2002 Hellinger Award Winner- Brooke J. Sherman-Schmeig

The Hellinger Awards in 2002 were again held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Brooke Sherman of Eldred, Pennsylvania was chosen as the winner due to her outstanding GPA and extensive involvement on campus and with various internships.

Sherman, the recipient of a dual degree of political science and journalism/mass communication, was a member of Kappa Tau Alpha, Pi Sigma Alpha (the national political science society), was a writer and student editor for The Communicator (the newsletter of the JMC department), and was secretary of Phi Eta Sigma, a freshman honor society.

Experiences off campus included an internship for The Chautauquan Daily and The Olean Times-Herald. Following graduation, Sherman attended The American University in Washington, DC where she sought a master's degree in public affairs journalism.

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