1996 Hellinger Award Winner- Michael E. Hill

1996 Hellinger Award winner Michael Hill earned his degree in journalism/mass communication with concentrations in political science and music performance. Passionate about the arts, he served an internship as assistant to the director of The Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, helping out with programming creating brochures and advertisements and acting as box office manager. Hill was also the editor in chief of The Bona Venture when he the campus newspaper won its first Associated Collegiate Press All-American Award in 10 years, rapidly ascending up the from staff writer to a number of managing positions before being named editor-in-chief. While at The Bona Venture, he also instituted a code of ethics and wrote a local stylebook for the paper.

Off campus Hill, a native of Norfolk, New York, was a recipient of the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund internship and scholarship and was assigned to the Times-Dispatch in Richmond, Virginia and served as a copy editor and was also honored with a New York Press Association Award in 1994. He was a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Alpha Phi Omega (a national service fraternity) and Kappa Tao Alpha.

Following graduation, Hill became a student at St. Mary's University of Minnesota where he worked on obtaining a master's degree in arts administration.

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