Mary Hamilton Drawer 1


·         P.C. Samples of Student Papers

o   P.C. = Pop Culture

·         P.C. Papers – Other

·         Popular Culture

·         Popular Culture - Week I

·         Popular Culture - Week II

·         Popular Culture - Week III

·         Popular Culture - Week IV

·         Popular Culture - Week V

·         Popular Culture - Week VI

·         Popular Culture - Week VII

·         Popular Culture - Week VIII

·         Pop Culture Syllabi SAVE

·         411 – Handouts

·         Pop Culture - Books

·         Pop Culture – Class Notes

·         Advertising

·         Books

·         Comics

·         Confession Journalism

·         Culture - Overview

·         Elvis

·         Magazines

·         Misc. – Architecture, Radio City Music Hall

·         Movies – esp. Male Image

·         Marshall McLuhan – Jrn 411

·         Music – Ad. Jingles

·         Newspapers – The “Tabs”

·         Nostalgia

·         Packaging

·         The NY Post

·         Radio

·         TV

·         Audiences, Demographics, Leisure Time: Television & Movies

·         Theater

·         Vietnam

·         Vietnam – In Movies, etc.

·         The American Theater

·         Book Publishing

·         Comics…

·         Critics – Stage & Film & TV CRITIC POWER

·         Culture & The Masses

·         Ethnics & Minorities in the Entertainment Media…

·         Film Reviews: “Godfather”, “All the President’s Men”, “Exorcist”, “Nashville”, and Assorted…

·         Financing the Arts

·         Government & the Arts

·         Magazines

·         The Movie Industry… (Booking, Production, Marketing, Molding Public “Taste”…)

·         Schlock – News

·         Popular Music… (Rock & Roll etc…)

·         TV: Sex, Violence, Censorship, Children, Influence, etc…

·         Radio…

·         Television, Film and Advertising’s Image of the Woman

·         The Recording Industry; Trends in Contemp. Music…

·         Reviews and Criticism

·         Television & Film & Programming “Content”…

·         Television Industry

·         Women – Image of – In Movies, TV (Also See Comic & Adv.)

·         50th Anniversary

o   of Jandoli School

·         Assessment – JMC

·         Mission Statement & Stuff

·         P&T – Dept. Guidelines – F’88

o   P&T = promotion and tenure

·         Faculty Meetings – 1988-89

·         MC Faculty Meetings 90-91

o   MC = Mass Communication

·         MC Faculty Meetings: 91-92

·         MC Faculty Meetings: 92-93

·         J/MC Faculty Meetings: 93-94

·         J/MC Faculty Meetings: 2000-01

·         J/MC Faculty Meetings: 1999-2000

·         J/MC Faculty Meetings: 98-99

·         Faculty Meeting; 97-98

·         Faculty Meeting; 96-97

·         Faculty Meeting; 95-96

·         J/MC Faculty “Staff” - 94-95

·         Faculty Meetings: 93-94

·         Dean Search Applications – 1995-96