1965 "Dink" |
St. Bonaventure tie |
Freshman name placard |
Coeds' Handbook, 1961-62 |
Freshman Regulations, class of 1965 |
Class of 1965 Junior Prom dance card, "Up a Lazy River" |
Class of 1964 Junior Prom dance card, "Spring Flower-Ivory
Moon", includes invitation |
1961 Military Ball program and invitation |
1963 Military Ball program and invitation |
Letter to "Entering Student", August 1961, with map of
campus |
Ticket- Anti-Communists at Work, Constantin Boldyreff,
Senate Lecture Series I |
1963 Commencement program |
2 torn tickets for Winter Carnival (Class of 1964) |
Press Day 1961- flyer, name tag, lunch menu/program |
Hamlet program, 12/1963 |
Letter to parents regarding off-campus coed regulations,
11/1964 |
Frosh Frolics '65- program and script for "Stinkerella" |
Parents' Weekend, 1962, program |
"Male Animal", 1961, Garret Theatre Players- 5 programs,
photograph |
e Flame Leaps Up", 1963, Sophomore class production-
program, Mary's script |