Main Page

The Writer’s Notebook file folder contains Professor Jandoli’s manuscript of the same name. The manuscript is broken up into its chapters and that is what makes up the majority of this folder.

  1. Let’s Try It the Hard Way First
  2. A Few Clues
  3. Imagination – the Priceless Ingredient
  4. Settle Down to a Writing Process
  5. Technical Violations
  6. Overcoming the Spelling Bugaboo
  7. Some Basic Rules of Grammar
  8. Cultivate a large Vocabulary
  9. Get Your Sources Straight
  10. Follow a Logical Pattern
  11. The Misunderstood Beginning, Middle and Ending
  12. Control Your Copy – and Say What You Think
  13. Interest – Giving Your Story Life
  14. Prose Rhythm: Do it by Ear
  15. Imagery: Appeal to the Senses
  16. Fictional Techniques and The New Journalism
  17. The Final Check


  1. Assignment Record
  2. Calendar of Assignments
  3. Heredity Assignment