Departmental Surveys


The J/MC Department often surveys its Alumni and students to learn how students feel about the program. In regards to Alumni, the University has shown interest in whether Alumni felt as though they were properly prepared for a career in journalism after graduation.



At the 1993 Alumni Reunion, there were a total of 27 attendees with alumni from ’58-’92.



Journalism and Mass Communication Alumni Reunion, Washington, D.C. 1993

The Reunion in Washington, D.C, of 1993 resided on the seventeenth floor of the USA Today building. The Reunion’s organizers gave out surveys at the reception to review the Department’s curriculum. They were also interested in adopting a set of admission standards for students interested in the Department. In answering the survey, participants were given the options of answering with Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree, as well as an area for comments on each question to give their own personal input.


The following are some of the questions found on the survey:

“Students should be required to work on the campus media as part of their J/MC departmental requirement for graduation.”
“Students must be able to type 35 wpm with at least 85 percent accuracy to be admitted into the J/MC program.”
“Students must have at least a cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale”
“Freshman or transfer students must enroll in J/MC 101, Intro to Mass Media, and earn a ‘B’ or better.”



Copy of the Survey handed out April 27, 1993.



Survey of J/MC grads on Leads for Jobs 1993

The Department asked Bonaventure Alumni to fill out a questionnaire on how they felt about their job and job leads. The University also asked if there were any job openings where they worked. If the response was yes, the University wanted to know of whom within their organization would be willing to accept St. Bonaventure graduates students there. They were also asked what the Bonaventure curriculum did to help/hurt their career, if they wished to take other courses, and if some had not been useful to them.


Student Surveys 1993

In the Student Surveys of Spring 1993, there were 81 responses: 6 freshmen, 26 sophomores, 16 juniors and 42 seniors.


Survey Results of Key Questions

86 percent agreed that freshmen should be provided with computer instruction.
46 percent agreed that students must pass a qualifying exam in spelling, grammar, and vocabulary as a requirement for admission into the program.
59 percent agreed that that a cumulative GPA average of at least 2.5 must be maintained to stay in the program.
72 percent agreed that students should be required to work on campus media for graduation.
84 percent agreed that students should take a career prep course before starting their senior year.



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