
John F. Carr was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but raised in San Diego, California. He now resides with his wife, Tori, and two cats, Holstein and Pork Chop, in Boalsburg, Pennsylvania.
He is the author of eight novels and twenty-seven theme anthologies and short story collections.
These include the 2001 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award Winner, The Survival of Freedom. His other anthologies include, Nebula Award Stories Sixteen, The Science Fiction Yearbook, nine volumes of There Will Be War, four volumes of The Endless Frontier, three volumes of Imperial Stars and seven volumes of the shared-world anthology series, War World. John was also the Editor of The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, the Publisher of Sticky Fingers Magazine, the Managing Editor of the Far Frontiers paperback magazine and SF editor of Popular Computing.
He has published a number of short stories, including two stories with Roland Green for Robert Adam's Friends of the Horseclans series. The latest volume in the War World series, "War World: The Battle for Sauron" by John F. Carr and Don Hawthorne was published in 2007 by Pequod Press.
He also edited and wrote the introductions to all five Ace Books H. Beam Piper short story collections, "Federation," "Empire," "Paratime," "The Worlds of H. Beam Piper" and "The Complete Paratime."
John is the recognized authority on the life and works of H. Beam Piper and his Piper biography, "H. Beam Piper: A Biography" was published by McFarland and Company on March 30, 2008. An excerpt from this work-in-progress appeared in the January 1988 issue of Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Magazine.
He just completed "The Fireseed Wars", the next installment of the Kalvan Saga. He is also working on a new collection of Paratime stories to be called "The Paratime Police Chronicles," which will contain all of Piper's Paratime Police stories, as well as several new Paratime stories he has recently written.
St. Bonaventure University has become the home of the John F. Carr Collection at the Friedsam Memorial Library Archives. This Archive contains published and well as unpublished works and materials relating to his career.
John can be contacted at:
Roland Green has worked as a full-time writer and reviewer most of the time since he sold his first novel, "Wandor's Ride", in 1973. Green's most prominent works are his military action adventures of the future, including the "Great Kings' War" (with John F. Carr), the Starcruiser Shenandoah series and the Peace Company series.
He has also written a number of Conan novels and has co-authored two Janissaries novels with Jerry Pournelle and wrote "Jamie the Red" with Gordon R. Dickson. He has written and published over 60 novels and numerous short stories.
Donald Hawthorne is an avid wargamer and former editor of the Avon Hill General. He has written over half a dozen War World stories and, with co-author John F. Carr, wrote the War World novel, "War World: The Battle for Sauron". Hawthorne also wrote a number of Iron Angel stories for the There Will Be War series.

Wolfgang Diehr is a former US Army sergeant and Wayne State University alumnus. He has worked numerous jobs from ice cream truck sales to private security, assisted in the creation of the Devil Whiskey computer game and acted in several student films.
He was bit by the writing bug while attending college. Wolfgang also moderates the Piper Worlds discussion group on Yahoo were fans of H. Beam Piper share ideas and discuss his body of work. He lives in the Thumb of Michigan with his dog, Curtys and two feral cats, Ares and Hermes. "Fuzzy Ergo Sum" is Wolfangang's first published novel.

H. Beam Piper was born in Altoona, Pennsylvania on March 23, 1905, the son of a meter reader for the local electric company. His namesake and grandfather, Captain Henry Beam Piper, was a Civil War veteran and later a doctor. Piper himself had no formal education and at age eighteen went to work as a railroad yard guard in the Altoona Juniata Yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad (Pennsy).
He began writing in the early 1920s, but never sold anything until John W. Campbell purchased "Time and Time Again" for Astounding Science Fiction in 1946; it was published the following year. He continued to work part-time at the Altoona Pennsy car shops until the mid-fifties when the big railroad layoffs began.
Throughout his life Piper was a reticent and guarded man with a courtly Victorian manner. He was an autodidact and those who knew him well claimed he knew more history than most college professors. Beam used to pride himself on his self-education telling friends that he educated himself "without subjecting myself to the ridiculous misery of our years in the uncomfortable confines of a raccoon coat."
Any time an important artist or writer's work is brought to a premature end by death, those who love his work suffer the most tragic loss of all. Science fiction has known its share of tragedies, but few resonate as deeply as the suicide of H. Beam Piper. Piper, who was at his writing peak at the time of his death, had quickly, and without the usual hype and fanfare, established himself as one of the science-fiction fields' finest and most beloved authors.
Piper wrote many short stories and some nine novels. He is best known for his extensive Terro-Human Future History series and for Paratime, his alternate worlds series. Pequod Press will be publishing most of H. Beam Piper's public domain short stories and novels in hardcover editions, with new covers by Alan Gutierrez, over the next few years starting with "Space Viking".