1981 Hellinger Award Winner- Catherine Artman

Bio and Pictures available

Catherine Artman Bio clipping

1981 Hellinger Award Committee Finances

What they are up to now- As of Fall 2010

Catherine Artman is a copy editor in the features department at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Her entire career has been in newspapers.
“Winning the Hellinger in 1981 was a wonderful honor,” she said. “I remember that I did not know what knid of speech was expected at the awards banquet; I wasn’t sure what topics to discuss or how much to say. So, I called my former BV editor for advice. He had won the Hellinger previously. It was a good choice—obviously; Neil Cavuto has no problem speaking in front of a lot of people.”
Aside from the journalism field, Artman had traveled extensively, and considers it one of her passions.