, 154th New York
4. Translated letter from Jones (2 copies)

Corp. William E. Jones in uniform
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0236.001

Cpl. William E. Jones Co. F posed sitting

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0236.002

Jones standing in uniform posing

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0236.003


Cpl. William E. Jones Co. F posed sitting

Object ID: 2013.

Cpl. William E. Jones Co. F sitting

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0236.005


Top of Page

Keech, Nathan

Object ID 2013.22.8.0237
Title: Keech, Nathan Co. I


Keech, Nathan

Nathan Keech, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0237


1. Biography on Keech from The Historical Gazeteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus County, New York

Keim, Morris

Object ID 2013.22.8.0238
Title: Keim, Morris Co. I


Keim, Morris

Morris Keim, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0238


1. Autobiography of Keim

Keith, Hiram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0239
Title: Keith, Hiram Co. H


Keith, Hiram

Hiram Keith
Pvt. Hiram Keith, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original is part of a pencil drawing or painting

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0138


1. Picture of Hiram Keith with a woman and a house, 154th NYSVI (2 copies, 1 is 4in x 6in., 1 is 8in x 10in)

2. Obituary of Keith from Randolph Register (transcription and photocopy) (2 copies)

Hiram Keith pictured with a woman in front of a house

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0239.001

Hiram Keith with a woman in front of a house

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0239.002

Keller, Andrew M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0240
Title: Keller, Andrew M. Co. D


Keller, Andrew M.

2nd Lt. Andrew M. Keller, Co. D,
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Lt. Keller" written on front of original

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0139


1. Lt. Keller portrait (5in. x 7in.)

2. Civil War letter from Keller
3. Obituary on Keller from Ashford Gazette
4. Obituary on Keller

Kelly, Daniel

Object ID 2013.22.8.0241
Title: Kelly, Daniel Co. F


Kelly, Daniel

Daniel Kelly, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0241


1. Article written by Kelly on Civil War from Gowanda Reporter

Kelly, Hiram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0242
Title: Kelly, Hiram Co. H


Kelly, Hiram

Hiram Kelly, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0242


1. March 1, 1964 charge against Kelly
2. October 1, 1964 charge against Kelly
3. Obituary on Kelly from Pentwater (Michigan) News
4. 1890 Federal Census for Civil War Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Widows
5. Weare Twp Oceana County, Michigan Voters 1882-1896

Kelly, Spencer

Object ID 2013.22.8.0243
Title: Kelly, Spencer Co. H


Kelly, Spencer


Pvt. Spencer Kelly, Co. H.
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Holding his son, Joel
(named for Spencer's brother Joel Kelly,
killed at Chancellorsville)
Also pictured is an unidentified girl
"Hamilton; Muskegon, Mich."
printed in gold at bottom of photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0140


1. March 1, 1964 charge against Kelly
2. October 1, 1964 charge against Kelly

Kendall, William K.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0244
Title: Kendall, William K. Co. E


Kendall, William K.

Willaim K. Kendall, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0244


1. Paragraph on Kendall from "Trails West to RW County"

Kent, Nat A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0245
Title: Kent, Nat A. Co. G


Kent, Nat A.

Nat A. Kent, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0245


1. Kent's grave at Mt. Peace Cemetery (3.5in. x 5in.)

2. Obituary on Kent from Saint Cloud (Florida) Tribune

Kenyon, Elias W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0246
Title: Kenyon, Elias W. Co. A


Kenyon, Elias W.

Elias Kenyon, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0246


1. Snippet of Kenyon's injury from Gunshot Wounds of the Eye

Kenyon, Winfield S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0247
Title: Kenyon, Winfield S. Co. B


Kenyon, Winfield S.

Winfield Kenyon
Winfield Scott Kenyon
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Coldspring" printed above the photo "Winfield Scott Kenyon" below
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0141


1. Winfield Scott Kenyon Co. B 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. from a book titled "Coldspring" a historical novel (3 copies, all 4in x 6in.)

2. Obituary of Kenyon
3. Individual Record of Kenyon from Genealogical Index

Kerr, Richard H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0248
Title: Kerr, Richard H. Co. D


Kerr, Richard H.

Richard H. Kerr, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0248


1. From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (paragraph on Kerr)
2. Obituary of Kerr

Keyes, William H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0249
Title: Keyes, William H. Co. C


Keyes, William H.

William H. Keyes, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0249


1. Civil War letters from Keyes

Kingsley, Nelson A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0250
Title: Kingsley, Nelson A. Co. G


Kingsley, Nelson A.

Nelson A. Kingsley, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0250


1. Obituary on Kingsley

Kysor, Amos S.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0251
Title: Kysor, Amos S. Co. K


Kysor, Amos S.

Amos Kysor
Corp. Amos S. Kysor (center, back row)
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Detail of Kysor family photo, July 24, 1901

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0142


1. Kysor Family, Amos is fourth from the left in the back row, (8in. x 10in.)

2. Paragraph on Kysor's war history
3. List of Soldiers from Leon
4. Pages from Kysor Genealogy

Kysor, Nicholas L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0252
Title: Kysor, Nicholas L. Co. K


Kysor, Nicholas L.

Nicholas L. Kysor, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0252


1. Paragraph on Kysor from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Top of Page

Laing, Augustus V.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0253
Title: Laing, Augustus V. Co. H


Laing, Augustus V.

Augustus Laing
Pvt. Augustus Laing, Co. H
154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0143


1. Portrait of Laing (photocopy)

2. Paragraph on Laing from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
3. Information about Augustus Laing and William Laing Jr. from when they enlisted

Lake, Alexander

Object ID 2013.22.8.0254
Title: Lake, Alexander Co. A


Lake, Alexander


Alexander Lake, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photograph of Lake's canteen

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0145


1. Photocopies of Lake's canteen

2. Paragraph on Lake from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (2 copies)

Lamb, Moses

Object ID 2013.22.8.0255
Title: Lamb, Moses Co. G


Lamb, Moses

Moses Lamb

Pvt. Moses B. Lamb, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo was taken later in life

Original was matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0147


1. Portrait w/ cane Moses Lamb Pvt. Co. G, 154th Regt., NYSVI (3 copies, 1 is 4in. x 6in., 2 are 8in x 10in.)
2. Maple Grove Cemetery, grave of Moses Boyden Lamb, (photocopy)

3. Obituary of Lamb
4. Record of the family of Silas and Lucena Lamb as well as Lamb's Discharge Papers

Moses Lamb
Pvt. Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. VI

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0255.001

Moses B. Lamb
Pvt., Co. G

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0255.002

Pvt. Moses Lamb
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0255.003


Photograph of Lamb's grave at Maple Grove Cemetary

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0255.004

Photograph of Lamb's grave and information about the plot

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0255.005


Langhans, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0256
Title: Langhans, John Co. H


Langhans, John

John Langhons
John Langhans, Co. H,
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Standing in military unifrom

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0148


1. 1 slide
2. Portrait of John Langhans as a soldier (3 copies, 2 are 4in. x 5in., 1 is 5in. x 7in.)
3. Reunion group, detail of John Langhans (8in. x 10in.)
4. Embroidery of housewife of John Langhans, Cpl., Co. H
5. 5 photographs of ribbons and badges of Langhans all (4in. x 5in.)
6. Portrait of John Langhans (2 copies 4in. x 5in.)
7. 2 photographs of a book and other objects of Langhans (both 4in. x 5in.)

8. Paragraph on Langhans from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
9. Snippet on Langhans from Report of the Adjutant-General
10. Civil War letters of Langhans, hand-written transcribed
11. Obituary on Langhans from Ellicottville Post
12. Snippet on Langhans's death from Olean Times Herald

Portrait of John Langhans as a solider in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.001

Portrait of John Langhans as a solider in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.002

Slide of two photos of John Langhans

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.003

Portrait of John Langhans in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.004

Reunion Group Detail of John Langhans

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.005

Ribbons from the 154th and Co. I and H 37th N.Y. regiment association reunion

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.006

Star Badge of Corp John Langhons
Co. H, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. VI

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.007

Housewife of John Langhans, Cpl. Co. H

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.008

Buttons, ribbons, and more reunion decorations

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.009

Up close photo of ribbons and buttons

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.010

Up close photo showing details on ribbons

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.011

Portrait of John Langhans

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.012

Portrait of John Langhans

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.013

Collection of keepsake boxes

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.014

Keepsake box

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0256.015

Langmade, Nathan F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0257
Title: Langmade, Nathan F. Co. D


Langmade, Nathan F.

Nathan Langmade
Pvt. Nathan Langmade
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was matted

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0149


1. Portrait of Langmade (3.5in. x 5in.)
2. Photocopy of Langmade's grave at Delevan Cemetery

3. Obituary on Langmade From Capital Herald
4. Snippet on Langmade's death from Cattaraugus County New York Obituary Scrapbook

Portrait of Pvt. Nathan Langmade
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0257.001

Photocopy of Langmade's grave at Delevan Cemetery and a portrait of Langmade

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0257.002

Larkin, Orville L.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0258
Title: Larkin, Orville L. Co. G


Larkin, Orville L.

Orville L. Larkin, Co. G.
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0258


1. Article on Larkin's death from Ellicottville News

Lilly, Leonard M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0259
Title: Lilly, Leonard M. Co. E


Lilly, Leonard M.

Leonard M. Lilly, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0259


1. Article on Lilly's death from Fredonia Censor

Lincoln, William H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0260
Title: Lincoln, William H. Co. B


Lincoln, William H.

William H. Lincoln, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0260


1. Obituary of Lincoln from Cattaraugus Republican

Linderman, Alonzo B.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0261
Title: Linderman, Alonzo B. Co. C


Linderman, Alonzo B.

Alonzo Linderman
Pvt. Alonzo Linderman
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was part of a group photo,
Dark and difficult to see

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0150


1. G.A.R. Hall St. Cloud [brick wall], Florida, (2.5in. x 5in.)
2. G.A.R. Memorial Hall St. Cloud, Florida, (3.5in. x 5in.)
3. "To Our Unknown 1861-1865 Grave, Mt. Peace Cemetery, St. Cloud, Florida, (3.5in. x 5in.)
4. G.A.R. Memorial Hall St. Cloud, Florida (brick w/ Linderman's name on it) (3.5in. x 5in.)
5. Portrait of Pvt. Alonzo Linderman Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

6. Brief biography of Linderman
7. Article on Linderman's estate from the St. Cloud (Florida) Tribune
8. Mention of Linderman's radishes from the St. Cloud (Florida) Tribune
9. Article on Linderman's interest in moving to St. Cloud from the St. Cloud (Florida) Tribune
10. Paragraph on Linderman from "Hinsdale, My Home Town" History and Memories

G.A.R. Memorial Hall
St. Cloud, Florida, 1914

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0261.001

G.A.R. Hall
St. Cloud, Florida

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0261.002

Mt. Peace Cemetery
St. Cloud, Florida

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0261.003


G.A.R. Memorial Hall
St. Cloud, Florida

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0261.004

Pvt. Alonzo Linderman
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0261.005


Lingenfelter, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0262
Title: Lingenfelter, James Co. I


Lingenfelter, James

James Lingenfelter, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0262


1. Obituary of Lingenfelter from Cattargaugus Star ( 2 copies)
2. Paragraph on Lingenfelter from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen

Lippert, Matthew

Object ID 2013.22.8.0263
Title: Lippert, Matthew Co. I


Lippert, Matthew

Matthew Lippert
Corp. Matthew Lippert
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken post-war

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0151


1. Death record
2. Obituary of Lippert courtesy of Gratiot County Historical and Genealogical Society, Ithaca, Michigan
3. Cemetery record

Litchfield, Leroy

Object ID 2013.22.8.0264
Title: Litchfield, Leroy Co. H


Litchfield, Leroy

Leroy Litchfield, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0264


1. Obituary on Litchfield from Jamestown Morning Post
2. Letter from Litchfield to the State of New York

Locke, Harlin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0265
Title: Locke, Harlin Co. D


Locke, Harlin

Harlin Locke, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0265


1. Letter sent to Miss Ellen J. Martin, Locke's future wife
2. Paragraph on Locke from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen.
3. Family tree of Locke, includes biography on him

Locke, James E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0266
Title: Locke, James E. Co. B


Locke, James E.

James E. Locke, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0266


1. Obituary on Locke

Lockie, James H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0267
Title: Lockie, James H.


Lockie, James H.

James H. Lockie
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0267


1. Paragraph on Lockie from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen.
2. James H. Lockie: Persistence Personified by Dunkelman

Longcore, Hamilton

Object ID 2013.22.8.0268
Title: Longcore, Hamilton Co. I


Longcore, Hamilton

Hamilton Longcore, Co. I
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0268


1. Civil War letter to friends at home from Longcore
2. Civil War letter from Longcore to his mother and father
3. Civil War letter from Longcore to his father
4. Letter to Longcore's Father from Timothy A. Allen
5. Letter to Longcore's Father from Byron A. Johnston

Loomis, Henry C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0269
Title: Loomis, Henry C. Lt. Col.


Loomis, Henry C.

Henry Loomis
Lt. Col. Henry C. Loomis
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0153


1. H.C. Loomis portrait Lieut. Col., 154th N.Y. Inf. (4in x 5in)
2. Portrait of Henry C. Loomis lieutenant-Colonel 154th N.Y. Infantry (3.5in. x 5in.)
3. 4 photographs of Loomis's grave all (4in. x 6in.)
4. Diary of Nelson Loomis showing photo of 1st Lt. Henry C. Loomis, (8in. x 10in.)
5. 1st Lt. Henry C. Loomis 64th Regt. NYSVI
6. Packet of photocopies of portraits of Loomis as an old man

7. Obituary on Loomis from Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Kansas
8. Biography of Loomis from Winfield Courier
9. Civil War letter from Loomis to Head Quarters
10. Obituary on Loomis from Winfield (Kansas) Daily Courier
11. Article on Loomis's candidacy as mayor from Winfield (Kansas) Daily Courier
12. Births and Deaths of Cowley County, Kansas 1875-1969
13. Biography on Loomis from Biographical Record of Cowley County, Kansas
14. Biography on Loomis from The History of Cowley County, Kansas, Volume 1, The Beginning (1996)

Photograph of Lt. Col. Henry C. Loomis's Grave

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.001

Portrait of Lt. Col. Henry C. Loomis, 154th Regt., N.Y.S., Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.002

Portrait of Lt. Col. Henry C. Loomis in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.003

Photo of Lt. Col. Henry C. Loomis's Grave

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.004

Up-close look at Loomis's grave

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.005

Short biography of Loomis on his grave

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.006

Journal entry from Saturday, January 25th, 1862 with a signed photograph of Loomis

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.007

Photograph of Loomis in uniform with signature

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.008

Photograph of Lt. Col. Loomis in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.009

Portrait of Loomis from Chicago

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.010

Portrait of Loomis from Washington, D.C.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.011

Standing portrait of Loomis

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.012

Photograph of Loomis

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.013

Photograph of Loomis in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.014

Photograph of Loomis in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.015


Photograph of Loomis's grave

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.016

Portrait of Loomis with signature

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0269.017


Love, Samuel G.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0270
Title: Love, Samuel G. Maj.


Love, Samuel G.

Samuel Love

Maj. Samual G. Love
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0154


1. Article on Love's resignation as superintendent from Jamestown Evening Journal
2. Obituary on Love from Fredonia Censor
3. Obituary on Love from Jamestown Evening Journal

Lowing, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0271
Title: Lowing, Henry D. Chaplain


Lowing, Henry D.

Henry Lowing
Chaplain Henry D. Lowing
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.
Original had words printed beneath photo that have been cut off

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0155


1. Henry D. Lowing, Chaplain [portrait] 8in x 10in.
2. Henry D. and wife Nancy Jane (Pierce) Lowing 8in. x 10in.

3. Article on Lowing's withdrawal from regiment from Cattaraugus Freeman
4. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the Henry D. Lowing Letters and General Index to the Henry D. Lowing Letters
5. Civil War letters from Lowing, transcriptions and photocopies of original
6. Obituary of Lowing from Linesville (Pennsylvania) Herald transcription and photocopy of original (missing from file)
7. Article on Chaplain founding the Herald from The Linesville Herald: One Hundred Years of History
8. Biography on Lowing from History and Genealogy of the Lowing Family

Luce, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0272
Title: Luce, Henry Co. B


Luce, Henry


Henry Luce, Co. B
154th Regt., N.Y.S Col. Inf.

Henry Luce (1820-1885) with his wife,
Selina Teape (1823-1901)
Married 18 September 1842
Printed on standard printer paper,
Information typed on separate sheet

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0173


1. Photocopy of portrait of Luce with wife (8.5in. x 11in.)

2. Pension testimony (Courtesy of Buffalo County Historical Society)
3. Snell, Winona Duncan. "Appendix-Addenda." Poole: The Beginning, the End, and Beyond; a chronology. [Ravenna Historical Center. Ravenna, NE. N.d.] (Courtesy of Buffalo County Historical Society)
4. Letter to Dunkelman concerning Luce

Photocopy of portrait of Luce with wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0272.001

Lull, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0273
Title: Lull, William Co. F


Lull, William

William Lull
Corp. William Lull, Co. F, 154th Regt.,
N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo likely taken post-war

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0156


1. William Lull 154th NY [portrait] (13 copies, 1 is 8in. x 10in., 12 on kodak stripes) (Courtesy of Paul W. Barden)
2. William Lull and family (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Paul W. Barden)
3. William Lull (left); Ellen Farnham Lull (center); and John Farnham (right), both William & John served on Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Paul W. Barden)

4. Obituary on Lull

William Lull 154th NY

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0273.001

William Lull and family

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0273.002

William Lull (left); Ellen Farnham Lull (center); and John Farnham (right)

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0273.003

Top of Page

MacFarling, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0286
Title: MacFarling, James Co. D


MacFarling, James

James MacFarling, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0286


1. Snippet of McFarling's injury from Primary Amputation of Thigh in Middle Third (p. 231)

Macomber, E

Object ID 2013.22.8.0510
Title: Macomber, E. USN


Macomber, E.

E. Macomber, USN

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0510


1. Transciption and photocopy of original Civil War letters from Macomber

See Navy Files

Macomber, James G.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0274
Title: Macomber, James G. Co. E


Macomber, James G.
Fay, Joseph B.*
Jenkins, Isaac T.*
Jones, Patrick Henry*
Porter, Isaac N.*

James G. Macomber, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0274


1. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York and General Index to the James G. Macomber letters
2. Civil War letters from Macomber, transcriptions and photocopies of original

Mallory, Charles M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0275
Title: Mallory, Charles M. Co. G


Mallory, Charles M.

Charles Mallory, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S Col. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0275


1. Paragraph on Mallory from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1570-1573)

Manwaring, Civilian

Object ID 2013.22.8.0276
Title: Manwaring, Civilian Co. D


Manwaring, Civilain

Civilain Manwaring, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0276


1. Paragraph on Manwaring from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1522-1523)

Markham, Philo A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0277
Title: Markham, Philo A. Co. B


Markham, Philo A.

Philo Markham
Corporal Philo A. Markham
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Enlisted 7/28/62 Dayton, NY
Dischgd. 11/2/64 Louisville, KY
Pictured standing in military uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0158


1. Philo Markham Co. B, wife Julia & daughter Ida (2 copies, 5in. x 7in. and 8in. x 10in.)
2. Philo A. Markham and Julia Blackney Markham (8.5in. x 11in.)
3. Philo A. Markham as an old man [portrait] Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.)
4. Elderly Philo A. and Julia Markham Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.)
5. Philo A. Markhan (1837-1932) Corporal, Co. B 154th NYVI as a young man, (photocopy)
6. Portrait of Philo A. Markham as a soldier (photocopy)
7. Markham's Grave at Markham's Cemetary
8. Picture of article on Markham's 60th anniversary with his wife (8in. x 10in.)
9. Picture of article on Markham's 64th anniversary with his wife (8in. x 10in.)
10. Markham-Hunt Reunion c. 1903, (8in. x 10in.)
11. Mamie May- black girl adopted by Philo and Julia Markham, (8in. x 10in.)
12. Photocopy of head of young Markham in uniform Co. B, 154th N.Y. Vol. (8.5in x 11in.)
13. Photocopy of portrait of young Markham and his wife (8.5in. x 11in.)
14. Photocopy of Markham's brother Sylvanus in uniform (8.5in. x 11in.)

15. "A French Furlough," excerpt from Sketch of the Life & Army Service of P.A. Markham
16. Civil War letters from Markham to sister (transcriptions and photocopies of original)
17. Newspaper clippings on Markham (Courtesy of Mary Bridges)
18. Philo Markham's Long Walk, edited by Dunkelman and Phil Palen from Civil War Times Illustrated March/April 1995 edition (p. 26-30, 83)
19. French Leave, an Empty Sleeve, and Cartoon Faces: A Sketch of his Life and Army Service by Philo A. Markham, edited by Dunkelman and Phil Palen
20. Excerpt from "The Hardtack Regiment, an illustrated history of th 154th Regiment, New York State Infantry Volunteers by Dunkelman and Winey
21. Biography on Markham on his time in Civil War
22. Snippet on Markham's injury from Injuries of the Upper Extremities (2 copies) (p. 970, 973)
23. Biography of Markham with photo with wife and daughter (p. 159)
24. Sketch of the Life & Army Service of P. A. Markham (transcription and photocopy of original)
25. Obituary on Markham from Buffalo Courier-Express from June 13, 1932 (transcription and photocopy of original, 2 copies)
26. Snippet on Markham's death from Buffalo Evening News from June 13, 1932
27. Memo from Ed Markhman to Dunkelman about Philo Markham from March 23, 1991

Philo Markham Co. B
Pictured with his wife, Julia, and his daughter, Ida

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.001

Philo A. Markham and Julia Blackney Markham

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.002

Philo A. Markham as an old man
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.003

Elderly Philo A. and Julia Markham
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.004

Philo A. Markhan (1837-1932)
Corporal, Co. B 154th NYVI
Pictured as a young man

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.005

Portrait of Philo A. Markham as a soldier

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.006

Markham's Grave at Markham's Cemetary

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.007

Picture of article on Markham's 60th anniversary with his wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.008

Picture of article on Markham's 64th anniversary with his wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.009

Markham-Hunt Reunion c. 1903

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.010

Mamie May- black girl adopted by Philo and Julia Markham

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.011

Photocopy of head of young Markham in uniform
Co. B, 154th N.Y. Vol.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.012

Photocopy of portrait of young Markham and his wife

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.013

Photocopy of Markham's brother Sylvanus in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0277.014

Marsh, Duane

Object ID 2013.22.8.0278
Title: Marsh, Duane Co. A


Marsh, Duane

Duane Marsh, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0278


1. Civil War Letters from Marsh to his father
2. Article on Marsh's death

Martin, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0279
Title: Martin, Henry Co. C


Martin, Henry

Henry Martin, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0279


1. Appointment card from the U.S. Military Academy Archives

Mason, George J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0280
Title: Mason, George J. Co. K


Mason, George J.

George J. Mason
1st Sgt. George Mason
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0160


1. Photograph of Mason's musket (2 copies, both 4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of David Warne)
2. Photograph of lock on Mason's musket (2 copies, both 4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of David Warne)
3. Photograph of plaque on Mason's musket (4in. x 6in.) (Courtesy of David Warne)
4. 1st Sgt. George Mason, Co. K, 154th Regt., NYSVI (8in. x 10in.)

5. Civil War letters from Mason (Courtesy of Elaine Zimmer and Juliet Mason)
6. Biography on Mason
7. Email discussing Mason's gun

Photograph of Mason's musket

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0280.001

Photograph of lock on Mason's musket

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0280.002

Photograph of plaque on Mason's musket

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0280.003

1st Sgt. George Mason, Co. K,
154th Regt., NYSVI

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0280.004

Mason, William T.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0281
Title: Mason, William T. Co. K


Mason, William T.

William T. Mason, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0281


1. Paragraph on Mason from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1382-1385)

Mathewson, James M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0282
Title: Mathewson, James M. Co. K


Mathewson, James M.

Sgt. James M. Mathewson
Co. K, 154th Regt., N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0282.001


1. Portrait of Sgt. James M. Mathewson Co. K, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in.) (Courtesy of Jean Rae Erskine)

2. Article written by Mathewson on Civil War from Gowanda Reporter from June 13, 1863

McAvoy, Barney

Object ID 2013.22.8.0283
Title: McAvoy, Barney Co. G


McAvoy, Barney

Barney McAvoy

Pvt. Barney McAvoy
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0163


1. Illustration of McAvoy

2. Biographical information on McAvoy from 154th Regiment (photocopy of orginal) (Courtesy of the National Archives)

Illustration of McAvoy


McBride, Devillo D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0284
Title: McBride, Devillo D. Co. E


McBride, Devillo D.

Devillo McBride

Pvt. Devillo McBride, Co. E,
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured seated in military uniform

Name is written below the photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0163


1. Email Containing Information on McBride from County of Chautauqua Office of the County Clerk

McCadden, Richard J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0285
Title: McCadden, Richard J. Co. G


McCadden, Richard J.

Richard J. McCadden, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0285.001


1. Sgt. Richard J. McCadden portrait [Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.Y. vol. Inf. 4in. x 6in.]

2. Civil War letters from McCadden, transcriptions and photocopies of original
a. November 4th, 1862 [Original]
b. May 4th, 1863 [Original]
c. January 1st, 1863 [Original]
d. March 30th, 1864 [Original]
e. April 3rd, 1865 [Original]
f. Collection of transcribed copies for above letters [Nov. 4, Jan 1, Mar 30]
g. Collection of transcribed letters [June 5th, 1863- May 30th, 1865; includes transcribed copy of April 3rd]
3. Photocopy of letter envelopes
4. Photocopy of a medal belonging to McCadden
5. "The Battle of Chancellorsville. Jackson's Attack," copy owned by McCadden and James Bird, photocopy of original
6. Kinship of Richard McCadden
7. Descendants of Richard McCadden
8. Article that mentions McCadden from Cattaraugus Freeman []
9. Obituary on McCadden from Fairmont (Minnesota) Daily Sentinel
10. Article on Fiftieth Anniversary of McCadden and his wife [Copy of original in Fairmont (Minnesota) Museum]

McIntosh, Charles A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0287
Title: McIntosh, Charles A. Co. C


McIntosh, Charles A.

Charles A. McIntosh, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0290


1. Paragraph on McIntosh from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1576-1577)

McIntyre, Amos

Object ID 2013.22.8.0288
Title: McIntyre, Amos Co. B


McIntyre, Amos

Amos McIntyre
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured standing in uniform with sword and "GAR" hat

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0168


1. Portrait of Amos McIntyre Pri., Co. B (photocopy, 2 copies) (Courtesy of Walter McIntyre)

2. Notice of Enrollment
3. Paragraph on McIntyre from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1604-1605)

Portrait of Amos McIntyre Pri., Co. B

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0288.001

McKay, Charles

Object ID 2013.22.8.0289
Title: McKay, Charles Co. C


McKay, Charles

Sgt. Charles W. McKay
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf
From a photo of regimental veterans
at the GAR National Encampment, 1894
Pictured seated in decorated uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0167


1. Portrait of Sgt. Charles McKay, Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (3 copies 1 is 8in x 10in., 1 is 4in x 5in., 1 is 3.5 in x 5in)
2. Portrait of Sgt. Charles McKay in uniform (8in. x 10in.)

3. Hospital and Company Muster Roll documents
4. Documents from the Record and Pension Office
5. "Fighting Them Over: What our Veterans Have to Say About Their Old Campaigns" by McKay, transcription and photocopy of original (newspaper copy courtesy of Library of Congress)
6. Article mentioning 154th regiment from The National Tribune: Washington from October 8, 1908 (2 copies)
7. Obituary of McKay from Fergus Falls (Minnesota) Daily Journal (2 copies) (Courtesy of Ottertail County Historical Society)
8. Obituary on McKay from Staples, Todd County, Minnesota from August 29, 1912 (Courtesy of David W. Onan II)
9. Obituary of McKay from Ellicottville Post from September 18, 1912
10. "Three Years or During the War With the Crescent and Star" by Sgt. Charles McKay and excerpts with mention of McKay (p. 130-160 from The National Tribune Scrap Book) and excerpt from "History of Cattaraugus Co., N.Y."
11. Photocopies of eBay listing of 1909 presentation cane owned by McKay

Portrait of Sgt. Charles McKay, Co. C,
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0289.001

Portrait of Sgt. Charles McKay in uniform

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0289.002

McKee, Robert M.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0290
Title: McKee, Robert M. Co. F


McKee, Robert M.

Robert M. McKee, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0290


1. "A Soldier's Opinion of Copperheads" by McKee from July 8, 1863

McKeig, Malcom

Title: Malcolm McKeig
People: Malcolm McKeig

McKeig McKeig

Pvt. Malcom McKeig, Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with daughters Agnes Jane (left) and Anna (right)
Photo is extremely blurry,
Copy is printed on printer paper

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0169

Pvt. Malcom McKeig, Co. E, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo is extremely blurry,
Copy is printed on printer paper

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0170

McStay, James

Object ID 2013.22.8.0291
Title: McStay, James Co. D


McStay, James

James McStay, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0291


1. Paper on promotion to sergeant for Sgt. James McStay, Co D., 154th Regt., N.Y.S.V.I

Paper on promotion to sergeant for Sgt. James McStay, Co D.,
154th Regt., N.Y.S.V.I

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0291.001

Mearns, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0292
Title: Mearns, John Co. D


Mearns, John

John Mearns, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0292


1. Snippet on Mearn's injury from Injuries to the Lower Extremeties (p. 406)
2. Obituary of Mearns from Cattaraugus Freeman from June 15, 1863

Merkt, Joseph

Object ID 2013.22.8.0293
Title: Merkt, Joseph Co. A


Merkt, Joseph

Joseph Merkt, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0293


1. Obituary on Merkt from Bradford Era from May 23, 1912

Merrill, Alva C.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0294
Title: Merrill, Alva C. Co. K


Merrill, Alva C.


Alva C. Merrill, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
1845-1863 KIA Chancellorsville, VA May 3, 1863

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0171


1. Portrait of Alva C. Merrill Co. K 154 NYVI (8in x 10in., 1 photocopy)

2. 17 Civil War letters from Merrill

Portrait of Alva C. Merrill Co. K 154 NYVI

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0294.001

Merrill, Barzilla

Object ID 2013.22.8.0295
Title: Merrill, Barzilla Co. K


Merrill, Barzilla


Barzilla Merrill, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
1818-1863 KIA Chancellorsville, VA May 2, 1863

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0172


1. Barzilla Merrill, Private Co. K 154th Ny Vol. Inf. and Ruba Cole Merrill (8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Gerald and Eloise Merrill)
2. Pvt. Barzilla Merrill, Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf. (3 copies, 2 are 8in. x 10in.; 1 is 3.5in. x 5in.)
3. Black and white photocopy of Barzilla Merrill and Ruba Cole Merrill (8.5in. x 11in.)
4. Tombstone of Barizilla Merrill and Alva D. Merrill
5. Portrait of Barizilla Merrill
6. Zoomed out portrait of Pvt. Barzilla Merrill, Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf.

7. Civil War letters from Merrill
8. Letter by Merrill's wife on death of her husband and son (Courtesy of Wm. H. Peterson)
9. Letter to Merrill's wife on death of her husband and son, transcrition and photocopy of original (Courtesy of Louise Koenig)
10. Diary of Ruba Cole Merrill, huband Barzilla and son Alva both KIA at Chancellorsville, Virginia, transcription and photocopy of original
11. 154th New York listed in Death Notices
12. Article on Heman (Barzilla's father) and Barzilla Merrill
13. Poem written by Merrill
14. A Duty to His Country by Katrina Merrill

External link
Spared & Shared 23: "1862-63: Barzilla Merrill to Ruba (Cole) Merrill." This includes a brief biography of Merrill's time in the 154th as well as scans and transcriptions of forty letters between Barzill and Ruba Merrill.

Barzilla Merrill, Private Co. K 154th Ny Vol. Inf. and Ruba Cole Merrill

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.001

Pvt. Barzilla Merrill, Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.002

Black and white photocopy of Barzilla Merrill and Ruba Cole Merrill

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.003

Tombstone of Barizilla Merrill and Alva D. Merrill

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.004

Portrait of Barizilla Merrill

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.005

Zoomed out portrait of Pvt. Barzilla Merrill, Co. K, 154th Regt., NYS Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0295.006

Merrill, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0296
Title: Merrill, William Co. C


Merrill, William

William Merrill, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0296


1. Paragraph on Merill from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1384-1385)
2. Civil War Data on charge against Merrill

Messinger, Peter

Object ID 2013.22.8.0297
Title: Messinger, Peter Co. A


Messinger, Peter

Peter Messinger, Co A.
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0297


1. Paragraph on Messinger from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1420-1423)
2. Biography on Messinger from Genealogical and Family History of Western New York (p. 864-865)
3. Civil War Data (on charge against Messinger) (missing from file)

Miller, Charles

Object ID 2013.22.8.0299
Title: Miller, Charles Co. C


Miller, Charles

Charles Miller, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0299


1. Obituary on Miller

Miller, Frederick H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0300
Title: Miller, Frederick H. Co. C


Miller, Frederick H.

Frederick H. Miller, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0300


1. Grand Army of the Republic, form Bright Post, May 29, 1904. Miller is seventh from the left in top row (8.5in x 11in)

2. Obituary on Miller from Brighton Argus transcription and photocopy of original

Millholland, William

Object ID 2013.22.8.0301
Title: Millholland, William Co. G


Millholland, William

William Millholland, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0301


1. Obituary of Millholland from Ellicottville Post from May 2, 1922

Mitchell, John

Object ID 2013.22.8.0302
Title: Mitchell, John Co. D


Mitchell, John

John Mitchell
1st Lt. John Mitchell
Co. D, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0174


1. Portrait of John Mitchell (2 copies, 1 is 5in x 7in., 1 is 8in x 10in)

Portrait of John Mitchell

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0302.001

Moffitt, Aaron

Object ID 2013.22.8.0303
Title: Moffitt, Aaron Co. C


Moffitt, Aaron

Wilber Moore, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0303


1. Internment in the Alexandria National Cemetary

Monroe, Samuel A.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0304
Title: Monroe, Samuel A. Co. A


Monroe, Samuel A.

Samuel A. Monroe, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0304


1. Paragraph on Monroe from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1386-1387)
2. Obituary on Monroe from "'Largest Stove Plant in the World'" (p. 283) (Courtesy of Catt. Co. Historical Museum, Little Valley, New York)

Moore, Dwight

Object ID 2013.22.8.0305
Title: Moore, Dwight Co. H


Moore, Dwight

Dwight Moore, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0305


1. Civil War letters from Moore (Courtesy of Phil Palen and National Archives)

Moore, Sidney

Object ID 2013.22.8.0306
Title: Moore, Sidney Co. D


Moore, Sidney

Moore Sidney

Pvt. Sidney Moore, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original was framed

Not a clear photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0176


1. Transcription of letter to Moore's sister about Moore from June 13, 1864 (Courtesy of Gary Moore Chapel)
2. Photocopy of original letter to Moore's sister from June 13, 1864 with portrait of Moore (Courtesy of Gary Moore Chapel)
3. Article on 154th regiment from Cattaraugus Freeman from August 18, 1864

Moore, Wilber

Object ID 2013.22.8.0307
Title: Moore, Wilber Co. H


Moore, Wilber

Wilber Moore, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0307


1. Letters of Moore (Courtesy of National Archives)

Morey, Philip

Object ID 2013.22.8.0308
Title: Morey, Philip Co. H


Morey, Philip

Philip Morey, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0308


1. Record and obituary of Morey
2. Paragraph on Morey from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1282-1283)

Morgan, Benjamin D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0309
Title: Morgan, Benjamin D. Co. F


Morgan, Benjamin D.

Benjamin D. Morgan
Pvt. Benjamin D. Morgan
Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0177


1. Portrait of Pvt. Benjamin D. Morgan Co. F, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (4in x 6in) (Courtesy of Sue O'Rourke)

Portrait of Pvt. Benjamin D. Morgan,
Co. F 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0309.001

Morgan, Thomas G.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0310
Title: Morgan, Thomas G. Co. C


Morgan, Thomas G.

Thomas G. Morgan
Cpt. Thomas George Morgan,
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0178


1. Two obituaries on Morgan (Courtesy of Mary Ellen Fenner)

Morris, William H. H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0311
Title: Morris, William H.H. Co. I


Morris, William H. H.

William Morris

Corp. William Henry Harrison Morris
Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Not a clear photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0179


1. Portrait of Pvt. William Henry Harrison Morris Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (2 copies, 1 is 2.5 in x 3 in; 1 is 8in. x 10in.) (Courtesy of Vanda Greenwood)

2. Testimony before the Notary Public in Idaho about 154th regiment (Courtesy of Vanda Greenwood)
3. Two letters from Morris
4. Obituary on Morris from Idaho Statesman from March 24, 1920 (Courtesy of Boise Public Library)
5. Obituary on Morris from Evening Capital News (Boise, Idaho) from March 23, 1920 (Courtesy of Boise Public Library)

Portrait of Pvt. William Henry Harrison Morris Co. I, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0311.001

Morrison, Thomas H.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0312
Title: Morrison, Thomas H. Co. K


Morrison, Thomas H.

Thomas H. Morrison
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0312


1. Paragraph on Morrison from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1608-1609)

Mount, Peter P.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0313
Title: Mount, Peter P. Co. B


Mount, Peter P.

Peter Mount
Corp. Peter Perrine Mount
Co. B, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Pictured with his granddaughter, Thelma Olive White
Photo taken later in life

Original scratched

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0180


1. Portrait of Corp. Peter Perrine Mount with a cane Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in.)
2. Portrait of Corp. Peter Perrine Mount on a carriage Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10in).

3. Three Civil War Letters from Mount (transcriptions and photocopies of original)
4. Family Tree of Mount from Mount of New Amsterdam (Courtesy of Robert D. Weaver)

Portrait of Corp. Peter Perrine Mount with a cane
Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0313.001

Portrait of Corp. Peter Perrine Mount on a carriage
Co. B, 154th Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0313.002

Munger, Austin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0314
Title: Munger, Austin Co. F


Munger, Austin

Austin Munger, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0314


1. Internment in the Alexandria National Cemetery from November 12, 1862
2. Notice of Munger's death from Fredonia Censor from November 14, 1862
3. Tribute to Munger from Fredonia Censor from January 16, 1863 (transcription and photocopy of original)

Munger, Henry

Object ID 2013.22.8.0315
Title: Munger, Henry Co. F


Munger, Henry

Henry Munger, Co. F
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0315


1. Civil War Letters from Munger

Munger, Hiram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0316
Title: Munger, Hiram Co. C


Munger, Hiram

Hiram Munger, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0316


1. Certificate verifying Munger mustering into service for Co. C of 154th regiment (Courtesy of Dick Wonnell)
2. Article on Munger's funeral from Fremont Ohio Daily News from April 14, 1927 page 4 column 3 (Courtesy of Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center)

Murray, Thomas N.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0317
Title: Murray, Thomas N. Co. G


Murray, Thomas N.

Thomas N. Murray, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0317


1. Notice of Murray's death from Fredonia Censor from April 26, 1871

Myers, Boyd D.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0318
Title: Myers, Boyd D. Co. G


Myers, Boyd D.

Boyd Myers
Boyd D. Myers, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
"Yours truly, Boyd D. Myers" handwritten under photo

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0181


1. First page of diary of Pvt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf. (2 photos all 4in x 6in.) (Courtesy of David L. Myers)
2. Diary entry from July 1864 of Pvt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf. (2 photos all 4in x 6in.) (Courtesy of David L. Myers)
3. Portrait of Sgt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf. (8in. x 10.)

4. Index to mentions of members of the 154th New York in the Diary of Boyd D. Myers and General Index to the Boyd D. Myers Diary
5. Diary of Boyd D. Myers (Courtesy of David L. Myers)
6. Obituary of Myers from The Erie Pennsylvania Daily Times from August 29, 1913
7. Snippet on Myers from Report of the Adjutant General (p. 1181)

First page of diary of Pvt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0318.001

Diary entry from July 1864 of Pvt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0318.002

Portrait of Sgt. Boyd D. Myers Co. A, 154th Regt. NYS Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0318.003

Myers, Eugene

Object ID 2013.22.8.0319
Title: Myers, Eugene Co. A


Myers, Eugene

Eugene Myers, Co. A
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0319


1. Snippet on Myers's death from Injuries to the Lower Extremeties (p. 300)

Top of Page

Nelson, John F.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0320
Title: Nelson, John F. Co. H


Nelson, John F.

John F. Nelson, Co. H
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0320


1. Article mentioning Nelson from Cattaraugus Union from October 31, 1862
2. Snippet on Nelson returning home from Cattaraugus Union from April 3, 1863
3. Article mentioning Nelson from Cattaraugus Union from March 13, 1865

Newcomb, George W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0321
Title: Newcomb, George W. Co. K


Newcomb, George W.
Averill, Jerome*
Badgero, John*
Bailey, George*
Beardsley, Salmon W.*
Blair, William W.*
Bond, Marshal O.*
Chapman, William F.*
Ellsworth, Stiles B.*
Gardner, Daniel*
Herberner, Adams*
Hotchkiss, Arthur*
Howlett, Horace H.*
Hubbard, Philander W.*
Hugaboom, Henry*
Inmam, Harvey*
Jones, David S.*
Jones, Patrick H.*

Merrill, Alva C.*
Merrill, Barzilla*
Mills, Edward S.*
Noyes, Samuel C.*
Randall, Harvey*
Randall, Henry*
Real, George*
Robinson, Horace*
Rolf, Adelbert*
Ross, Edwin*
Rugg, Corydon C.*
Saxton, Baker Leonard*
Shannon, Truman S.*
Shelmadine, Bornt*
Strickland, Chester D.*
Van Aernam, Henry*
Vosburgh, Emory*
Wheelock, Theodore*

George W. Newcomb, Co. K
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0321


1. Index to Mentions of Members of the 154th New York in the Letters of George W. Newcomb and General Index
2. Civil War letters from Newcomb, transcriptions and photocopies of original (Courtesy of Mark Dunkelman, Michael Schaefer, Alexander Lynn)
3. Article on history of farm owned by Newcomb (Courtesy of Douglas Johnson)

Nichols, Wellman P.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0322
Title: Nichols, Wellman P. Co. C


Nichols, Wellman P.

Wellman P. Nichols, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0322


1. Awol charge against Nichols

Northrup, Hiram

Object ID 2013.22.8.0323
Title: Northrup, Hiram Co. D


Northrup, Hiram

Hiram Northrup, Co. D
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0323


1. Obituary of Northup from Bellvue Gazette from January 20, 1916

Norton, William W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0324
Title: Norton, William W. Chaplain


Norton, William W.
Beach, Oramel G.*
Jones, Patrick H.*
Pool, Simeon V.*
Van Aernam, Henry*

Chaplain William W. Norton
154th Regt., Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0182


1. Portrait of Chaplain Norton (5in x 7in.)
2. Photocopy of Portrait of W.W. Norton as an old man (8.5in. x 11in.) (Courtesy of Ruth Ann Hoffman)
3. Photograph of Chaplaincy appointment papers for Norton (8.5in. x 11in.) (Courtesy of Ruth Ann Hoffman)
4. Photograph of Muster-in Roll of Norton (8.5in. x 11in.) (Courtesy of Ruth Ann Hoffman)

5. Letters concerning the appointment of Norton to chaplain
6. Sermon given by Norton
7. Index to Mentions of Members of the 154th New York in the letters of Chaplain William W. Norton
8. Civil War Letters of Chaplain William W. Norton to his daughter Frankie, transcriptions and photocopies of original
9. Article on 154th regiment written by Norton from Cattaraugus Freeman
10. Obituary on Norton from Northfield (Minnesota) News

Portrait of Chaplain Norton

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0324.001

Photocopy of Portrait of W.W. Norton
as an old man

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0324.002

Photograph of Chaplaincy appointment papers for Norton

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0324.003

Photograph of Muster-in Roll of Norton

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0324.004

Noyes, Samuel Jr.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0325
Title: Noyes, Samuel Jr. Adjt.


Noyes, Samuel Jr.

Samuel Noyes Jr. Adjt.
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0325


1. Article on Noyes' home visit from the Cattaraugus Union from December 5, 1862
2. Snippet on Noyes's health from the Cattaraugus Freeman from December 11, 1862
3. Article on Noyes' death from the Cattaraugus Union from May 21, 1863
4. Noyes' obituary from the Cattaragus Freeman from May 21, 1863
5. Article on Noyes's death from the Cattaraugus Freeman from June 4, 1863

Top of Page

Ogden, Reuben R.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0326
Title: Ogden, Reuben R. Co. E


Ogden, Reuben R.

Reuben R. Ogden, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0326


1. Diary of Reuben R. Ogden
2. Advertisement for Ogden's diary
3. Snippet on Ogden's brother visiting him at home from Fredonia Censor from January 27, 1897

Onan, Warren

Object ID 2013.22.8.0327
Title: Onan, Warren Co. C


Onan, Warren


2nd Lt. Warren Onan, Co. C
154th Regt. N.Y.S Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0183


1. Portrait of Lt. Onan (5in x 7in.)

2. Documents relating to Onan's service (Courtesy of David Onan)
3. Obituary of Onan from Ellicottville Post from May 4, 1910
4. Biography on Onan
5. Biography on Onan from excerpt from "Illustrated Album of the Biographies of the Famous Red River Valley of the North and Park Regions"
6. Biography on Onan written by his great-great-grandson

Portrait of Lt. Onan

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0327.001

Osgood, Edwin

Object ID 2013.22.8.0328
Title: Osgood, Edwin Co. C


Osgood, Edwin

Edwin Osgood, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0328


1. Civil War Letter to his brother Aron on March 12, 1863 (Courtesy of the National Archives)
2. Snippet on Osgood's death (p. 268-269)

Osgood, Stephen

Object ID 2013.22.8.0329
Title: Osgood, Stephen Co. C


Osgood, Stephen

Osgood, Stephen

Pvt. Stephen Osgood
Co. C, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Photo is slightly unclear,
Likely to have been taken later in life

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0184


1. Portrait of Stephen Osgood, Pvt. Co. C, with cane (4 copies, 3 5in x 7in., 1 3.5in x 5in.)

2. Paragraph on Osgood From Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1388-1391)
3. Snippet of Osgood's Life (p. 268-269)

Portrait of Stephen Osgood, Pvt. Co. C, with cane

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0329.001

Osgood, William W.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0330
Title: Osgood, William W. Co. C


Osgood, William W.

William W. Osgood, Co. C
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0330


1. Paragraph on Osgood from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1388-1389)
2. Snippet of Osgood's Life (p. 266-267)

Osterhout, William J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0331
Title: Osterhout, William J. Co. E


Osterhout, William J.
Osterhout, Abranm
Osterhout, James F.

William J. Osterhaut, Co. E
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0331

Osterhout's brothers also served in the war: Private Abram Osterhout, Co. I, 34th NYVI & Private James F. Osterhout, Co. C, 107th NYVI. Both survived the war.


1. Photo of handwritten Osterhout Family Record (8.5in. x 11in.)

2. Letter to Osterhout's wife (Margaret "Maggie" Osterhout) informing her of Osterhout being taken prisoner from August 19, 1863 (Courtesy of Chuck Rhodes)
3. Letter acknowledging Osterhout's death (Courtesy of Chuck Rhodes)

Photo of handwritten Osterhout Family Record

Object ID: 2018.35.3

Osterhout's grave in Annapolis National Cemetery.
Find-a-Grave photo from Nancy Sheads

Object ID: 2018.36.4

Osterstuck, Emery

Object ID 2013.22.8.0332
Title: Osterstuck, Emery Co. G


Osterstuck, Emery

Emery Osterstuck, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0332


1. Paragraph on Osterstuck from Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen (p. 1584-1586)

Oyer, Andrew J.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0333
Title: Oyer, Andrew J. Co. G


Oyer, Andrew J.

Andrew J. Oyer, Co. G
154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0333


1. Short biography on Oyer from Fourth Generation (p. 129) (Courtesy of Phylllis Oyer)

Oyer, Clark E.

Object ID 2013.22.8.0334
Title: Oyer, Clark E. Co. G


Oyer, Clark E.

Clark E. Oyer
Sgt. Clark E. Oyer
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original taken from a group photo of a 154th gathering

Object ID: 2013.22.9.0185


1. Sgt. Clark E. Oyer, Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf., original taken from a group photo of a 154th gathering (8in. x 10in.)

2. Letter from Oyer's father on [August] 24th, 1862
3. Letter to and from Oyer's uncle September 22nd, 1862
4. Letter from Oyer to his family on December 18th, 1863
5. Undated, torn letter
6. Biography of Oyer (Chapter 10) (Courtesy of Phyllis Oyer)

Sgt. Clark E. Oyer
Co. G, 154th Regt., N.Y.S. Vol. Inf.
Original taken from a group photo of a 154th gathering

Object ID: 2013.22.8.0334.001

Top of Page