1987 Hellinger Award Winner- Mary Roche Mahar

Pictures relating to 1987 Hellinger Award

Anouncement of 1987 Hellinger Award Winner

Various Pictures of 1987 Hellinger Award Dinner


What They are up to now- As of Fall 2010

After receiving the Hellinger Award in 1987, Mahar was worked as an admissions counselor at Daemen College, as an account coordinator at JWAG Associates in Boston, Mass., and as an account executive in advertising at the Journal-Inquirer in Manchester, Conn.
Maher is currently raising three children with her husband, David, in Simsbury, Conn. She is actively involved with the Parent Teacher Organization, coordinating fundraising and events. She also is involved in community service for the Simsbury Junior Women’s Club and teached CCD at St. Mary’s Church.