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Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Minutes of February 18, 1857

At at meeting held in
Ellicottville Febry 18th 1857.
Bishop Timon, Pamfilo de
Magliano John C Devereux &
Tho. B. Devereux, being present
it was moved by Bishop Timon
& afterwords seconded that a
Committee of three be appointed
to make all necessary arrange
ments & have full power to
make all necessary arrange
to put up & errect a suitable
building for a College &c to
be called the Franciscan College
at Allegany on their land in
sain town & push it on to
completion as fast as possible.
and also that Rev. Pamfilo de Magli
ano John C. Devereux & Thos. B.
Devereux should constitute such
a Committee, which was
passed unanimously.

                Thos. B Devereux