1977 Hellinger Award Winner- Valerie Mottes Reed


Bio and Pictures Available

Bona Venture clipping of Mottes Reed

Bio and Credentials of Mottes Reed

1977 Hellinger Award Candidates

1977 Mark Hellinger Award Committee finances

What they are up to now- As of Fall 2010

Valerie Reed, winner of the Mark Hellinger award in 1977, is senior communicator of marketing and communications for St. Mary’s Medical Center in Langhorne, Pa. Reed worked at The Philadelphia Inquirer as a suburban writer and as a copy chief/copy editor, at The Trenton Times as a copy chief/copy editor, and as a freelancer. Reed earned a master’s degree in communications from Temple University in 1978 and received the 2005 Media Award for the Human Services Communications Coalition of Bucks County for coverage in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Valerie Mottes Reed Scholarship at St. Bonaventure University was established in 2000 with the help of a generous benefactor to recognize promising sophomores and juniors who significantly contribute to The Bona Venture, the student newspaper.
She met Bill Reed, the 1975 Hellinger recipient, in 1974 while attending St. Bonaventure, and they married in 1978. They have three children: Michael, Eric and Rebecca.