Francis Hall
Home Christ the King Residence Hall Thomas More Friary


Francis Hall began its existence as Christ the King Seminary.  The seminary opened its doors to the first seminarians in 1951 and closed them in 1974 when combined with St. John's Seminary in East Aurora, NY.  Acquired by the University, it became Francis Hall, a dormitory  for university students.  

It was helpful for the university because at the time it was experiencing a crunch for student living space.  The rooms in Francis Hall were singles, but they provided a lot more living space than the University had previously.  It currently houses some University offices as well.

The Eucharistic Clock on the campanile showed where the Eucharist was being performed at any given time of the day. Sadly, the hands have been missing for many years.

From SBU web site 

This web site was created during the Fall 2003 semester by Patrick Carr for History 419: Computer and Archival Skills for Historians.  Additional material was included during the Spring 2011 semester's class by Brett Reed.

 Any changes, other than minor editing,  are noted.

Unless otherwise noted, the source for material in this site is the Saint Bonaventure University Archives buildings collections.

For information about the Archives' collections contact:

Friedsam Memorial Library
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
telephone: 716.375.2322

Or go to our web pages at:


"Fall" photo added 1/12/2004 by D. Frank
Site brought up 1/12/2004
Last updated:  05/02/11