Chapel Entrance Statues
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    Saint Francis' love for the crucified Christ strongly influenced his followers.  This seraphic love of the Crucified among the Friars is represented by statues of six Franciscan Saints. These Friars are part of the very full and complex history of the Order. Each of these Saints contributed in a special way to the liturgy and the sacred devotions in which Christ and his Blessed Mother are honored.

    Saint Anthony's devotion to the Christ Child reflects the devotion of Saint Francis to Christ in the Crib of Bethlehem.  Saint Paschal Baylon reflects the devotion of Saint Francis to the Blessed Sacrament.  Saint Leonard of Port Maurice promoted the Stations of the Cross after the example of Saint Francis' appreciation of the sufferings and death of Christ.

Saint Anthony, Saint Paschal Baylon, Saint Leonard

    Saint Bernardine of Siena and Saint John Capistran promoted devotion to the Names of Jesus and Mary throughout Middle Europe following the example of Saint Francis' love of these sacred names.  Blessed Bernardine of Feltre expressed in words the sentiments of Saint Francis toward the reception of Christ in Holy Communion: "Soul of Christ sanctify me, Body of Christ save me, Blood of Christ inebriate me, and so forth."

Saint Bernardine of Siena, Blessed Bernardine of Feltre, Saint John Capistran

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