Our Lady's Campanile (bell tower) houses
three bronze bells. Each of the bells is dedicated to an individual whose
influence on the University is both significant and unique.
The history of the Franciscan Order is
glorious by reason of the devotion of the Sons of Saint Francis to Christ the
King and to Mary, His Blessed Mother. In keeping with this heritage, the
Saint Bonaventure University campus proudly boasts of two bell towers. One is
dedicated to Christ the King and located on the eastern end of the campus at
Francis Hall, formerly the Seminary of Christ the King. The other tower
dedicated to Mary, Queen of the Order of Friars Minor, and placed next to the
University Chapel. The height of the Doyle tower, from the ground
to the topmost of the cross, reaches 114'-9" and the height of the Francis
Hall tower is a total 129'-3". This symbolizes that the King shall forever
reign over all and the Queen shall always adore Him. |


The topmost bell is dedicated to Mary, Queen of the
Order of Friars Minor. Its inscription contains the greeting of the Angel
Gabriel to Mary: Ave gratia plena, dominus tecum- "Hail, full of
grace, the Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28). The middle bell is
dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi, Founder of the Order of Friars
Minor. The inscription on this bell is a greeting to Mary found in Saint
Francis' writings: Ave domina sancta, regina sanctissima, Dei Genetrix Maria-
"Hail Holy Lady, Most Holy Queen, Mary, Mother of God" (Salutation
to the Blessed Virgin Mary). The lowest bell is dedicated to Saint
Bonaventure, patron of the University and of the Friary. Inscribed on this
bell is a greeting to Our Lady found in the writings of the Seraphic Doctor: Ave
imperatix gloriosa super choros supernorum civium sublimata- "Hail
glorious empress, raised above the choirs of heavenly citizens." |
